Display Name: BAWZ
Doresc (Avatar/Avatar Discord/Semnătură/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profil): Logo LSPD
Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnătură): https://postimg.cc/0bqx2RHd / https://postimg.cc/m17sN8hH
Tema (Natură, fete, peisaje, apus, răsărit, mașini, vintage, b&w, abstract, texturi, animale, etc.): O sigla LSPD (centrul logo) alaturata de politstul cu fes partea stanga a siglei si politstul cu tricoul alb cu tatuaje in partea dreapta dupa care textul " Los Santos Police Department" intre caractere si sub textul " Los Santos Police Department " subcategoriile
Text(opțional): Los Santos Police Department ( subcategoriile sub textul principal, pentru fiecare o poza separata sa le pot folosi pe forum )
Dimensiuni (opțional): Optional
Alte precizări (opțional): Va multumesc pentru timpul acordat. Va las subcategoriile LSPD:
LS Police Department - Sanctiuni / Punishments
LS Police Department - Anunţuri importante / Important announcements
LS Police Department - Politistul săptămânii | Cop of The week.
LS Police Department - Transferuri Echipe / Team Transfers
LS Police Department - Log Teste / Testing Log
LS Police Department - Statistica Ore / Hours Statistics
LS Police Department - Evidenta Activitati / Activities Evidence
LS Police Department - Aplicația & testul de intrare | The application & entrance test
LS Police Department - Wanted, Ticket & Code List
LS Police Department - Regulament Intern / Internal Rules
LS Police Department - Misiunea Saptamanii / Weekly Mission
LS Police Department - Log echipe / Teams log
LS Police Department - Aplicatii Tester / Tester Aplications [OFF]
LS Police Department - Lista Neagră / BlackList
LS Police Department - Învoiri / Pass Request
LS Police Department - Discuţii / Discussions
LS Police Department - Suveniruri si poze / Souvenirs and pictures
LS Police Department - Voturi / Votes
LS Police Department - Parteneriate / Partnerships
LS Police Department - Recorduri / Records
LS Police Department - Sugestii / Suggestions