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LS Police Department - Anunţuri importante / Important announcements


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Doua reguli noi au fost adaugate:


1. Un membru S.W.A.T. nu are voie sa puna radar.

2. Un membru SWAT are voie sa confiste licente de condus sau sa acorde amenzi doar in cazul in care observa ilegalitati in timp ce se afla in trecere. Acestuia ii este interzis sa stea la panda pentru a astepta incalcarea regulilor de circulatie.




Two new rules have been added:


1. A S.W.A.T. member is not allowed to place radars.

2. A SWAT member can confiscate driving licenses or give tickets just in the case he sees an illegality taking place when passing through. It is forbidden to camp in order to wait for someone to break the traffic rules.

Edited by TibiStanciu ToV
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O noua regula a fost adaugata:


- Șoferul unui vehicul în care se află un suspect cu wanted nu va fi somat ci se va soma doar suspectul cu wanted. Dacă șoferul nu oprește când suspectul este somat acesta riscă să primească complice fără alte somații.




A new rule has been added:


- The driver of a vehicle in which there is a suspect with wanted will not be summoned but only the suspect with wanted will be summoned. If the driver does not stop when the suspect is summoned he is risking of receiving wanted without any other summons.

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Tow Truck Company ne va ajuta de fiecare data cand vom cere asistenta pentru tractari. De asemenea, ne vor da repair/refill la pretul de 1$.


Los Santos Police Department le va oferi asistenta/protectie si ordine la activitatile ce le vor organiza. Vom organiza activitati impreuna. Ne vor putea cere asistenta pentru orice problema legata de traficul rutier.





Tow Truck Company will help us everytime we require their assistance for tows. Also, they will give us repair/refill for the price of 1$.


Los Santos Police Department will offer them assistance/protection and order at the activities that we will organise. We will organise activities together. They will be able to request our assistance for any problem related to the road traffic.

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Duminica 10.04.2016, ora 20:00 - 22:00, avem sedinta si antrenament. Vreau prezenta maxima, iar cine nu poate veni din motive intemeiate(atentie ce motive bagati, ca nu accept orice invoire), o sa va rog sa postati in topicul de Invoiri.






Sunday 10.04.2016, time 20:00 - 22:00 we have training and metting. I want all of you to attend, if you can't attend, due to serious reasons only ( Be careful what reason you put as i will not accept any pass request), please post in the Pass Requests topic

Edited by TibiStanciu ToV
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Raportul de activitate din perioada 25 aprilie 1 mai este optional. Sedinta de maine seara de la ora 20:00 va fi cu prezenta optionala si va fi ultima sedinta cu mine ca lider. Va multumesc!






The activity report from 25 of April till 1 May is optional. The meeting from tomorrow evening at 20:00 o' clock will be also optional and it will be the last meeting with me as a leader. Thank you!

Edited by TibiStanciu ToV
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In primul rand vreau sa va multumesc pentru sansa acordata de a devenit Leader.Promit sa duc mai departe munca depusa de TibiStanciu.Asteptam sa treaca Sfintele Sarbatori de Paste, dupa care o sa incepem activitatea in forta.Va doresc un Paste Fericit!



First I want to thank you for the opportunity given to become Leader.I promise to carry on the work done by TibiStanciu.We wait to go Holly Easter, after which we will start the work in force.I wish you a Happy Easter!

Edited by GigGs11 Legend
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Vreau sa va informez ca am modificat un pic sistemul de testeri.In topicul Log Teste, gasiti lista cu cei care fac parte din acest nou sistem de testeri.Au fost deja adaugati intr-un PM unde au fost informati despre noul sistem si noul test creeat de mine.





I want to inform you that I changed a little system testers.In topic Testing Log, you can find the list of those who are part of this new system testers.Have been added to a PM where they were informed about the new system and new test created by me.

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Din acest moment, dovezile cu Page-Up sunt permise. De preferat insa este sa faceti dovada imediat cum aceasta se intampla, fara Page-Up





From this moment, proofs with Page-Up are allowed. It's better though if you make the proof just after it happens, without Page-Up.


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Sambata ora 19:30 va avea loc o activitate pe care o organizez cu ocazia zilei mele de nastere. Va fii o activitate in factiune, mai pe intelesul vostru, se va desfasura in Training Room. Prezenta NU este obligatorie, vine cine vrea. Mai multe detalii o sa primiti in game. Cu acordul lui GigGs am postat aici.

Edited by Atlanticu Willi
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Nu i-am mai cerut voie lu Gigel sa postez aici dar nu se supara el.

Acesta va fi ultimul meu post in acest topic.

Vreau sa va urez succes tuturor membrilor si fostilor membri ai acestui departament, cu totii faceti o echipa si o treaba minunata.

Va multumesc pentru momentele frumoaste in decursul acestor ani.

LSPD Chief TibiStanciu out.

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# Jucatorii vor putea sa faca cereri de demisie sau inactivitate din cadrul website-ului, din tabul Faction de pe profilul lor.




