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Everything posted by Snowye
Las Venturas Taxi - Misiunea săptămânii / Mission of the week
Snowye replied to Leviathan's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Misiunea Saptamanii / Mission of the Week 26/12/2022 - 01/01/2023 Deoarece misiunea de saptamana trecuta nu a fost facuta de nimeni, se va relua si in aceasta saptamana! Task-uri Ro: 1. Realizati 1 poza in care aveti 2 clienti in masina in acelasi timp. 2. Realizati o poza pe Chilliad intr-un taxi de culoare neagra, impreuna cu un coleg de factiune ce se afla intr-un taxi de culoare rosie. 3. Realizati o tura de gunoier completa in orasul LV. Tasks Eng: 1. Take 1 picture in which you have 2 clients in the car in the same time. 2. Take a picture on Chilliad in a black taxi vehicle, together with a colleague who is in a red taxi vehicle next to you. 3. Do a complete garbage job in LV. Premii / Prizes Locul I - Raport Optional / Optional Raport Locul II - Raport Injumatatit / Half Raport Castigatorii saptamanii trecute / Last week’s winners: Locul I / First place - N/A Locul II / Second place - N/A -
Las Venturas Taxi - Evidență activități | Activities evidence
Snowye replied to Blade's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Evidenta activitate din data de 22.12.2022 ora 21:00 ___________________________ Runda 1 - Par/Impar. Premiu: $400.000. Castigatorul: Naitreaba Runda 2 - Dueluri. Premiu: $700.000. Castigatorul: .CosmiNM ___________________________________________________ Membrii prezenti Emy[ToV] Snowye[ToV] Stoony[ToV] Xoomer .CosmiNM[MS13] zFunK.[BanH] [F4L]NegoLegends Cristi_HS[AoV] .Pikachu.[DeV] Olaf BaxteR[DeV] Naitreaba[AoV] Total membrii prezenti: 12 ____________________________________________________ Membrii invoiti Invoirile au fost respinse. ______________________________________________________ Membrii cu inactivitate Nu sunt membrii cu inactivitate la momentul actual. _____________________________________________________ Membrii absenti JuNNkyAYS[AoV] kloody [F4L]TraMaDoL_ Countess[END] [F4L]MOSMoSaNel .Micutzu. Belmundo[MS13] [420]xCrash aLean[AoV] [uN].CosminN. k3Mz0R[ToV] Alucard[ToV] Gigi.Contra[DeV] Ionutc._16hz[AoV] [F4L]Pablitos [420]drU. [uN]Rxbert. Baghera22[ToV] .Koala.[DeV] [420]valerro Total membrii absenti: 20 S-a decis, in urma numarului prea mare de absenti, ca de aceasta data sa nu sanctionam prezenta de la aceasta activitate! Felicitari castigatorilor! -
Las Venturas Taxi - Evidență Teste | Test-Log Evidence
Snowye replied to Blade's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Nick: Snowye Rank: 6 Data: 20/12/2022 Am dat test cu: .suic1de. Rezultat regulament (x/3): 3/3 Rezultat traseu (x/5): N/A Rezultat proba de teren (x/4): N/A Rezultat final: Respins. Alte precizari: - -
Las Venturas Taxi - Anunțuri importante | Important announcements
Snowye replied to Giuliano's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Joi, 22.12.2022, ora 21:00 se va desfasura o activitate cu prezenta obligatorie cu tematica de Craciun. Emy va lasa sa-l colindati! Sarbatori fericite tuturor! Aveti in vedere: Daca sunt 2 sau 3 activitati obligatorii in luna curenta aveti dreptul la o singura invoire (exceptie cand aveti inactivitate). Daca sunt 4 activitati obligatorii in luna curenta aveti dreptul la 2 invoiri (exceptie cand aveti inactivitate. On Thursday, 22.12.2022, 21:00 there will be a Christmas themed activity with mandatory presence. Emy will let you sing carols to him! We wish you all Happy Holidays! Be aware: If there are 2 or 3 mandatory activities scheduled for that month you have the right for a single pass request (exception when you have an active inactivity request). If there are 4 mandatory activities scheduled for that month you have the right for 2 pass requests (exception when you have an active inactivity request). -
Las Venturas Taxi - Misiunea săptămânii / Mission of the week
