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F.B.I. - Wanted and Arrest List


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Wanted List / Arrest List

Wanted 1

- Furtul vehicul
- Apeluri nefondate la 112

- Spargere autoturism *

- Livrare Droguri *( Skill 3,4 )

- Livrare Materiale * ( Skill 3,4 )

- Patrundere proprietate privata*

- Plantare droguri*


Wanted 2

- Atacare civil
- Neconformare ordin
- Patrundere teren guvernamental (inchisoarea, garajul LSPD, FBI şi NG, area 51)

Wanted 3

- Rapire civil
- Posesie droguri / Folosire droguri
- Atacare politist

- Neplata amenda

- Jefuire politist

- Furt vehicul de departamente* *

- Livrare Droguri * ( Skill 5 )

- Livrare Materiale * ( Skill 5 )

Wanted 4

- Drive-by
- Mituire politist
- Omorarea unui civil

Wanted 5

- Rapire politist
- Omorare politist
* *

Wanted 6

- Fugar *
- Complice*

- Jaf Bancar* *

- Tentativa evadare* *


* - Nu are drept de predare.

* - Wanted acordat de server.


Cazuri in care suspectul isi pierde dreptul de predare





-Omorarea unui politist

-Abuz de ESC on wanted

-Abuz de [/q] on wanted ( Minim 2 ori )

-Orice wanted + Cop Attack ( in aceasta ordine )

-Furt vehicul departament

-Incercare de evadare

-DM pe un politist + alt wanted




  • Pentru runner, rob, abuz de esc on wanted, complice, rapire (si nu se renunta la /tie) sau abuz de /q on wanted suspectul nu are dreptul sa se predea.
  • Pentru rapire cop / civil suspectul are dreptul de a coopera cu politia. Daca acesta accepta sa dea /untie celui rapit, primeste drept la predare. Daca refuza sa coopereze isi pierde acest drept si va fi omorat.
  • Se considera runner orice player care nu a oprit la semnalele de avertizare (luminoase si acustice) ale politistului si fuge cu un vehicul (Aici se include si bicicleta). Politistul este obligat sa someze prin comanda /m sau /ms de cel putin 3 ori

Comanda pentru arestarea unui suspect:

[arrest (nume / id)]






Wanted 1
- Car Jacking
- Prank call 112
- Car lock picker *
- Drugs Delivery * (skill 3&4)
- Materials Delivery * (skill 3&4)
- Private property penetration *
- Planting drugs*
Wanted 2
- Civilian attack
- Disobeying orders
- Trespassing on Governamental Area (Jail, garage LSPD, FBI and NG, AREA 51)
Wanted 3
- Kidnapping Civilian
- Drugs possesion/use
- Cop attack*
- Not paying ticket
- Pickpocketing cop
- Department car jacking * *
- Drugs Delivery * (skill 5)
- Materials Delivery * (skill 5)
Wanted 4
- Drive-By
- Bribary
- Civil kill
Wanted 5
- Kidnapping cop
- Cop kill * *
Wanted 6
- Runner *
- Accomplice *
- Bank robbery * *
- Escape attempt *
* - Without the right to surrend
* - Wanted granted by the server
Cases in which the suspect loses his right to surrend
- Bank robbery
- Runner
- Accomplice
- Cop kill
- Abuse of esc with wanted
- Abuse of [/q] with wanted ( Minimum 2 times)
- Any wanted + Cop Attack (in this order)
- Department car jacking
- Escape attempt
- DM on a cop + other wanted.
* For runner, bank robbery, abuse of esc with wanted, accomplice, kidnapping (and it does not give up at /tie) or abuse of /q with wanted, the suspect dont have the right to surrend.
* For kidnapping cop/civilian the suspect has the right to cooperate with the police. If he accept to /untie the kidnapped player, he receives the right to surrend. If he refuse to cooperate, he loses this right to surrend and will be killed.
* Is considered runner any player who did not stop at the warning signals (bright and acoustic) of the cop and run with a vehicle (the bike is included too). The cop is forced to notice the suspect with /m or /ms command at least 3 times.
The command to arrest a suspect: [/arrest name/id]



Edited by South MaxyMusS
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