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Las Venturas Taxi - Discuții | Discussions


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I have applied for a taxi cab driver and I want to know, what are the meetings, how do they take place, where do they take place and what time. I am confused on rule number 12.


Please explain in detail on what Rule Number 12 means, thanks!



Every Saturday we have meetings at 18:00 time in server.In this meeting all of the members gather at Taxi HQ LV,Where the leader tells us some new rules and gives us ranks and salaries according to our screen shots.


Cant attend the meeting?


If you cannot attend the meeting you have to post Here.


Rule #12


  • This rule tells us that if we don't attend a meeting without informing the leader we receive a faction warn and also we dont get our salary.
  • If we leave consecutive 3 meetings we are removed from the faction.

Thats all.......





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Dupa cum ati observat serverul se opreste singur destul de des din cauza unor probleme la baza de date (cand trebuie sa se actualizeze peste 200-300 de conturi se intrerupe serverul). Prin acest topic vreau sa va cer sa aveti putina rabdare pentru ca momentan nu stim exact care e treaba. O sa incercam sa rezolvam aceasta problema cat mai repede posibil si ne cerem scuze pentru neplacerile cauzate.


Revin mai tarziu, bafta

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Dupa cum ati observat serverul se opreste singur destul de des din cauza unor probleme la baza de date (cand trebuie sa se actualizeze peste 200-300 de conturi se intrerupe serverul). Prin acest topic vreau sa va cer sa aveti putina rabdare pentru ca momentan nu stim exact care e treaba. O sa incercam sa rezolvam aceasta problema cat mai repede posibil si ne cerem scuze pentru neplacerile cauzate.


A scris Andrei aici de ce pica serverul...

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