Snowye replied to Leviathan's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Misiunea Saptamanii / Mission of the Week 19/12/2022 - 25/12/2022 Task-uri Ro: 1. Realizati 1 poza in care aveti 2 clienti in masina in acelasi timp. 2. Realizati o poza pe Chilliad intr-un taxi de culoare neagra, impreuna cu un coleg de factiune ce se afla intr-un taxi de culoare rosie. 3. Realizati o tura de gunoier completa in orasul LV. Tasks Eng: 1. Take 1 picture in which you have 2 clients in the car in the same time. 2. Take a picture on Chilliad in a black taxi vehicle, together with a colleague who is in a red taxi vehicle next to you. 3. Do a complete garbage job in LV. Premii / Prizes Premiile pentru locul II, respectiv III (de saptamana trecuta) se vor acorda in aceasta saptamana primilor 2 ce vor realiza misiunea. The 2nd and 3rd prizes from last week are going to be awarded this week. The first 2 who will finish the mission will win. Castigatorii saptamanii trecute / Last week’s winners: Locul I / First place - BaxteR - 200 gold. Locul II / Second place - N/A Locul III / Third place - N/A -
Las Venturas Taxi - Lista Neagră | Black List
Snowye replied to Giuliano's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Va fi adaugat cu 1 avertisment pe blacklist. -
Las Venturas Taxi - Lista Neagră | Black List
Snowye replied to Giuliano's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Va fi adaugat cu 1 avertisment pe blacklist pentru incurcarea membrului din a-si face datoria. -
Las Venturas Taxi - Misiunea săptămânii / Mission of the week
Snowye replied to Leviathan's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Misiunea Saptamanii / Mission of the Week 12/12/2022 - 18/12/2022 Task-uri Ro: 1. Realizati cate o poza in 3 sate (LS, LV, SF nu se pun) cu un vehicul de tip Alpha vopsit in culoarea lunii. In fiecare dintre orase sa aveti cate un coleg pe g. (Sa nu fie acelasi in toate pozele, 3 diferiti). 2. Realizati 3 poze cu alti membrii taxi. Pozele sa fie facute de la distanta atunci cand acestia sunt on duty intr-un vehicul de tip taxi. 3. Cautati pe RPG perioada, factiunea si numarul punctelor celui mai mare raport al meu. Este de ajuns sa le scrieti, nu este necesara o poza. Tasks Eng: 1. Take 3 pictures in 3 villages (LS, LV, SF doesn't count) with an Alpha taxi vehicle painted in the colour of the month. You need to have with you in each picture a colleague on g. (Not the same one in each picture, 3 different ones). 2. Take 3 pictures of another taxi members. The photos need to be made from distance when they are on duty in a taxi vehicle. 3. Look up on RPG the period of time, faction and number of points i had on my biggest raport. It's enough to write everything down, a picture is not necessary. Premii / Prizes Saptamana aceasta premiile vor fi speciale. Primii 3 care vor termina misiunea vor castiga. This week we have special prizes. The first 3 who will finish the mission will win. Castigatorii saptamanii trecute / Last week’s winners: Locul I / First place - N/A Locul II / Second place - N/A -
Las Venturas Taxi - Evidență Teste | Test-Log Evidence
Snowye replied to Blade's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Nick: Snowye Rank: 6 Data: 07/12/2022 Am dat test cu: Belmundo[MS13] Rezultat regulament (x/3): 0.5/3 Rezultat traseu (x/5): 0/5 Rezultat proba pe teren (x/4): 4/4 Rezultat final: Admis! Welcome. -
Las Venturas Taxi - Misiunea săptămânii / Mission of the week
Snowye replied to Leviathan's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Misiunea Saptamanii / Mission of the Week 05/12/2022 - 11/12/2022 Task-uri Ro: 1. Realizati 2 poze in care aveti cate 2 clienti in masina in acelasi timp. 2. Realizati o poza cu cel putin 4 colegi de factiune la /getgift (langa fantana). 3. Realizati o tura de gunoier completa in orasul LV. Tasks Eng: 1. Take 2 pictures in which you have 2 clients in the car in the same time. 2. Take a picture with at least 4 of your faction colleagues at /getgift (near the fountain). 3. Do a complete garbage job in LV. Premii / Prizes Locul I - Raport Optional / Optional Raport Locul II - Raport Injumatatit / Half Raport Castigatorii saptamanii trecute / Last week’s winners: Locul I / First place - valerro Locul II / Second place - Pablitos -
Adevar graiesti ! Baieti, ar trebui sa alegeti saptamana in care vreti premiile speciale la misiunea saptamanii. ^^
Noi bine, tu ce faci? Nu prea vorbeste lumea pe aici...
