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Everything posted by AUDI RS8

  1. Numai smecheri aici. 9500, 5700, 5000 de posturi. Eu la 3500 ce sa mai zic?
  2. AUDI RS8

    Guess the car

    Over, winner zGabi Next: http://i.imgur.com/63Oou.jpg
  3. AUDI RS8

    Guess the car

    Over, winner zBangh Next: http://i.imgur.com/D9RZN.jpg
  4. AUDI RS8

    Guess the car

    Over, winner FlorineL49 Next: http://i.imgur.com/MOboi.jpg
  5. AUDI RS8

    Guess the car

    Over, W: -, R: Perrenial Next: http://i.imgur.com/5JGPx.jpg
  6. Felicitari, acum am aflat.

  7. AUDI RS8

    Guess the car

    Over, winner Hogan. Next: http://i.imgur.com/PGX2H.jpg
  8. Esti ala din mijloc? :))

    1. F4L Andrei

      F4L Andrei

      Nu. Sunt în stânga pozei, între cele două fete.

    2. AUDI RS8
  9. AUDI RS8

    Guess the car

    Over, winner zelenbic_bug Next: http://i.imgur.com/Po9VU.jpg
  10. Eh, asta e mereu. POST POST POST Check: http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/110708-plangere-audiu-rs8-event-aiurea/page__p__1634139#entry1634139 http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/107951-plangere-admin-warn-aiurea/page__p__1588593#entry1588593 http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/109784-plangere-keltonvinnie-ban-aiurea-demisia/page__p__1619485#entry1619485
  11. Vreau sa il iau pe mdy Fara cuvinte a . Rau s-a ajuns.
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