Deoarece nu s-au facut cereri pentru activitate saptamana asta, activitatea obligatorie de duminica (15/09.2019) sa va anula, in schimb se va face o sedinta obligatorie saptamana viitoare duminica (22.09.2019) in care se vor clarifica anumite lucruri legate de factiune, activitati si echipe.
Atentie! Prezenta este obligatorie si se vor accepta doar invoirile cu un motiv important, care nu poate fi amanat pentru a putea fi prezent.
Because activity requests were not made for this week activities, the mandatory activities that should have been this sunday (15.09.2019) are canceled, but a mandatory meeting will be made next sunday (22.09.2019) where we will clarify some stuff regarding the faction, activities and teams.
Attention! Only consents with important reason that cannot be canceled to be present will be accepted.