Las Venturas Taxi - Culoarea Lunii | Color of the Month
Snowye replied to Leviathan's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Nickname: Snowye Rank: 6 Culoarea votată (doar ID-ul culorii): 86 -
Nu prea erai activ pe forum nici înainte, luând în considerare câte posturi ai 😂. Din motivul ăsta, am și intrebat.
Las Venturas Taxi - Misiunea săptămânii / Mission of the week
Snowye replied to Leviathan's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Misiunea Saptamanii / Mission of the Week 28/11/2022 - 04/12/2022 Task-uri Ro: 1. Realizati o poza in aceasta locatie: https://imgur.com/a/wz6Llc2. 2. Folositi comanda [/service mechanic] si faceti o poza cand va accepta cineva. De asemenea, realizati o poza si dupa ce v-a dat repair sau refill. 3. Realizati doua poze in urmatoarele ipostaze: prima intr-un taxi rosu in timp ce aveti ca pasager un membru al factiunii Paramedics, iar a doua intr-un taxi alb in timp ce aveti ca pasager un membru al factiunii Tow Truck Company. Tasks Eng: 1. Take a picture in this location: https://imgur.com/a/wz6Llc2. 2. Use [/service mechanic] and take a picture after someone accepts the request. Also, take a picture after that player repairs or refills your car. 3. Take 2 pictures: the first in a red taxi with a Paramedics's member as a passenger and the second in a white taxi with a Tow Truck Company's member as a passenger. Premii / Prizes Locul I - Raport Optional / Optional Raport Locul II - Raport Injumatatit / Half Raport Castigatorii saptamanii trecute / Last week’s winners: Locul I / First place - Gigi.Contra Locul II / Second place - Prince_Yunus -
Asta este contul de forum despre care vorbeai?
