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St4cky last won the day on August 26 2021

St4cky had the most liked content!

About St4cky

  • Birthday March 1

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  1. Nume în joc: IAWY Contractul ales: https://imgur.com/a/grXanvf
  2. Nume in joc: St4cky Contract: https://imgur.com/a/fLRfNf9
  3. Nume in joc: St4cky Contract: https://imgur.com/a/fJygjPY
  4. Nume in joc: St4cky Contract: https://imgur.com/a/4xc0bv3
  5. Nume in joc: St4cky Contract: https://imgur.com/a/xYdKQZw
  6. Nume in joc: St4cky Contract: https://imgur.com/a/yciT3RS
  7. Nume in joc: St4cky Contract: https://imgur.com/a/toG0vuq
  8. Nume in joc: St4cky Contract: https://imgur.com/a/0Ig11Rn
  9. Nume in joc: St4cky Contract: https://imgur.com/a/ZL11CKy
  10. Nume in joc: St4cky Contract: https://imgur.com/a/hxGoG04
  11. Nume in joc: St4cky Contract: https://imgur.com/a/zE3KgYy
  12. Nume in joc: St4cky Contract: https://imgur.com/a/SdGFGJ9
  13. Nume in joc: St4cky Contract: https://imgur.com/a/3Oz6I99
  14. evidenta wars 15.11.2023 (500 sec) Darius1945- Invoit Dox Invoit MrAlex Invoit BogdanKIA invoit MTX Invoit Inactivitati : Andra Absenti KingDumitru absent 2/2 - fw RazvanKny absent 1/2 - av + amenda 50k
  15. Evidenta war 07.11.2023 - (500 secunde) [NC]BogdanKIA. 25 23 1950 20 16 1980 6 0 1500 Keisenkov[SIUU] 26 18 1920 22 12 1740 10 6 1830 St4cky[RICH] 4 2 570 23 11 1680 13 0 1320 [uS]BaNNNu 20 13 1860 18 10 1740 6 -3 1500 Razzer[SIUU] 22 16 1830 15 10 1830 10 5 1770 Xoomer[ZEW] 4 -1 1890 8 7 1980 5 1 1710 [D0x][MS13] 4 -2 780 7 5 2010 5 1 1950 [uN]OdiiN 9 5 1950 11 5 1740 3 -4 1500 [uS]razvankny. 11 2 930 13 4 1650 14 6 1530 MTxUKT[LOW] 5 -3 1680 8 4 1650 3 -7 1350 [AIM][Mr]ALex 9 8 1470 9 4 1860 7 4 1920 [AIM]Andra. 10 7 1890 7 4 1860 2 -4 1620 KnighTwasHERE[ZEW] 4 1 1800 5 3 1890 5 2 1620 Lance 5 2 1890 5 2 1830 4 -3 1860 Messier 13 3 1830 14 2 1830 9 -1 1590 kzm@INTERVENTIA 2 -1 630 5 0 870 1 -2 1380 GlobalEliteMaje[ZEW] 2 0 2040 1 0 1980 3 1 1980 Jon. 12 5 1410 4 -1 1710 0 -5 570 DonMario[SIUU] 11 5 1860 2 -2 1470 6 0 1470 DerekRegepeDeagle[SIUU] 3 -1 1530 5 -2 1530 3 -3 1470 FighteRwasHERE[ZEW] 4 -5 1620 1 -4 1170 1 -3 1020 .Ganja7 3 0 1080 0 -7 1320 1 -2 1650 Rechinu.[RICH] 0 0 (ABSENT) 0 0 (ABSENT) 0 0 (ABSENT) Faction Warn (3/3) [AIM]FacTOT 0 0 (ABSENT) 0 0 (ABSENT) 0 0 (ABSENT) INACTIVITATE Nasu 0 0 (ABSENT) 0 0 (ABSENT) 0 0 (ABSENT) Faction Warn (3/3) [eB]rpg2_[Blue]Adi 0 0 (ABSENT) 0 0 (ABSENT) 0 0 (ABSENT) ADMIN Aveti timp 48h sa va platiti amenzile! Daca am gresit ceva la evidenta astept pm!
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