# Players will be able to make a resignation or an inactivity request straight from the website, from the Faction tab on their profiles.

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Impreuna cu cei din SFPD, am hotarat sa organizam Duminica aceasta la ora 15:00 un War 4 Fun. Acesta va avea loc in Virtual World 1. Acum aveti ocazia sa aratati cat de buni sunteti in manuirea armelor.

War-ul va dura maxim o ora, si va avea urmatoarele reguli:

  • Fara spam pe /r sau /d;
  • Fara spam catre Admin-ul coordonator. Daca aveti nevoie de ceva spuneti celor 2 lideri si la randul lor vor transmite mai departe;

  • Fara jigniri asupra membrilor adversi, este doar de Fun;

  • Fara C-bug, Slide-Bug sau orice alte lucruri ilegale pe server;

  • Este permis sa faceti Kamikaze;

  • Heal se va primi o data la 3 minute celor inca in viata prin comanda /sethp de catre Admin 4+;

  • Armele folosite vor fi cele din Armoury.

Vreau prezenta maxima, pentru a le arata ce inseamna LSPD!

IMPORTANT! Aceasta activitate va tine locul antrenamentului din aceasta saptamana, asadar prezenta este obligatorie. Cine nu poate ajunge, insa doar din motive bine intemeiate, este rugat sa posteze o invoire in topic-ul Invoiri/Pass Request. Voi accepta doar invoirile serioase! Cine lipseste nemotivat va fi sanctionat cu FW.


Together with SFPD we decided to organise a War 4 Fun, Sunday, at 15:00 Romanian Time. This war will take place in Virtual World 1. Now you have the chance to show your weapon skills.

The war will last for maximum an hour and will have the following rules:

  • No spam on /r or /d;
  • No spam to the Admin that will help organise. If you need something you will tell the leaders;

  • No swears addressed to the other side, it's just for fun;

  • Do NOT use C-Bug, Slide-Bug or anything else forbiden on the server;

  • Kamikaze will be allowed;

  • You will get heal every 3 mins if you are still alive, with /sethp from the Admin 4+;

  • Only weapons allowed are the one from Armoury.

I want all of you to attend, in order to show them the power of LSPD!

IMPORTANT! This activity will replace the training from this week. so the presence is mandatory. If you can't come, due to severe reasons only, post a pass request in the Invoiri/Pass Request topic. Attention, I will accept the requests that are due to serious problems only! Members that will miss the activity without a pass request will be punished with FW.

Edited by GigGs11 Legend
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Duminica 05.06.2016, ora 20:00 - 22:00, avem sedinta si antrenament. Vreau prezenta maxima, iar cine nu poate veni din motive intemeiate(atentie ce motive bagati, ca nu accept orice invoire), o sa va rog sa postati in topicul de Invoiri.






Sunday 05.06.2016, time 20:00 - 22:00 we have training and metting. I want all of you to attend, if you can't attend, due to serious reasons only ( Be careful what reason you put as i will not accept any pass request), please post in the Pass Requests topic

Edited by GigGs11 Legend
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Los Santo Police Departament am modificat la SWAT si ROADS 2 chesti:
SWAT: Un suspect omorat - 1 puncte;
ROADS: Un suspect care a parasit serverul ( a primit jail in urma unui crash / kick / q ) - 1 puncte;
Pana acum nu se puncta asa ceva, de Luni 13.06.2016 o sa se puncteze.

Raport De Activitate

Am mai modificat si Testul SWAT:


Aplica in SWAT



Los Santo Police Department I changed to SWAT and ROADS 2 chest:

SWAT: One suspect killed - 1 points;

ROADS: One suspect that left the server ( got jailed after crash / q / kick ) - 1 points;

Until now no point for that, but from Monday 13.06.2016, will be point.

Activity Reports


I modified the SWAT test:


Apply to SWAT



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Am facut un mic update la lista de testeri si am mai adugat inca 2 membrii:

# VLT.

# Babaduc


Lista Testeri

Ai citit? Dai +1 la post.





I made a small update to the list of testers and i added another 2 members:

# VLT.

# Babaduc


You read? Take +1 to post.

Testers List

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Duminica 19.06.2016, ora 20:00 - 22:00, avem sedinta si antrenament. Vreau prezenta maxima, iar cine nu poate veni din motive intemeiate(atentie ce motive bagati, ca nu accept orice invoire), o sa va rog sa postati in topicul de Invoiri.

Sunday 19.06.2016, time 20:00 - 22:00 we have training and metting. I want all of you to attend, if you can't attend, due to serious reasons only ( Be careful what reason you put as i will not accept any pass request), please post in the Pass Requests topic

Edited by DanyAsd
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Joi 30.06.2016, ora 20:00 , avem o sedinta de urgenta. Vreau prezenta maxima si nu accept invoiri.


Am facut un mic update la lista de testeri si am mai adugat inca 3 membrii:

# iHarrd

# King.Vlad

# Addicted





Thursday 30.06.2016, time 20:00 we have an emergency meeting. I don't accept Pass Request.


