Aloha, dragi instructori!
Misiunea acestei saptamani este urmatoarea:
Tot ce aveti de facut este sa:
- faceti cate o poza cand dati 2 teste pentru licenta de Fishing (screenshot la intrebari).
- faceti cate o poza dupa ce ati acordat 3 licente de Weapon.
- faceti cate o poza cand incepeti 3 teste pentru licenta de Materials.
Dovezile o sa le incarcati pe
Model de postare:
Alte observatii:
Locul 1: Raport optional.
Locul 2: Raport injumatatit.
Locul 3: $50,000.
Aveti timp sa completati misiunea pana in 21.06.2020 ora 23:45.
Mult succes, dragi instructori!
Aloha, dear instructors!
After a long time I was thinking to post a mission a little more special which will help you a lot at the Activity Report.
All you have to do is:
- to take a photo when you give 3 tests for Fishing license (screenshots at questions).
- to take a photo after you have granted 3 Weapon licenses.
- to take a photo when you start 3 tests for Materials license.
You will upload the proofs on
Model post:
Other obs.:
1st place: Optional Activity Report.
2nd place: Half Activity Report.
3rd place: $50,000.
You have time to complete the mission until 21.06.2020 hour 23:45.
Good luck, dear instructors.