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UHTRED last won the day on March 9 2023

UHTRED had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 12/23/2004

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UHTRED's Achievements


Regular (8/14)

  • 60 Consecutive Logs Rare
  • 50 Reactions Received Rare
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  • 300 Posts
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  1. Nume: Nicu Rank: 4 Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/p6wGivj Alte informatii: mai fentez o saptamana
  2. Nume: Nicu Rank: 4 Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/CqvU4s6 Alte precizari: -
  3. Nick: Nicu Server: rpg.b-zone.ro Descrierea bug-ului: 1. Sunt mici erori la dialogul unde alegi premiile secundare de la quest, acolo scrie ca iei 100-200 bumbac si 50-100 la restul materialelor, insa pe forum scrie acest lucru " Premiu secundar (2 din 4): 10-15 Rob Points, 10-15 Escape Points, 10-15 Mission Points, 20-70 Wood, 20-70 Cotton, 30-100 Silver sau 20-70 Gold Ingots." (aici n-am dovada ca mi-am dat seama dupa ce am ales premiile) 2. In chat scrie ca iei 3 rotiri dupa ce finalizezi de 2 ori questul, insa primesti 2 rotiri cum scrie si pe forum Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/LPrxuOM
  4. Nume: Nicu Rank: 2 Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/pXbwMgb Alte precizari: #fentamRaportul
  5. Nume: uhtred Rank: 1 Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/sT6nZRV
  6. Nume: Hitmanul Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/UqxSW9K
  7. Nume: putred Rank: 4 Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/cz4hcAG Alte precizari: -
  8. Nume: Hitmanul Contract: https://imgur.com/a/eHKpGkB
  9. Nume: putred Rank: 4 Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/Z971oPx Alte precizari: -
  10. Nume: Hitmanul Contracul ales: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  11. Nume: Hitmanul Contract: https://imgur.com/a/IJVIomu
  12. Nume in joc: Hitmanul Contract: https://imgur.com/a/IcaxSY2
  13. Nume: putred Rank: 3 Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/wh9D0b2 Alte precizari: #FentamRaportul
  14. Nume: putred Rank: 3 Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/DbBtTFD Alte precizari: -
  15. Nume: putred Rank: 3 Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/0vZ5RSI Alte precizari: m-am saturat, da-mi raportul ala
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