Las Venturas Taxi - Evidență activități | Activities evidence
Snowye replied to Blade's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Evidenta activitate din data de 25.11.2022 ora 22:00 Organizator: BaxteR (4) ___________________________ Runda 1 - Dueluri pe echipe. Premiu: $200.000 de fiecare. Castigatorii: .Micutzu., Alucard, Shah, Prince_Yunus ($100.000 pentru ca a participat doar in ultima runda in aceasta echipa / because he was only 1 round in this team). Runda 2 - par/impar. Premii: raport optional si raport injumatatit pentru saptamana 28.11.2022-04.12.2022. Castigatorii, in ordine, dupa cum urmeaza: Alucard, .Koala. ___________________________________________________ Membrii prezenti [uN]BaxteR Snowye[ToV] [K4F]claudius_fly [K4F]Gigi.Contra [F4L]NegoLegends (intarziat 10 minute) Pablitos[BanH] [uN].Koala. [F4L]Prince_Yunus Alucard[ToV] [uV]Shah .Micutzu.[END] Total membrii prezenti: 11 ____________________________________________________ Membrii invoiti Naitreaba[AoV] (cerere invoire) Ayhao.[AoV] (cerere invoire) Ionutc._16hz (cerere invoire) Mexicanul1924[VIP] (cerere invoire) Baghera22[ToV] (cerere invoire) VALERAS[AoV] (cerere invoire) Emy[ToV] (lider) Stoony[ToV] (sublider) Total membrii invoiti: 8 ______________________________________________________ Membrii cu inactivitate Nu sunt membrii cu inactivitate la momentul actual. _____________________________________________________ Membrii absenti k3Mz0R [VW]ITScrip DragosTokyo dEnIs.o. [uN]RxBert. dRu.[BanH] - cerere de invoire respinsa, 2/2 luna aceasta. [420]valerro Bailly[ToV] [uS]Dulau[Drogat] - cerere de invoire respinsa, 2/2 luna aceasta. Total membrii absenti: 9 S-a decis, in urma numarului prea mare de absenti, ca de aceasta data sa nu sanctionam prezenta de la aceasta activitate! Felicitari castigatorilor! -
Las Venturas Taxi - Anunțuri importante | Important announcements
Snowye replied to Giuliano's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Vineri, 25.11.2022, ora 22:00 se va desfasura o activitate cu prezenta obligatorie. Aveti in vedere: Daca sunt 2 sau 3 activitati obligatorii in luna curenta aveti dreptul la o singura invoire (exceptie cand aveti inactivitate). Daca sunt 4 activitati obligatorii in luna curenta aveti dreptul la 2 invoiri (exceptie cand aveti inactivitate). Organizator: BaxteR. Mai multe detalii (premii, tipul activitatii) veti primi vineri in cadrul activitatii. On Friday, 25.11.2022, 22:00 there will be an activity with mandatory presence. Be aware: If there are 2 or 3 mandatory activities scheduled for that month you have the right for a single pass request (exception when you have an active inactivity request). If there are 4 mandatory activities scheduled for that month you have the right for 2 pass requests (exception when you have an active inactivity request). Organizer: BaxteR. More information (prizes, activity type) will be received during the activity. -
Las Venturas Taxi - Misiunea săptămânii / Mission of the week
Snowye replied to Leviathan's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Misiunea Saptamanii / Mission of the Week 21/11/2022 - 27/11/2022 Task-uri Ro: 1. Realizati o poza dupa ce eliberati doua persoane diferite din jail. 2. Realizati o poza dupa ce finalizati o misiune. 3. Realizati o poza in fata unui clan tag impreuna cu unul dintre membrii clanului respectiv. Tasks Eng: 1. Take a picture after you free 2 different persons from jail. 2. Take a picture after you finish one mission. 3. Take a picture in front of a clan tag with a player that is a member of that clan. Premii / Prizes Locul I - Raport Optional / Optional Raport Locul II - Raport Injumatatit / Half Raport Castigatorii saptamanii trecute / Last week’s winners: Locul I / First place - BaxteR Locul II / Second place - N/A -
Las Venturas Taxi - Sancțiuni | Members sanctions
Snowye replied to Giuliano's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Nick: Snowye Rank: 6 Data sanctionarii: 19.11.2022 Membrii sanctionati: popica550i, [VW]ITScrip, [K4F]DragosTokyo, Baghera22[ToV], [FBI]|_Alex_|. Sanctionati cu: Faction Warn. Motivul: Absenti activitate obligatorie din data de 18.11.2022. Dovada: Evidenta activitati forum. -
