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Everything posted by AUDI RS8

  1. Iar ti-ai schimbat avatarul. Tu ai ceva cu busturile barbatilor?
  2. Nick: AUDI_RS8 Rank: Network Anchor Data savarsirii interviului: 10/02/2013 Numele celui/celor intervievat/i: M.Andrei , Shobo si RounD Tipul de live: Triplu Alte precizari: A fost de la targ, ala GRATIS
  3. AUDI RS8

    Guess the car

    Over, winner [bTD]Just.Xes Next: http://i.imgur.com/vvucsBG.jpg
  4. AUDI RS8

    Guess the car

    Over, winner [bTD]Just.Xes Next: http://i.imgur.com/vXJ1URi.jpg
  5. Deci nu mi-ati raspuns la intrebare: Luam LS?
  6. AUDI RS8

    Guess the car

    Over, winner Rowe. Next: http://i.imgur.com/n69C7GC.jpg
  7. Nick: AUDI_RS8 Rank: Network anchor Data savarsirii interviului: 08/02/2012 Numele celui/celor intervievat/i: uiDivo Tipul de live: Simplu Alte precizari: A fost de la targ.
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