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Everything posted by balmo

  1. Name : BALMO Evidence : https://imgur.com/a/d6enKzd Other information: - F eedback:
  2. Nume: .BALMO Rang: 5 Candidatul testat: [FILIP] Rezultatul: Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme: 6/8 Alte precizari: -
  3. Name : BALMO Evidence : https://imgur.com/a/UZzIxGn Other information: - F eedback: -
  4. Name : BALMO Evidence : https://imgur.com/a/Wg1I0H6 Other information: - F eedback: -
  5. Nume: .BALMO Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/XCXpr65 Alte informatii: - Feedback:
  6. Nume: .BALMO Rang: 5 Candidatul testat: Baster Rezultatul: Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme: 6/8 Alte precizari: -
  7. Nume: .BALMO Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/pcrk2GJ Alte informatii: - Feedback: -
  8. Name: .BALMO Proof: https://imgur.com/a/8GTgCfe Other information: Poza corecta pentru misiune. Feedback: <3
  9. Name: .BALMO Proof: https://imgur.com/a/RW0Muiu Other information: - Feedback: <3
  10. Nume: .BALMO Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/SYL3pTl Alte informatii: - Feedback: -
  11. Nume: .BALMO Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/J4EB3IQ Alte informatii: Answer for question: Ryder - Raid Feedback: -
  12. Nume: .BALMO Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/RSFyZmv Alte informatii: - Feedback: -
  13. Nume: .BALMO Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/LHTENR9 Alte informatii: - Feedback: -
  14. - Nume: .BALMO - Rang: 4 - Echipa curentă: ROADS - Echipa în care doresc: SWAT - Motivul: Dupa atata timp in ROADS, vreau sa incerc si echipa SWAT - Alte precizări: Multumesc.
  15. Name: .BALMO Proof: https://imgur.com/a/BKwrq0d Other information: Faina misiune Feedback: <3
  16. Nume: .BALMO Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/VhiifO1 Alte informatii: Frumos Feedback: <3
  17. Name: .BALMO Proof: https://imgur.com/a/iAPe5xU Other information: - Feedback: -
  18. Nume: [WT].BALMO Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/xrTzxwG Alte informatii: - Feedback: -
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