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Everything posted by TLG Kweb.
Nick: Kweb. Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Culoarea săptămânii aleasă: Roz Perioada: 17.08.2020 - 23.08.2020 Alte precizări: Distractie placuta, instructorilor! Nick: Kweb. Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Color choosen: Pink Period: 17.08.2020 - 23.08.2020 Other specifications: Have fun, instructors!
San Fierro School Instructors - Sancţiuni / Sanctions
TLG Kweb. replied to Austin's topic in San Fierro School Instructors
Nick: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Membrul sanctionat: Noxew Motiv: Banat. A fost sanctionat cu: Demitere(60FP) Dovezi: La cerere. Alte precizari?: Nick: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Membrul sanctionat: Poe Motiv: Banat. A fost sanctionat cu: Demitere(60FP) Dovezi: La cerere. Alte precizari?: -
San Fierro School Instructors - Lista Neagră / Blacklist
TLG Kweb. replied to AWAIS's topic in San Fierro School Instructors
Nimic. -
Nick: Kweb. Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Culoarea săptămânii aleasă: Albastru (cyan) Perioada: 10.08.2020 - 16.08.2020 Alte precizări: Distractie placuta, instructorilor! Nick: Kweb. Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Color choosen: Blue (cyan) Period: 10.08.2020 - 16.08.2020 Other specifications: Have fun, instructors!
San Fierro School Instructors - Sancţiuni / Sanctions
TLG Kweb. replied to Austin's topic in San Fierro School Instructors
Nick: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Membrul sanctionat: [VMC]Negan Motiv: Test incorect. A fost sanctionat cu: Demitere(60FP) Dovezi: La cerere. Alte precizari?: Reclamatie. -
San Fierro School Instructors - Sancţiuni / Sanctions
TLG Kweb. replied to Austin's topic in San Fierro School Instructors
Nick: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Membrul sanctionat: [uV]Ionut.V1.3 Motiv: Reclamatie A fost sanctionat cu: Demitere(60FP) Dovezi: La cerere. Alte precizari?: -
San Fierro School Instructors - Memories / Amintiri
TLG Kweb. replied to Mushroom's topic in San Fierro School Instructors
Cu baietii la pescuit. -
Nickname: Kweb. Lider/Sublider la factiunea: San Fierro School Instructors Dovada cu taxa platita (/transfer): https://imgur.com/a/fPikgzj Comentarii suplimentare: SFSI Castiga.
Pentru a intra in factiunea San Fierro School Instructors trebuie sa indeplinesti cateva cerinte: 1. Cerinte generale: ►Nivel 7. ►Nu trebuie sa aveti Faction Punish. ►Activitate lunara buna. 2. Activitatea lunara: ►Daca aplicati inainte de jumatatea lunii, trebuie sa aveti 20 de ore jucate luna trecuta si X ore jucate in luna curenta. Daca suntem in ziua 15, trebuie sa aveti 15 ore. ►Daca aplicatia a fost facuta in a doua jumatate a lunii, criteriul minim pentru acceptare este de X ore jucate in luna curenta! ► *(X- reprezinta ziua in care se raspunde la aplicatii!).* 3. Sanctiuni: ►Un player care detine ban, poate aplica dupa 30 de zile de la ultimul ban (de cand a expirat banul). ►Un player care detine warn/ajail, poate aplica dupa 25 zile de la ultimul warn/ajail primit. ►Un player care detine mute, poate aplica dupa 25 zile. ►Un player care a fost demis recent dintr-o factiune sau a fost sanctionat cu Faction Warn si dupa a pus demisie, poate aplica dupa 14 zile. To join the San Fierro School Instructors faction you must meet several requirements: 1. General requirements: ►Level 7. ►You must not have Faction Punish. ►Good monthly activity. 2. Monthly activity: ►If you apply before the middle of the month, you must have 20 hours played last month and X hours played this month. If we are on day 15, you must have 15 hours. ►If the application was made in the second half of the month, the minimum criterion for acceptance is X hours played in the current month! ►*(X- represents the day when applications are answered!). * 3. Sanctions: ►A player who was banned, can apply after 30 days from the last ban. (since the ban expired) ►A player who was warned / ajailed can apply after 25 days from the last warn / ajail received. ►A player who was muted, can apply after 25 days. (since he got muted) ►A player who was recently dismissed from faction or he was sanctioned with a Faction Warn and then he resigned, can apply after 14 days.
Salut, instructorilor! A fost modificata o regula in regulamentul intern, aceea fiind regula care zicea ca cei care acorda bani clientilor / returneaza banii clientilor dupa teste primesc FW, ei bine, de acum se primeste demitere. Hello, instructors! A rule from internal rules was edited, those being the rule that said that those who give money to customers / return money to customers after tests receive FW, well, from now on you recieve dismissal.
San Fierro School Instructors - Sancţiuni / Sanctions
TLG Kweb. replied to Austin's topic in San Fierro School Instructors
Nick: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Membrul sanctionat: Razv4nN. Motiv: Fraudare raport. A fost sanctionat cu: Demitere(60FP) Dovezi: La cerere. Alte precizari?: Reclamatie PM. Nick: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Membrul sanctionat: [TSV].Savantul_Mihai Motiv: Neprezentare dovezi licente. A fost sanctionat cu: Demitere(60FP) Dovezi: La cerere. Alte precizari?: Nick: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Membrul sanctionat: [TL]BAPTiSTE Motiv: Teste acordate incorect. A fost sanctionat cu: Demitere(60FP) Dovezi: La cerere. Alte precizari?: -
Mersi mult, Andr! Am ales, T/C.
Display Name: TLG Kweb. Doresc (Avatar/Semnătură/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profil):Avatar Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnătură): Tema (Natură, fete, peisaje, apus, răsărit, mașini, vintage, b&w, abstract, texturi, animale, etc.): Tom Ellis din Lucifer sau Gunter-ul de la avatar. Text(opțional): TLG Kweb., sub sa fie scris RPG2 Leader. Nu conteaza culoarea, stiti voi ce sa puneti. Dimensiuni (opțional): Le stiti voi. Alte precizări (opțional): Multumesc frumos!
San Fierro School Instructors - Sancţiuni / Sanctions
TLG Kweb. replied to Austin's topic in San Fierro School Instructors
Nick: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Boss (Leader) Membrul sanctionat: [GK]KaTaNoiU Motiv: Limbaj Vulgar. A fost sanctionat cu: Demitere(60FP) Dovezi: La cerere. Alte precizari?: