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Las Venturas Taxi - Discuții | Discussions


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Salut! Mi-a fost spart contul :| fix dupa ce am donat... cine ma poate ajuta? Dau paysafe 25 lei. Sper sa nu imi faca ceva pe cont pnm.

Salut. Habar nu am cum te putem ajuta sa-ti recuperezi contul. Ce parola aveai 12345 si pin 1111 ? Puneti-va frate parole zdravene gen: 09fgh57ase123 sau ceva care sa fie greu de descoperit. Pin la fel unul greu. Cum sa nu vi se sparga conturile daca voi aveti parole slabe.

Edited by PaterNo aka ClaudiuMeister
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Bafta in continuare baieti sa aveti grija de voi , sa fiti cuminti sa ascultati de noul lider care o sa fie . Sa nu uitati " TOATA LUMEA FARE DACA NU FW ORA OBLIGATORIE " :))) eh sincer chiar va iubesc si tin la voi mult . Nu o sa va uit niciodata . Bafta baieti !


Buna ziua si imi cer scuze daca deranjez prin acest post .



Vreau sa stiu daca sunteti bine ? Imi doresc sa mearga factiunea cum mergea cand eram eu lider si m-as bucura sa aud chestia asta . Sa ascultati de lider / sublider si sa fiti activi !! Taxi LV power .



Cateva momente cand eram eu lider :




O zi buna va doresc si ma scuzati daca am deranjat pe cineva ..

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@South KeNN, raspunde maine-poimaine la app. Sunt ocupat cu invatatu si nu prea am timp de joc. Incerc sa retin din timp sa mai intru. Se apropie examenele si .. incerc ptr. o nota marisoara.

Nu.i problema fratelo, sunt eu aici , te acopar eu :)))

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Hello Everyone

How are you Guys ?


@@South Holmes, Please can you Translate This

I think Holmes is wanking rn, i don't know exactly, but I will help you. Check the spoiler


As you know, today 06.16.2016 20:00 we had the weekly meeting. I want to tell the important discussions held at the meeting.


First of all LV Taxi has joined a project called "Selected Seven", this is mostly a alliance betweend factions. In this project are involved 6 factions, Cows (the Mayor candidate) and ofc Kelton . Kennedy will open this subject and detail it another time.


Starting from now, the "best" place at activity report will have benefits. These benefits are the amount of $ 50,000 , and the next activity report will be optional. The "best" place will be taked by the member who have the most activity points. To join the competition you need to have 200 activity points or more. For example, if 5 members will have 200+ points, the guy with the most win. If you win a "best" title, the next week you can't participate at this event. You are not allowed to win consecutively.


I also want to remember you some rules you should know.:

1. Do not drive till the costumer say a location.

2. Stop being rude with the costumers, show some respect, because "our costumers, our bosses".


About the meeting, today was optional. The last meeting optional. As you want rank / fw clear in time, we want you to be active and participate at events or meetings.


*Note: Holmes is GAY!


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