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RO : De 1 iunie, echipa B-Zone ureaza la multi ani atat copiilor, cat si celor ce inca traiesc intr-un mod distractiv, ludic. Cu aceasta ocazie, puteti utiliza codul promo : "CHILD" (fara ghilimele) pentru a beneficia de o reducere de 25% la orice produs de pe http://clienti.b-zone.ro/cart.php . Acest cod poate fi folosit in perioada 1 iunie 2012 00:00 - 4 iunie 2012 24:00 . Comenzile realizate in aceasta perioada pot fi achitate pana pe data de 8 iunie 2012, inclusiv.

De asemenea, avem un nou produs : Vehicle hidden color. Acesta costa 3 euro(permanent) si il puteti achizitiona dinhttp://clienti.b-zone.ro/cart.php .

Cum se utilizeaza?

Comanda acum

Detalii despre plata.



EN : By comming of 1 June, B-Zone's Staff wishes happy birthday to children and everybody who is still a child. You can use the promo code : "CHILD" (without quotes) in order to receive a 25% free discount when you order a new product from http://clienti.b-zone.ro/cart.php . This code could be used from 1st june 2012 00:00 to 4th June 2012 24:00 . Orders made ​​in this period of time can be paid up until June 8, 2012, inclusive.

We have a new product : Vehicle hidden color. You can find it on http://clienti.b-zone.ro/cart.php and it costs 3 euro(permanent).

How to use it?

Order now

How to pay


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