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Everything posted by MifuGSB
Green Street Bloods - Evidență teste | Test log
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nume: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Nume candidat: Pokeru Proba teoretică de regulament: 0/3 Proba practică de arme: 3-2 Rezultat (Admis/Respins) admis Alte precizări: bv -
Green Street Bloods - Evidență teste | Test log
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nume: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Nume candidat: WarroN. Proba teoretică de regulament: 0/3 Proba practică de arme: 3-2 Rezultat (Admis/Respins) admis Alte precizări: bv -
Green Street Bloods - Sanctiuni | Sanctions
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nick: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Membrul sanctionat: .Alex Motiv: Evidenta Wars 07/01/2021 Sanctiune: FW Nick: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Membrul sanctionat: Dem[o]n_RageMode, Cazan. Motiv: Evidenta Wars 07/01/2021 Sanctiune: AV+Amenda $30.000 Nick: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Membrul sanctionat: .Alex Motiv: Banat Sanctiune: Demitere -
Green Street Bloods - Sanctiuni | Sanctions
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nick: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Membrul sanctionat: KHAN Motiv: Evidenta Wars 06/01/2021 Sanctiune: FW Nick: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Membrul sanctionat: Krypton Motiv: Evidenta Wars 06/01/2021 Sanctiune: AV+Amenda $30.000 -
Green Street Bloods - Evidență teste | Test log
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nume: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Nume candidat: Briceag.Capitanul Proba teoretică de regulament: 3/3 Proba practică de arme: - Rezultat (Admis/Respins) : Respins Alte precizări: pare rau -
Green Street Bloods - Evidență teste | Test log
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nume: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Nume candidat: Razzor Proba teoretică de regulament: 2,5/3 Proba practică de arme: 2-3 Rezultat (Admis/Respins) : Respins Alte precizări: pare rau -
Green Street Bloods - Evidență teste | Test log
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nume: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Nume candidat: Zenny.Zew Proba teoretică de regulament: 2,5/3 Proba practică de arme: 3-1 Rezultat (Admis/Respins) admis Alte precizări: bv -
Incepand cu data de 27.12.2021, in cazul mafiilor, pentru a oferi sublider unui membru (Rank 6) acesta trebuie sa detina minim un rank 3 anterior in orice factiune, in ultimii 2 ani. Exceptie facem de la aceasta regula atunci cand liderul tocmai ce a fost promovat si isi poate aduce pe cine doreste el de incredere in factiune. Daca un sublider primeste ban pentru cod, liderul o sa fie sanctionat cu 0,5/3. Normal trebuie sa stiti pe cine puneti rank 6 si cu ce scop cat e de incredere s.a.m.d. Daca cineva a fost banat pentru aimbot, pe langa interdictia de 30 de zile, o sa fie si o interdictie de 60 de zile in a primi rank 6 intr-o mafie. Motivul pentru care am luat aceasta decizie: -Incercam sa evitam sa apara tot mai multe conturi fantoma in mafii doar pentru a castiga wars si sa rupa codurile -Liderul trebuie sa isi cunoasca membrii mai ales pe cei de rank superior, din aceasta cauza este si el sanctionat in aceste conditii -Interdictia foloseste pentru a evita sa tot apara membrii de r6 care rup codu de pe conturi fantoma sau care stau doar o perioada in mafie pentru a boosta mafia. EN: Starting with 27.12.2021, in the case of gangs, in order to offer a subleader to a member (Rank 6) he must hold at least a previous rank 3 in any faction, in the last 2 years. We make an exception to this rule when the leader has just been promoted and can bring whoever he wants to trust in the faction. If a subleader receives ban for cheats, the leader will be penalized with 0.5 / 3. Normally you need to know who you rank 6 and for what purpose it is reliable If someone was banned for aimbot, in addition to the 30days interdict, there will be a 60-day interdict to receiving rank 6 in a gang. The reason for this decision is: -We're trying to avoid more and more ghost accounts in the gang just to win wars and break codes. -The leader must know his members, especially those of higher rank, because of this he is also sanctioned in these conditions. -The ban is used to avoid the appearance of r6 members who break the code from ghost accounts or who only stay in the gang for a while to boost the gang.
