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Runda eliminatorie - Editia I


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Deoarece nu am reusit sa strangem suficienti participanti pentru a incepe competitia cu 32 de jucatori, am decis sa facem o runda eliminatorie cu ultimii 10 inscrisi, astfel dupa finalizarea acestei etape vor ramane fix 16 jucatori.


Meciurile sunt urmatoarele

  1. skylyy - LoLLiBoSS ( WINNER LoLLiBoSS )
    seriousx - ghostx95 ( WINNER ghostx95 )
    Vicsido - Wurmhol
    TrakerRo - faruchelu
    GeRRyz0rw0w -YellowGhostX ( WINNER GeRRyz0rw0w )


Cautati-va oponentul pe messenger iar in momentul in care sunteti amandoi disponibili sa jucati meciul contactati un arbitru ( click aici pentru lista arbitrilor ).


Date de contact

  1. SeriousX | Summoner's name : SeriousX | Level: 30 | contact : -
  2. GeRRy | Summoner's name : GeRRyz0rw0w | Level: 15 | contact: royal_gerry
  3. S K y LYY | Summoner's name : skylyy | Level :10 | contact: mihai_12_1994
  4. vo0d0ox | Summoner's name : YellowGhostX | Level: 4 | contact: m_denis98
  5. jex112 | Summoner's name : TrakerRO | Level: 19 | contact: legolas_mt2
  6. Laoooooo | Summoner's name : Wurmhol | Level: 22 | contact: sp1der_man08
  7. Earl SweatShirt | Summoner's name : faruchelu | Level: 27 | contact: dark_dnb13
  8. LoLLi | Summoner's name : LoLLiBoSS | Level: 30 | contact: stylz_remember
  9. VicsiDo fROST | Summoner's name : Vicsido | Level: 8 | contact: anton.semenciuc
  10. GhosTx | Summoner's name : ghostx95 | Level: 30 | contact: fuia_alexandru2001

Termen limita - 12 ianuarie 2012

Edited by F4L Blade
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