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Everything posted by Edward

  1. Nick: [uS]Ed[w]ard. Rank: Captain (5) Am dat test cu: TheKilerOne Data testului: 09.11.2018 Admis / respins : Respins Rezultatul la proba teoretica: 3/3 Rezultatul la proba practica: x/8 Alte precizari: Succes data viitoare.
  2. Nick:[uS]Ed[w]ard. Rank: Captain (5) Am dat test cu: Kruger. Data testului: 02.11.2018 Admis / respins : Respins Rezultatul la proba teoretica: 3/3 Rezultatul la proba practica: x/8 Alte precizari: Succes data viitoare.
  3. Nick: Ed[w]ard. Rank: Captain (5) Am dat test cu: SecOral Data testului: 01.11.2018 Admis / respins : Respins Rezultatul la proba teoretica: 1.5/3 Rezultatul la proba practica: 4/8 Alte precizari: Ai grija data viitoare la radar + ce job ai.
  4. - Nume: Ed[w]ard. - RPG Bara: Aici - Tipul de interviu dorit: Simplu - Numele celorlalți participanți (dacă există): - - RPG Bar al participanților: - - Am luat la cunoștință regulile prezentate pe prima pagină: Desigur - In cazul in care imi e repartizat un reporter strain, sunt de acord sa sustin interviul in engleza: Nu - Alte precizări: Nu merge sa pun bara de la profil din cauza [w]-ului de la nume, seara buna
  5. Nick: Ed[w]ard. Rank: 5 - Captain Am dat test cu: KeNNz00r Data testului: 28.10.2018 Admis/Respins: Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme: 5/8 Alte precizari: Bun venit in echipa S.W.A.T.
  6. Nick: Ed[w]ard. Rank: 5 - Captain Am dat test cu: TheVirus Data testului: 25.10.2018 Admis/Respins: Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme: 5/8 Alte precizari: Nu stiu ce a avut contul meu de forum, insa a avut niste probleme, de asta postez acum, dar bine venit in echipa S.W.A.T.
  7. - Nume: Ed[w]ard. - RPG Bara: Aici - Tipul de interviu dorit: Simplu - Numele celorlalți participanți (dacă există): - - RPG Bar al participanților: - - Am luat la cunoștință regulile prezentate pe prima pagină: Desigur - In cazul in care imi e repartizat un reporter strain, sunt de acord sa sustin interviul in engleza: Nu - Alte precizări: Nu merge sa pun bara de la profil din cauza [w]-ului de la nume, seara buna
  8. Nick: Vladimir.Chubby Rank: 3 Data amenzii: 24/10/2018Suma depusa: 5.000$Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/JZmhpCy Motivul(absenta/scor): Scor -5 Alte precizari: Am dat pe plus, sa fie de bine
  9. Nick: Ed[w]ard. Rank: Captain (5) Am dat test cu: Alessandro[DeV] Data testului: 23.10.2018 Admis / respins : Respins Rezultatul la proba teoretica: 2/3 Rezultatul la proba practica: x/8 Alte precizari: Next time be careful with the license!
  10. Nick: Ed[w]ard. Rank: Captain (5) Am dat test cu: crispo_nv Data testului: 23.10.2018 Admis / respins : Respins Rezultatul la proba teoretica: 2/3 Rezultatul la proba practica: x/8 Alte precizari: Next time pay more attention, do the raport after you get r1
  11. Nick: [uN]Ed[w]ard. Rank: Captain (5) Am dat test cu: Boxxulica Data testului: 14.10.2018 Admis / respins : Admis Rezultatul la proba teoretica: 1.5/3 Rezultatul la proba practica: 8/8 Alte precizari: Bine ai venit printre noi.
