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Cerere PhareLL

Bogdan phR

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  • Display name: PhaReLL
  • Doresc: Signature/Avatar/Userbar/Logo, etc. gen Signature/usebar asa sa pot pune in topic la sectiunea drugsa nd lwayer
  • Text: Members Drugs Dealer and Lwayer / Job's Drugs Dealer and Lwayer Family / Sedinta Drugs Dealer and Lwayer Family
  • Dimensiuni: voi stiti .
  • Imagine(obligatoriu): Textul sa fie cum are el aici la signature http://b-zone.ro/forum/user/7480-nsl-x4fun/
  • Alte precizări?: sa schimbati culorile la una negru/la alta alb si negru si la alta albastru etc ..


Multumesc foarte mult.

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