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Paramedics - Anunțuri Importante | Important Announcements

Allen Django

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Maine, 28.08.2014, la ora 20:00 va avea loc o activitate intre Paramedics si LSPD, aceasta va fi una de tip agresiv cu arme speciale si se va desfasura intr-un interior special.


Prezenta este obligatorie deci cine nu poate ajunge sa-si faca invoire.

Cei ce nu se vor prezenta la activitate si n-au invoire vor fi sanctionati.




Tomorrow, 28.08.2014, at 20:00 it will take place an activity between Paramedics and LSPD, this will be an agressive activity with special weapons and it will take place in a special interior.
Presence it's obligatory, so those who can't come post a pass request.
Those who won't come and don't have pass request, will be sanctioned.
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Maine, 04.09.2014, in jurul orelor 20:00-21:00 va avea loc un Targ intre toate factiunile pasnice. Prezenta este obligatorie, daca nu puteti ajunge, faceti o cerere de invoire in topicul Invoiri.

Tomorrow, 04.09.2014, at 20:00-21:00 a Fair will take place between all peaceful factions. Present is obligatory, if you can not make an enquiry of leavening in the topic of Pass Requests.

Edited by Loriii
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1. Maine, 06.09.2014, ora 20:00 va avea loc un eveniment intre Southern Pimps si Paramedics. Acesta va fi unul de tip "Bike race". Mai jos aveti poza cu traseul. Prezenta este obligatorie, daca nu puteti ajunge, faceti o cerere de invoire in topicul Invoiri.

Tomorrow, 06.09.2014, at 20:00 an event will take place between Southern Pimps and Paramedics. It will be one of type "Bike race". Under this you have a picture with the location. Present is obligatory, if you can not arrive, make an enquiry of leavening in the topic of Pass Requests.






2. Duminica, 07.09.2014, ora 15:00 va avea loc sedinta. Prezenta este obligatorie, daca nu puteti ajunge, faceti o cerere de invoire in topicul Invoiri.

Sunday, 07.09.2014, at 15:00 the meeting will take place. Present is obligatory, if you can't arrive, make an enquiry of leavening in the topic of Pass Requests.



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Maine, 17.09.2014, la ora 20:00 vom face doua activitati alaturi de San Fiero Police Departament si anume "Street Race" + "Deagle". Prezenta este obligatorie, membri ce nu pot ajunge sunt obligati sa posteze in topicul cu Invoiri.

Este o ora accesibila pentru toti, nu vrem sa vedem foarte multe invoiri, ma astept la o prezenta mare.

Cine nu e prezent si nu are invoire va fi sanctionat.


Tomorrow, 17.09.2014, at 20:00 will be an activity between Paramedics and San Fiero Police Departament (Street race + Deagle).
Presence it's obligatory, so those who can't come post a pass request.
Those who won't come and don't have pass request, will be sanctioned.

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Duminică, 21.09.2014, ora 15:00, va avea loc ședința. Prezența este obligatorie, dacă nu puteți ajunge faceți o cerere de învoire în topicul Învoiri.

Sunday, 21.09.2014, at 15:00 the meeting will take place. Present is obligatory, if you can not come make an enquiry of leavening in the topic of the Pass Requests.


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Duminică, 05.10.2014, ora 15:00, va avea loc ședința. Prezența este obligatorie, dacă nu puteți ajunge faceți o cerere de învoire în topicul Învoiri.

Sunday, 05.10.2014, at 15:00 the meeting will take place. Presence is obligatory, if you can not come make an enquiry of leavening in the topic of the Pass Requests.

Edited by Loriii
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Sambata, 11.10.2014, la ora 20:30 va avea loc o activitate speciala la care vor participa mai multe factiuni. Prezenta la aceasta activitate este obligatorie, prin urmare cei ce nu pot ajunge sunt nevoiti sa-si faca invoire.

Aceasta activitate va fi organizata de colegul nostru Albertoy21.



Saturday, 10/11/2014, at 20:30 there will be a special activity that will involve several factions. Attendance at this activity is mandatory, those who can not come are forced to make a pass request.

This activity will be organized by our colleague Albertoy21.


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RO: Duminică, 26.10.2014, ora 15:00, va avea loc ședința. Prezența este obligatorie, dacă nu puteți ajunge faceți o cerere de învoire în topicul Învoiri.

EN: Sunday, 26.10.2014, at 15:00, the meeting will take place. Presence is obligatory, if you can't come make an enquiry of leavening in the topic of Pass Requests.

Edited by Loriii
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RO: Duminică, 23.11.2014, ora 14:30, va avea loc ședința. Prezența este obligatorie, dacă nu puteți ajunge faceți o cerere de învoire în topicul Învoiri.

EN: Sunday, 23.11.2014, at 14:30, the meeting will take place. Presence is obligatory, if you can't come make an enquiry of leavening in the topic of Pass Requests.

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RO: Duminică, 21.12.2014, ora 14:30, va avea loc ședința. Prezența este obligatorie, dacă nu puteți ajunge faceți o cerere de învoire în topicul Învoiri.

EN: Sunday, 21.12.2014, at 14:30, the meeting will take place. Presence is obligatory, if you can't come make an enquiry of leavening in the topic of Pass Requests.

