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Faction Punish ?

Jester the Executive

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Faction punish is a punishment for who leave a faction under 2 weeks or something else reason


maximum of faction punishment is 60/60 witch in every payday one of them will be remove untill you have 0/60 then you can make another applications for factions without any




Hope this was helpfull for you good luck :)>-

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Another thing to add, you are not advised to apply for other factions whilst you still have FP (you will most likely be rejected). That's also why in most faction resignations / applications, you are asked to stay civil if you did not stay for the minimum of 2 weeks. For example, this is a question from the Police Application: " Do you understand that if you don’t stay for at least two weeks in PD you will be kicked out with 60 Faction Punish?: "


As you can see here in your Fire & Medic Resignation post:


  • Nick: The_Jester
  • Level: 16
  • Rank: 1
  • Vechime (cat timp ai stat in factiune): -
  • De ce doresti sa pleci din Fire & Medic Dpt.?: --
  • Sunt de acord ca voi sta Civil pentru 1 saptamana in caz ca se dovedeste ca NU am fost membru Fire & Medic Dpt. pentru minim 2 saptamani: I don't know !
  • Care este parerea ta despre Fire & Medic Dpt., dupa timpul petrecut aici?: .....
  • Alte precizari?: I do not have to add something


"I agree that I will stay civil for 1 week in case it turns out that I was NOT a member Fire & Medic Dpt. for at least 2 weeks:"


That's why they call it Faction Punish.

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Another thing to add, you are not advised to apply for other factions whilst you still have FP (you will most likely be rejected).


You are not allowed to apply in any faction whether you have FP .


Please don't create a new topic . If you have any questions regarding the RPG server , you may ask here ; http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/56002-questions-about-the-sa-mp-rpg-server/


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