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About AndeIota

  • Birthday 03/16/1994

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    San Andreas
  • Hobbies
    Interested in gaming and education(school).

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Nume in joc: Vulturik Level: 60 aproape 61 Varsta (Reala): 19 ani Sex (Masculin / Feminin): Masculin. De cat timp jucati pe server?: Din 2010 Factiuni precedente: LVPD rank 1 , VTB Rank 5 Rank-ul ultimei factiuni (Specifica si factiunea): Lvpd rank 1 Motivul pentru care ati parasit/ati fost demisi din fosta factiune: Probleme de familie Cel mai mare rank avut in vreo factiune (Specifica factiunea): VTB - rank 5 De ce doriti sa va alaturati agentiei?: Pentru că este o agenție serioasă, frumoasă, respectată și pentru că imi place cu ce se ocupă. Cu ce considerati ca se ocupa aceasta agentie?: Asasinarea playerilor in schimbul unei sume de bani. Sti regulile Hitman Agency si ai citit macar odata Info, orders and Agency skins?: Da. Intelegeti ca suntem o agentie seriosa de asasini si glumele si prostiile nu-si au rostul?: Da. Ai avut antecedente cu unul sau mai multi membrii Hitman Agency?: Nu. Ai mai fost membru Hitman: Da. Motivul iesirii / demiterii din Hitman (in caz ca ai mai fost): Lipsa de timp. Cate ore pe zi acordati acestui joc, fara afk?: 5-7 ore, depinde de zi. Nickname-uri anterioare / conturi anterioare: [DC]Vulturik Considerati ca aveti capacitatea de a indeplini un contract fara probleme?: Da. Aveti capacitatea de a scrie corect gramatical?: Desigur. Poza cu /stats (civil obligatoriu + sa apara si /time cand e facuta) si skill la detectiv: http://imgur.com/ov2Hoji Cate warn-uri ai in joc? (precizeaza de ce): 0/3. Ati fost vreodata banat pe vreun motiv anume? (Precizeaza si de ce): Mai de mult cand eram copil si nu gandeam si am folosit cheats ! Esti pe BlackList'ul unei factiuni? (Precizeaza care): Nu. Esti dispus sa platesti sa fi scos de pe eventualul BlackList?: Da. Alte precizari?: Mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat. Salutări membrilor și baftă tuturor candidaților la cele 8 locuri.
  2. • Nickname: Vulturik • Previous nicknames / previous accounts: [DC]Vulturik • Level: 60 close to 61 • Real age: 18 • (Real) Gender: Male • Number of ingame warnings and the reason you got them: No warn • Were you ever banned? If yes, why?: It was on my birthday i left account logged to get payday and one of my friends used cheats but it wasn't my fault so i got unbanned . • Previous factions and the rank you had in them (in order): Well i was a long part of my life in sa-mp civilian and i was in gang too in VTB ( Rank 5 ) • Why did you leave the last two factions and the dates you left them in?: Because i was sick and i needed to stay in hospital • Resignation link to the last two factions you have been in (if any): I don't have • Have you been a member of any department? If yes, why did you leave it?: Yes i was but in 2009 , 2010 and i really wanna to enjoy it back to make an good carrer there . • Are you active on the forum?: Yes i am . • Do you understand that the Police Department is a very serious department and you need to have a very good attitude and language?:Yes i do,this is one of reasons that i like it . • Do you understand that if you don’t stay for at least two weeks in PD you will be kicked out with 60 Faction Punish?: Yes. • Did you read the Police Department Rules and the other important threads and do you agree to be punished for breaking these rules?:Yes. • Why do you want to join the Police Department?: I want to make this department go higher. Also I like being a cop . I really want to be in this department . • A screenshot with /stats, detective skill and /time (obligatory): http://imgur.com/6pA0Avw • How many hours do you play withouth being AFK?: 4 - 5 • You are on the BlackList at a faction?: No i'm not • If yes, you agree to pay to be removed from it?: Yes • A short characterisation of yourself: Hello everybody, I'm Eagle. Most of you know me already. I am always nice to people , help them develop in any way I can . I like teamwork and making friends . Also I like to practice my Romanian as well . I'm enjoying my time on b-zone with this awesome guys . I love you guys
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