I made a small update to the list of testers and i added another 3 members:

# iHarrd

# King.Vlad

# Addicted

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Toți membrii departamentelor de poliție au obligația de a avea comanda [/timestamp] activată. Cine nu respectă această regulă va fi sancționat cu Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, fiind sancționat cu FactionWarn dacă se continuă nerespectarea ei.

Despre regula cu așteptarea celor trei [3] minute înainte de a omorî suspecții AFK. Membrii departamentelor de politie au obligația de a calcula și secundele înainte de a acționa, deoarece am văzut foarte multe greșeli ale membrilor din facțiune și au fost foarte multe plângeri la adresa lor. Ei au obligația de a aștepta EXACT 180 secunde după anunțarea pe chatul [/d] și înainte de a omorî suspectul. (Acest lucru necesită, bineînțeles, comanda [/timestamp] activată).


All PD members must have /timestamp ENABLED at all times. Who doesn't follow this rule will get AV the first time and FW if he continues without it.

About the rule of staying 3 minutes before killing an AFK wanted player. PD members must calculcate seconds too. Because I have seen many mistakes from faction members, and many complaints against them, they must wait EXACTLY 180 seconds after announcing on /d and before killing the suspect. (this require of course the /timestamp to be enabled).

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Am editat topicul Lista Neagra si vreau ca toata lumea sa se uite bine si sa citeasca foarte bine regulamentul si tot ce tine de Lista Neagra!

Lista Neagra: Click Aici




I edited topic Blacklist and I want everyone to look good and read well the rules and everything related to Black List !


Black List: Click Here

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Activitate între: National Guard & Los Santos Police Departament
Data: 17.07.2016
Ora: 15:00
Locație: Area 69 (HQ National Guard)

Alte precizări: Antrenament comun

· Prezența este obligatorie, cine nu poate ajunge, este rugat să facă o cerere de învoire -

Iar sedinta o sa fie la ora 14:00.


Activity between: National Guard & Los Santos Police Departament

Date: 17.07.2016

Hour: 16:00

Location: Area 69(Hq National Guard)

Other Specifications: Common training

· The presence is mandatory. If you can't reach to the training, you need to do a consent -

And meeting will be at 14:00.

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Duminica 31.07.2016, ora 20:00 - 22:00, avem sedinta si antrenament. Vreau prezenta maxima, iar cine nu poate veni din motive intemeiate(atentie ce motive bagati, ca nu accept orice invoire), o sa va rog sa postati in topicul de Invoiri.


Ai citit? +1 la post.




Sunday 31.07.2016, time 20:00 - 22:00 we have training and metting. I want all of you to attend, if you can't attend, due to serious reasons only ( Be careful what reason you put as i will not accept any pass request), please post in the Pass Requests topic


You read? Take +1 to post.

Edited by AIM Gabita2000
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Duminica 07.08.2016, ora 16:00 - 17:00 vom avea un War for Fun cu Federal Bureau of Investigation. Prezenta maxima, nu vreau sa ne facem de ras, mai ales cand organizez eu ceva. Daca nu puteti ajunge va rog sa puneti o invoire cu cel putin o zi inainte de activitate! Nu voi accepta orice invoire.




Sunday 07.08.2016, 16:00-17:00 (GMT +2) we will have a War for Fun with Federal Bureau of Investigation. I want maximum presence, i don't want you to embarass us, especially when I organize something.

If you can't make it please post a pass request with at least a day in advance from the activity! I will not accept any pass request.

Thank you!

Edited by TibiStanciu ToV
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Sedinta & Antrenament!

Duminica 21.08.2016, ora 20:00 - 22:00, avem sedinta si antrenament.Cine nu vine primeste Faction Warn, iar cei cu inactivitati o sa fie invoiti.Prezenta obligatorie.

(Gata Vacanta, Incepem Munca)



Meeting & Training!


Sunday 21.08.2016, time 20:00 - 22:00 we have training and metting.Who is not coming take Faction Warn, and those with an inactivated by agreement.This mandatory.Holiday ready, start work!



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Duminica 04.09.2016, ora 20:00 , avem sedinta.Cine nu vine primeste Faction Warn, iar cei cu inactivitati o sa fie invoiti.Prezenta obligatorie.

(Gata Vacanta, Incepem Munca)


Sunday 04.09.2016, time 20:00 we have metting.Who is not coming take Faction Warn, and those with an inactivated by agreement.This mandatory.Holiday ready, start work!

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Duminica 18.09.2016, ora 20:00 - 21:00, avem sedinta. Vreau prezenta maxima, iar cine nu poate veni din motive intemeiate(atentie ce motive bagati, ca nu accept orice invoire), o sa va rog sa postati in topicul de Invoiri.



Sunday 18.09.2016, time 20:00 we have metting. I want all of you to attend, if you can't attend, due to serious reasons only ( Be careful what reason you put as i will not accept any pass request), please post in the Pass Requests topic

Edited by GigGs11 Legend
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