Green Street Bloods - Evidență teste | Test log
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nume: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Nume candidat: Wally Proba teoretică de regulament: 0,5/3 Proba practică de arme: 3-1 Rezultat (Admis/Respins) admis Alte precizări: bv -
Green Street Bloods - Evidență teste | Test log
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nume: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Nume candidat: .Smurfftw Proba teoretică de regulament: 1/3 Proba practică de arme: 3-1 Rezultat (Admis/Respins) admis Alte precizări: bv -
Green Street Bloods - Evidență teste | Test log
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nume: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Nume candidat: edu[a]rd Proba teoretică de regulament: 2,5/3 Proba practică de arme: 3-0 Rezultat (Admis/Respins) admis Alte precizări: bv -
Green Street Bloods - Sanctiuni | Sanctions
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nick: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Membrul sanctionat: Krypton Motiv: Evidenta Wars 17/12/2021 Sanctiune: AV+Amenda -
Green Street Bloods - Sanctiuni | Sanctions
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nick: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Membrul sanctionat: , dem[o]n_ragemode Baghera15 Motiv: Evidenta Wars 17/12/2021 Sanctiune: FW -
Green Street Bloods - Evidență teste | Test log
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nume: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Nume candidat: Cazan Proba teoretică de regulament: 1,5/3 Proba practică de arme: 3-0 Rezultat (Admis/Respins) admis Alte precizări: bv -
Green Street Bloods - Evidență teste | Test log
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nume: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Nume candidat: Cain Proba teoretică de regulament: 0,75/3 Proba practică de arme: 3-1 Rezultat (Admis/Respins) admis Alte precizări: bv -
Green Street Bloods - Evidență waruri | Wars evidence
MifuGSB replied to P a u L's topic in Green Street Bloods
Evidenta wars 15.12.2021 Evidenta wars 16.12.2021 -
Green Street Bloods - Sanctiuni | Sanctions
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nick: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Membrul sanctionat: Johnny_Morello, Moghinho, Baghera15 Motiv: Evidenta Wars 14/12/2021 Sanctiune: FW -
Green Street Bloods - Evidență waruri | Wars evidence
MifuGSB replied to P a u L's topic in Green Street Bloods
Evidenta 14.12.2021, PS: Demon nu va primi deoarece a demonstrat ca nu se putea loga. -
Green Street Bloods - Evidență waruri | Wars evidence
MifuGSB replied to P a u L's topic in Green Street Bloods
Evidenta 13.12.2021 -
Green Street Bloods - Sanctiuni | Sanctions
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nick: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Membrul sanctionat: KigoBaimarean Motiv: Banat Sanctiune: Demitere Nick: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Membrul sanctionat: Sireteanu.Sensei Motiv: Neplata amenda Sanctiune: FW -
Green Street Bloods - Lista neagra | Blacklist
MifuGSB replied to Alexander's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nick:Mifu Rank: Lider Nick-ul reclamatului: Furrify Level-ul reclamatului: 42 MyStats bar a reclamatului: Descriere: Jigniri grave la adresa liderului Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/8CtY5RU -
Green Street Bloods - Sanctiuni | Sanctions
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nick: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Membrul sanctionat: Sireteanu.Sensei, KigoBaimarean Motiv: Evidenta Wars 10/12/2021 Sanctiune: Amenda $30.000+AV -
Green Street Bloods - Evidență waruri | Wars evidence
MifuGSB replied to P a u L's topic in Green Street Bloods
Evidenta wars 10/12/2021 -
Green Street Bloods - Evidență waruri | Wars evidence
MifuGSB replied to P a u L's topic in Green Street Bloods
Evidenta 09/12/2021 -
Green Street Bloods - Sanctiuni | Sanctions
MifuGSB replied to Vittorio Salvatore's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nick: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Membrul sanctionat: ElCapetanosBahoi, .RGC. , MOGHiLEANU, Tyson_de_la_braila, moghinho Motiv: Evidenta Wars 08/12/2021 Sanctiune: AV Nick: Mifu Rank: Supreme Chief Membrul sanctionat: tyson_de_la_braila Motiv: Evidenta Wars 09/12/2021 Sanctiune: Amenda $15.000