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Narcis Gheorghe

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Everything posted by Narcis Gheorghe

  1. Tot eu te-am invatat si asta.
  2. Mergea alta poza acolo, tema este buna.
  3. Neata, de ce esti asa rau cu oamenii :))))
  4. ar fi fain sa faca 1 cu 3 :))))) eu vreau cu 2 /:
  5. vand raton 













    @TLG RatonWOOF

    1. TLG Ratonescu

      TLG Ratonescu

      wergaT  wertgtwestdrbfagsdfbafsdgh bafdghssfgD  ,bdgzsxc bnjlnkjjkn;xcfbjn;osdfghnjk;hfbsxnjk;sfgnjk;fbhxdsjnk;njk;fhdxjkni;fxsgnfgbfxdckjvgfhdziughijldafghihjfgshdhjilsdfgjihfhijufdhuijpfdgzhuijfgdzhjiofgdsjfxdsgjnxlkgnklgfsdGSgszfgs

  6. Neata, din fericire n-am uitat nu prea am avut timp sa ma ocup de nimic vara asta.
  7. vand lucerna de 3-4 zile cn vrea

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