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Everything posted by CHiCK

  1. - Name:[OneManArmyCHiCK - RPG Bar: - Type of Interview topic, and amount of players: Simple interview - RPG Bar for ALL other participants: - I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: Yes - Anything else: Thank you
  2. New profile Update! I hope you like it

  3. Happy New Year B-Zone Let's welcome 2017!!!

  4. - Name:Dr.CHiCK - RPG Bar: - Type of Interview topic, and amount of players:Normal,1 - RPG Bar for ALL other participants:None - I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page:Yes - Anything else:Thank you
  5. Guys i am looking for tester 2 days ago only john came but he dont talk eng. Can anyone login to test me?
  6. - Name:Dr.CHiCK - RPG Bar: - Type of Interview topic, and amount of players:Normal, faction , 3 players - RPG Bar for ALL other participants: - I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page:Yes - Anything else:Ty
  7. Thabks a lot guys ! Love you all @SFSI Power for ever <3333333333333333
  8. Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life said ''I'm here for you'' and proved it.

    1. Fuhrer


      Friendship is all about money!!!!


  10. Nick:Dr.ChiCK Rank:2 Actiuni namecover:http://imgur.com/a/L3Kwg Numarul de actiuni namecover: x1 Posesie/Folosire droguri Alte precizari: Good night
  11. Nick:Dr.CHiCK Rank:Special Agent (2) Actiuni namecover: http://imgur.com/a/QE70g Numar de actiuni namecover :1x Possesion/Use Drugs Alte precizari: Have a good day
  12. Nick: Dr.CHiCK Rank: 2 Actiuni namecover: http://imgur.com/a/lsIY8 Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1x Possesion/Use Drugs Alte precizari: Cya
  13. Never Give Up

  14. Nick:Dr.ChicK Rank:3 Amount donated:30000$ Proofs:http://imgur.com/a/agQhh Other specifications:SFSI <3 for ever
  15. • Nick:Dr.ChicK • Rank: SF senior instructor(3) • Person who you'd like to add (RPG BAR): • Name and level of the player:Predathor. level 40 • Date of offense: 10/07/2016 • Reason: Dm while I am working • Evidence: http://imgur.com/a/zWRuD • Anything else?:
  16. any map for 150/150 quest please?

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