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Everything posted by SniperTN

  1. - Name: Sniper_TN - Rank: Sergeant (3) - Current team: Roads - Team where I want to go: Swat - Reason: I want more Action - Other information: Thanks
  2. - Name: Sniper_TN - Rank: Detective (2) - Current team: Swat - Team where I want to go: Roads - Reason: I want to go back to the original - Other information: Thanks
  3. Name: Sniper_TNRank: Detective (2)Proof: Other informations: 1 bonus training/meeting pass request . Thanks
  4. Name: Sniper_TNRank: Detective (2) proofs:https://imgur.com/a/fafHOrN Other informations: 1 optional report.Thanks
  5. - Name: Sniper_TN - Rank: Detective (2) - Current team: Road - Team where I want to go: SWAT - Reason: I want more action - Other information: Thanks
  6. Name: Sniper_TNRank: Officer (1)Proof: https://imgur.com/a/cEAxxYhOther informations: 1 optional report.Thanks
  7. Nick-name: Sniper_tn Rank: 1 Invoire pentru war-ul din data: 03.10.2019 Motivul pentru care nu pot veni la war: I m not at home at this time I can't come. Numarul invoirii din aceasta saptamana (x/2): 1/2 Alte precizari: -
  8. Nick-name: Sniper_TN Rank: 1 Invoire pentru war-ul din data: 30.09.2019 Motivul pentru care nu pot veni la war: I m not home i will try to come Numarul invoirii din aceasta saptamana (x/2): 1/2 Alte precizari: -
  9. Nick:SabzeRo Rank:1 Data la care nu poti veni:23/09/2019 Doresc sa ma invoiesc la (war/antrenament/sedinta/activitate):war Lipsesc din motivul:He's not home Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana (x/2):1/2 Alte precizari;-
  10. Name: Sniper_TN Rank: 2 Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/797I9sM Number of namecover actions: 1x posesie/folosire droguri + confiscate Other specifications?:-
  11. Name: Sniper_TN Rank: 2 Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/SSlrX1L Number of namecover actions: 3x posesie/folosire droguri Other specifications?:-
  12. Name: Sniper_TN Rank: 2 Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/RfEpZXs Number of namecover actions: 1x Drugs posession/use and Confiscate Other specifications?:-
  13. Name: Sniper_TN Rank: 2 Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/KtzJEB3 Number of namecover actions: 1x Drugs posession/use Other specifications?:-
  14. Name: Sniper_JR Rank: 3 Name of player to get on BlackList: Spingtrap Level of player to get on BlackList: 20RPG bar of player to get on BlackList (small bar): Describe the situation: Dm and vulgar language Evidence(mandatory): https://imgur.com/a/N0NrDEy
  15. Nick: Sniper_TN Nick testat: [Cr Rezultat proba teoretică (x/3; Admis / Respins): 0/3 Rezultat proba practică (x/5; Admis / Respins): 3/5 Rezultat final (Admis / Respins): Admis Alte precizări: Welcome !!!
  16. Your nickname: Sniper_TN Your rank: Regional Officer (6) Tested player: KatZO Theory test score (x/3): 1/3 Practice test score (x/5): 3/5 Final answer (Accepted - Rejected): Accepted. Other specifications: Welcome .
  17. Your nickname: Sniper_TN Your rank: Regional Officer (6) Tested player: Dopey. Theory test score (x/3): 2/3 Practice test score (x/5): 3/5 Final answer (Accepted - Rejected): Accepted. Other specifications: Welcome .
  18. Your nickname: Sniper_TN Your rank: Regional Officer (6) Tested player: Skorpy27 Theory test score (x/3): 0.5/3 Practice test score (x/5): 3/5 Final answer (Accepted - Rejected): Accepted. Other specifications: Welcome .
  19. Your nickname: Sniper_TN Your rank: Regional Officer (6) Tested player: Emilio12 Theory test score (x/3): 0/3 Practice test score (x/5): 3/5 Final answer (Accepted - Rejected): Accepted Other specifications: Welcome .
  20. Name:Sniper_TN Rank:1 Name of player to get on BlackList: Terminartor / zOmBy.0092 Level of player to get on BlackList: 15 / 33RPG bar of player to get on BlackList (small bar): Describe the situation: DM Evidence(mandatory): https://postimg.org/image/5o9gdvpr1/ https://postimg.org/image/6ds8q8y0d/
  21. Nume: Sniper_TN Rank: 2 Actiuni namecover: Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1xPosesie/folosire droguri. Alte precizari: -
  22. Nick: Sniper_TN Rank: 3 (Supervisory Special Agent) Actiuni namecover: http://imgur.com/a/fY9lm Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1x Possesion/Use Drugs Alte precizari: -
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