  12. Red Dead Redemption 2's Weapon Customization Detailed Red Dead Redemption 2 looks to be a shockingly precise cowboy simulator, right down to some survivalist mechanics like hunting and dressing appropriately. All a real frontiersman needs is a horse and a trusty rifle, and Rockstar has taken the wraps off of your weapon selection in the upcoming game. According to the official site, RDR2 has more than 50 weapons, each with customization options and ammo types to help determine stats like accuracy, range, and damage. Weapons will level up the more you use them, and they'll need to be kept oiled and cleaned to stave off degradation. You can customize with barrels, grips, sights, and scopes for performance, along with visual flourishes like selecting your metals, woods, varnishes, and engravings. The visual elements like metals and engravings can be customizable per component of your gun, and you can pick a different engraving on your trigger guard, barrel, and frame for a truly unique look. Ammo types like split point, high velocity, and explosive can be used in a pinch for tougher enemies. A good holster will help prevent weapon degredation, while off-hand holsters let you dual wield your weapons. Finally, your horse's saddle will store your weapons, so you'll have to select which weapons to take on your person when you tie up your horse. Rockstar cites a handful of examples of how various weapons can deal with different situations. The Bolt-Action Rifle is best for long-range combat against multiple targets, while the Pump-Action Shotgun is best suited for close combat against hearty wild beasts. A Double-Action Revolver works well if shooting from horseback, while a Sawed-Off Shotgun is better if you're limited to one hand while the other carries a lantern. The Varmint Rifle is best for small game since it will do the least damage to their skin and meat. And the Springfield Rifle is ideal for one-on-one confrontations at mid-range. And those are just a few of the examples. The new Dead-Eye system helps you make the most out of every shot, and progresses to become more powerful over the course of the game. It will let you auto-select targets, manually place multiple shots on the same enemy, fire in slow motion, or pinpoint weak spots on enemies. Red Dead Redemption 2 hits on October 26. Check out some of the most surprising details we know about so far while we wait to explore the Old West. Source
  13. Fallout 76 Beta Date, Stress Test, How To Get In, And Everything We Know So Far Fallout 76 is a very different kind of Fallout game, with a new focus on multiplayer across a massive open world. Bethesda is putting it through its paces with a beta test releasing later this month, and you can join in to help explore the wastes and gather technical feedback before its official launch. There's even a pre-beta stress test that a select number of fans will get access to. Here's everything to know about the beta. When does the beta start? The beta for Fallout 76 will begin on October 23 on Xbox One, and then expand to PC and PlayStation 4 the following week on October 30. Even if you've received a code, though, you may not necessarily be invited to the first wave. Bethesda plans to start small to stress test the game and expand slowly, so your actual start date may vary. A separate pre-beta stress test will also run beginning on October 13. That one is exclusive to Xbox One Insiders who have pre-ordered the game, and even then fulfilling those criteria only enters you into the pool of possible participants. Players of this stress test will be under NDA and unlike the beta, game progress will not be saved. How long will the beta last? Bethesda has not given a specific end-date for the beta, but it has explained that the servers won't be available 24/7 during the beta period. The studio says it will be running "targeted time frames" to force interested players together at the same time, which in turn will mark a better technical test. The game may be available for 4-8 hours on any given day, with Bethesda making adjustments and fixes during the off periods. This process will repeat until a few days before launch on November 14. How do I get in? The beta will be available exclusively for those who pre-order the game across PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Digital pre-orders will be entered into the pool automatically, while physical pre-orders will receive a code to enter into the accounts page once the beta has gone live on your platform of choice. It's important to note that this code is not the beta code you enter to access the actual game download. Instead, the pre-order code is the one you enter into Bethesda's system to be put into the pool for code distribution. A separate code, which gives you access to the install, will follow at a later time as Bethesda rolls out its invites. In the meantime, you can be sure you're prepared by creating a free Bethesda.net login. Also, make sure you have an active Xbox Live Gold or PlayStation Plus membership if you're playing on either console, since those will be required to access the online-only game. Is the beta the full game? The Fallout 76 beta is the full experience, and Bethesda says it is currently planning to allow players to carry progress over into the full game. However, console players will need to redownload the launch version, whereas PC players will not need to download a new version upon launch. The beta will be 45 GB. How do I submit feedback? Bethesda is inviting feedback across its variety of social media channels. What else will I get for pre-ordering? Aside from beta access, pre-ordering will get you 500 Atoms--Fallout 76's in-game currency. Atoms allow you to purchase cosmetic items from the shop. Bethesda has indicated that Atoms will be plentiful, but as we haven't seen the shop or prices yet, it's hard to say just how far 500 Atoms will go. Source
  14. Exact cum am spus mai sus, de unde stii ca nu am cont? Deci pe mine ma doare capul cu tine, te las in lumea ta, salut
  15. De unde stii ca nu fac parte din factiune? Apropo, uita-te pe prima pagina a topicului.
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