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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/22 in all areas

  1. Version 3.0.0


    Custom Ads Cu ajutorul acestui mod vă puteti salva 3 anunțuri pe care le vreți să le publicați la CNN prin folosirea unei singure comenzi. Instrucțiuni de Instalare: 1. Vă instalați librăria CLEO dacă nu o aveți deja. 2. Vă instalați bibloteca SAMPFUNCS dacă nu o aveți deja. 3. Descărcați arhiva iar cele doua fișiere CustomAds.cs și custom_ads.ini din arhivă le extrageți în folderul CLEO din folderul jocului (GTA San Andreas). Instrucțiuni de folosire: * Prin folosirea comenzii /setads vă este afișat un dialog pentru configurarea celor 3 anunțuri. * După ce selectați ce anunț vreți să-l configurați vă este afișat un alt dialog în care va trebui să introduceți anunțul propiu-zis. * După setarea fiecărui anunț în chat o să vă fie afișat un mic preview cu anunțul care se va publica la CNN. * Prin folosirea comenzii [/cads <1-3>] se publică anunțul la CNN. Notă: Dacă încercați să publicați un anunț care nu a fost setat modul nu vă va lasa să faceți asta. Screenshots:
    1 point
  2. uuu, misto, mai astept cateva
    1 point
  3. multumesc inchis!ultima e superba!
    1 point
  4. WEEKLY MISSION - SFSI PLEBS 06.03.2022 - 10.03.2022 (STARTING 07.03.2022 AT 00:01 AM) The Miracle Of Flight - TMOF You guys need to take 6 pictures in some specific situations (hopefully you got the guts for them) 1st challenge : A picture of you falling that contains you and a vehicle of choice (it does not matter if its a maverick a dodo whatever it is you must be out of it falling with no parachute opened) 2nd challenge : A picture of yourself on top of a dodo wearing as much pink as u possible can 3rd challenge : A picture of you in a CARGOBOB wearing a B O X costume (as big as possible) 4th challenge : 1 Picture or a short video of you flying on top of the ground with a boat (it does not matter what kind of boat you use, or the height that you reach) 5th challenge : A video of you smashing someone with an flying vehicle (again, the vehicle is chosen by the participant the angle that u crush the player in as well. just make sure it does not post you. It can also be one of your friends AND the victim can also live after the tragic accident) 6th and the LAST challenge : A picture/ a video of your upside down in a plane in the LS-SF tunnel. You need to be A L I V E (The video can contain the last moments of your certain doom) PRIZES : 1st PLACE : The first candidate that posts the 6 pictures (in a link ofc) here in a 24h interval gets the 250k + The ability to wear the leader skin for a week 2nd PLACE : The candidate that posts the 6 pictures in a 48hrs interval OR after the 1st place was taken gets 150k 3th PLACE : The candidate that posts all 6 pictures in an 72hrs interval OR after the 2nd place was taken gets 100k
    1 point
  5. Aplicațiile pentru Helperi sunt din nou deschise. Vă așteptăm cu o aplicație aici https://forum.b-zone.ro/forum/1674-helper-applications-on/ Nu uitați să citiți cu atenție cerințele! Aplicațiile se vor închide în aproximativ 2-3 zile, când se va strânge un număr suficient de aplicații. Helper applications are again open. We are waiting for you with an application here https://forum.b-zone.ro/forum/1674-helper-applications-on/ Don't forget to carefully read the requirements! Applications will close in approximate 2-3 days, when a sufficient number of applications will be colected.
    1 point
This leaderboard is set to Bucharest/GMT+02:00
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