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RO: Atentie! Avand in vedere ca saptamana viitoare este Craciunul, raportul de activitate va fi OPTIONAL. Mai pe scurt, pentru saptamana 20.12.2014 - 27.12.2014, raportul va fi facut doar de catre persoanele care doresc sa il faca. PS: Persoanele care il vor face isi vor primi salariul.

ENG: Attention! Because next week is Christmas, the activity report will be OPTIONALLY. To be short, for the week 20.12.2014 - 27.12.2014, the activity report will be made only by the persons who want to make it. PS: The persons who'll make it will receive their salary.





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RO: Atentie! Avand in vedere ca inca suntem in perioada sarbatorilor iar saptamana viitoare urmeaza sfarsitul anului, raportul ramane OPTIONAL in perioada 27.12.2014 - 03.01.2015. Mai pe scurt, pentru saptamana 27.12.2014 - 03.01.2015, raportul va fi facut doar de catre persoanele care doresc sa il faca. PS: Persoanele care il vor face isi vor primi salariul.

EN: Attention! Because we are still during the holidays and the next week will be the end of the year, the activity report remains OPTIONALLY in 27.12.2014 - 03.01.2015 week. To be short, for the week 27.12.2014 - 03.01.2015, the activity report will be made only by the persons who want to make it. PS: The persons who'll make it will receive their salary.


PS: Puteti lua orice job legal fara cerere in saptamana 27.12.2014 - 03.01.2015. (RO)

You can take any legal job without request in the 27.12.2014 - 03.01.2015 week. (EN)

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RO: Duminică, 01.02.2015, ora 15:00, va avea loc ședința. Prezența este obligatorie, dacă nu puteți ajunge faceți o cerere de învoire în topicul Învoiri.

EN: Sunday, 01.02.2014, at 15:00, the meeting will take place. Presence is obligatory, if you can't come make an enquiry of leavening in the topic of Pass Requests.

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RO: Sambata 31.02.2015, ora 16:00 , va avea loc o activitate.Last Car Standing cu rotile sparte.Puteti veni cu orice masina.Activitatea va avea loc in hangar-ul de la Airoport-ul Parasit (SI).Premiul va fi de 15000.Prezenta nu este obligatorie. Sper sa fiti cat mai multi si va distrati.

EN: Saturday 31.02.2015, time 16:00, will be an activity.Last Car Standing with broken wheels.You can come with any vehicle.Activity will be in hangar at Abandoned Airoport (SI).Prise will be 15000.Present at activity isn't obligatory. I hope you will enjoy and will be more people.

Edited by Mango3
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Ro: Miercuri 04.02.2015, ora 15:00, va avea loc o activitate, Deagle. Vom participa noi, Paramedics, si School Intructors LV. Aceasta activitate consta in duele de deagle, 1v1. Sper sa ne adunam cat mai multi, premiul consta in 50.000$! Doar persoana care ramane ultima castiga. Prezenta nu este obligatorie!



Eng: Wednesday, 04.02.2015, at 15:00, an activity will take place between Paramedics and School Instrucros LV. The type of activity is Deagle and it consists in duels using deagle, 1 vs 1. I hope we gather as much as possible, the prize is 50.000$. Only the person who remains last wins! The presence at event is not obligatory!

Edited by Jonis
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Ro: Sambata, 14.02.2015, ora 20:30, va avea loc o activitate de tip Fight Style. Vom participa noi, Paramedics, alaturi de Taxi Los Santos. Aceasta activitate consta in duele de un anumit fight style, il vom alege impreuna acolo. Premiul este in valoare de 30.000$, merg la o singura persoana, cea castigatoare! Activitatea se va desfasura la GYM SF. Cei care participa sunt asteptati la HQ la 20:20, activitatea nu este obligatorie, va astept in numar cat mai mare!


Eng: On Saturday, 14.02.2015, at 20:30, an activity will take place between Paramedics and Taxi Los Santos. The type of activity is Fight Style, and it consists in duels. The fight style we will choose together. The prize is 30.000$, going to one person, the winner! Activity will take place at GYM SF. Those who participate are expected at hq at 20:20. The presence at event is not obligatory!

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RO: Nu vă bazați pe RPG în privința raportului, faceți în continuare poze.

EN: Do not rely on RPG regarding to the activity report, continue in taking photos.

Edited by John Oanca
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Ro: A fost adaugata urmatoarea regula in privinta raportului de activitate :

Orice tentativă de fraudă a raportului ( comandă aranjată ) se va sancționa cu FW si anularea raportului de activitate.



Rule added-Any fraud attempt of the report (arranged command) will be sanctioned with FW and the activity report will be canceled.

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Incepand de astazi puteti renunta la SS-uri pentru ca se trece la "automatizarea rapoartelor" ( respectiv RPG ).


Noul minim de puncte este urmatorul:






In decursul zilei de maine voi modifica si in topicul Rapoarte. Spor si bucurati-va de noua metoda !

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Update la regulament:


Rank 1-3 pot purta DEAGLE pentru a se apara iar rank 4+ pot purta DEAGLE/M4.


Acum nu va mai puteti plange de arme la /clanzones. Spor la zone !

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In perioada 06.04.2015-13.04.2015 raportul de activitate este optional.

Paste fericit tuturor !!!

Ca un mic bonus, in aceeasta perioada de timp (6-13.04.2015) veti avea voie sa luati orice job legal.


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