Las Venturas Taxi - Evidență activități | Activities evidence
Snowye replied to Blade's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Evidenta activitate din data de 18.11.2022 ora 22:00 Organizator: Snowye (6) ___________________________ Runda 1 - dueluri. Premiu: raport optional. Castigator: .Koala. Runda 2 - par/impar. Premiu: raport injumatatit. Castigator: Prince_Yunus. Membrii absenti vor fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn. ___________________________________________________ Membrii prezenti Emy[ToV] Snowye[ToV] Stoony[ToV] VALERAS[AoV] [K4F]claudius_fly [K4F]Gigi.Contra k3mzor [F4L]NegoLegends Mexicanul1924[VIP] [K4F]Pablitos rxberT. [uN].Koala. [uN]BaxteR [420]Hcristi [F4L]Prince_Yunus Naitreaba[AoV] Ayhao.[AoV] Total membrii prezenti: 17 ____________________________________________________ Membrii invoiti Alucard[ToV] (cerere invoire) Bailly[ToV] (cerere invoire) [420]valerro (cerere invoire) [uS]Dulau[Drogat] (cerere invoire) [OT]drU. (invoire pm) [uV]Shah ( < 48 ore in factiune) Total membrii invoiti: 6 ______________________________________________________ Membrii cu inactivitate Ionutc._16hz [uL]dEnIs.o. Total membrii cu inactivitate: 2 _____________________________________________________ Membrii absenti popica550i [VW]ITScrip [K4F]DragosTokyo Baghera22[ToV] [FBI]|_Alex_| Total membrii absenti: 5 Daca sesizati vreo greseala, lasati-mi un PM. Felicitari castigatorilor! -
Las Venturas Taxi - Evidență Teste | Test-Log Evidence
Snowye replied to Blade's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Nick: Snowye Rank: 6 Data: 16/11/2022 Am dat test cu: VALERAS Rezultat regulament (x/3): 0/3 Rezultat traseu (x/5): 0/5 Rezultat proba pe teren (x/4): 4/4 Rezultat final: Admis. Welcomeee! -
Las Venturas Taxi - Lista Neagră | Black List
Snowye replied to Giuliano's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Dovezi insuficiente. Pentru a demonstra un DM ar fi necesara o filmare pe viitor. Playerul nu va fi adaugat pe blacklist de aceasta data. -
Las Venturas Taxi - Anunțuri importante | Important announcements
Snowye replied to Giuliano's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Vineri, 18.11.2022, ora 22:00 se va desfasura o activitate cu prezenta obligatorie. Aveti in vedere: Daca sunt 2 sau 3 activitati obligatorii in luna curenta aveti dreptul la o singura invoire (exceptie cand aveti inactivitate). Daca sunt 4 activitati obligatorii in luna curenta aveti dreptul la 2 invoiri (exceptie cand aveti inactivitate. On Friday, 18.11.2022, 22:00 there will be an activity with mandatory presence. Be aware: If there are 2 or 3 mandatory activities scheduled for that month you have the right for a single pass request (exception when you have an active inactivity request). If there are 4 mandatory activities scheduled for that month you have the right for 2 pass requests (exception when you have an active inactivity request). -
Las Venturas Taxi - Misiunea săptămânii / Mission of the week
Snowye replied to Leviathan's topic in Las Venturas Taxi
Misiunea Saptamanii / Mission of the Week 14/11/2022 - 20/11/2022 Task-uri Ro: 1. Realizati o poza in aceasta locatie: https://imgur.com/a/AIbkYP7. 2. Realizati o poza cu primarul, sus pe primarie. 3. Faceti 3 curse cu taxiul cu cate un membru al factiunilor: Hitman Agency, Los Santos Taxi si Paramedics. Realizati cate o poza atunci cand ati ajuns la destinatia ceruta. Tasks Eng: 1. Take a picture in this location: https://imgur.com/a/AIbkYP7. 2. Take a picture with the mayor on top of the City Hall. 3. Transport 3 players with the taxi, 1 of each of the following factions: Hitman Agency, Los Santos Taxi and Paramedics. Take a picture when you reach each destination. Premii / Prizes Locul I - Raport Optional / Optional Raport Locul II - Raport Injumatatit / Half Raport Castigatorii saptamanii trecute / Last week’s winners: Locul I / First place - BaxteR Locul II / Second place - valerro