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Las Venturas Taxi - Discuții | Discussions


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Am modificat cate ceva la reguli:


Reguli generale:

7. Fare este:

  • 50$ ziua intre orele: 8:00 - 19:00.
  • 100$ noaptea intre orele: 19:00 - 8:00.

Daca puneti alt /fare veti fi sancionati.


19. Nu aveti voie sa stati AFK(Away from keyboard) in masinile factiunii. Daca aveti o urgenta coborati din masina.


Regulament intern:

11. Nu aveti voie sa jefuiti banca in timpul zilei.

Aveti voie doar in intervalul: 23:00 - 8:00.

Deoarece au alte atributii si nu sunt obligati sa preia comenzi, rank 6 pot da rob ziua.


I changed some rules:


Reguli generale (General rules):

7. Fare is:

  • $50 the day between the hours: 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
  • $100 night between the hours: 7:00 p.m. to 8:00.


19. You may not stay AFK(Away from keyboard) on faction cars. If you realy have to stay AFK you leave the car.


Regulament intern (Internal Rules):

10. You may not rob the bank during the day. You are allowed only in the range: 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.

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