- Nume: Filip_Markovic
- Numele celui reclamat: Cristian
- Levelul celui reclamat: 78
- Bara RPG a reclamatului (cea mică):
- Motiv: DM
- Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/xJWO3fd
- Alte precizări: I was just doing my job, towing, and he just shot my car 2 times, u can see it on link.
• Nick:Filip_Markovic • Rank:SF Instructor (2)
• Person who you'd like to add (RPG BAR):
• Name and level of the player:Andrei_1236, Level:8 • Date of offense:04/05/2017 • Reason:I accepted him (/needlicenses) and he wanted the flying license...I started lesson with him and i told him that go to SF airport and to dont touch anything because he will fail, if he have less than 950 hp.He began to drive a helicopter and on start he failed (about 820hp not sure) i told him that he failed he wanted his money back and he ejected me...everything can be seen in the pictures. • Evidence:1. http://i.imgur.com/S9mntSx.png 2. http://i.imgur.com/Bttm7lq.png • Anything else?:I hope that he will be blacklisted.
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