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Everything posted by AkenX

    Am depus multă muncă pentru a ieși nesimțitul ăsta de mod, sper să vă placă și dacă își face treaba nu uitați să lăsați un review! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  1. Am vb cu Stoony ( Liderul Los Santos School Instructor ) si mi-a zis ca sa iti dau cmd-ul sa il verifici de virusi si dupa daca e curat sa ii trimiti un mesaj, iar tot o data rezolvi si problema: [nu ai voie sa distribui moduri din afara sectiunii de moduri] + daca mai are erori prin el sa le rezolvi te rog!
  2. /t1 am rezolvat, dar /trule tot nu merge si am incercat diferite metode si tot nu il pot rezolva
  3. Ms mult, dar nu inteleg de ce nu functioneaza nici /trule - /t1, text-ul pe /trules nu este afisat deloc, dar cand folosesc /t1 mi-se afiseaza R: care eu l-am setat sa imi arate un raspuns si intrebarea nu este afisata apare doar /cw 1.
  4. Script-ul pentru /switchjob nu functioneaza, Vreau sa adaug un copy-chat in mod iar daca script-ul copy-chatului este mai sus de: :repeat wait 0 0AF0: 8@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\S.I. Helper.ini" section "LIMBA" key "Language" if 0B3C: samp is_dialog_responded id 8019 button 2@ list_item 3@ input_text 0 then if 0AB0: is_key_pressed 27 then 0B47: samp close_current_dialog_with_button 1@ else if 0039: 2@ == 1 then if 3@ == 0 then 0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\S.I. Helper.ini" section "LIMBA" key "Language" chatmsg "{00ff00}[S.I Helper]: {7a9383}Limba {002B7F}ro{FFFF00}mâ{CE1126}nă {7a9383}a fost setată!" -1 end if 3@ == 1 then 0AF1: write_int 2 to_ini_file "CLEO\S.I. Helper.ini" section "LIMBA" key "Language" chatmsg "{00ff00}[S.I Helper]: {7a9383}The {008080}english {7a9383}language has been set!" -1 end if 3@ == 2 then end end end end Acesta functioneaza dar daca e mai jos de :repeat nu functioneaza ai putea sa ma ajuti? //0b34: "copy" @rr if 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\copytext.cs" then chatmsg "{27AE60}[CopyText_K] {FF5733}S-a gãsit un script copytext.cs vechi, vã rugãm sã-l stergeti." -1 0A93: end_custom_thread end 0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @chatline 2@ = 100 alloc 0@ 256 alloc 1@ 256 while true wait 0 if SAMP.ChatInputOpened() then if key_down 18 then if key_down 37 then if 2@ > 1 then 4@ = 1 2@ -= 1 0C11: memset destination 0@ value 0 size 256 SAMP.GetChatString(2@, 0@, 0, 0 ,0) 0C11: memset destination 1@ value 0 size 256 0ab1: call @dl_color 2 0@ 1@ | 1@ SAMP.SetChatInputText(1@) repeat wait 0 until not key_down 37 end end if key_down 39 then if 2@ < 99 then 2@ += 1 0C11: memset destination 0@ value 0 size 256 SAMP.GetChatString(2@, 0@, 0, 0 ,0) 0C11: memset destination 1@ value 0 size 256 0ab1: call @dl_color 2 0@ 1@ | 1@ SAMP.SetChatInputText(1@) repeat wait 0 until not key_down 39 end end end else 2@ = 100 4@ = 0 end END :rr 0A92: create_custom_thread "copytext_k.cs" 0A93: end_custom_thread SAMP.CmdRet() :dl_color {0@ - chat string | 1@ - buffer} 0C17: 31@ = strlen 0@ 0085: 29@ = 0@ alloc 27@ 2 30@ = 0 while 803b: not 30@ == 31@ 0A8D: 28@ = read_memory 29@ size 1 virtual_protect 1 if 28@ == 123 then 29@ += 7 0A8D: 28@ = read_memory 29@ size 1 virtual_protect 1 if not 28@ == 125 then 29@ -= 7 else 29@ += 1 0A8D: 28@ = read_memory 29@ size 1 virtual_protect 1 30@ += 8 end end 0C11: memset destination 27@ value 0 size 2 0a8c: write_memory 27@ size 1 value 28@ virtual protect 1 0C15: strcat destination 1@ source 27@ 29@ += 1 30@ += 1 end free 27@ ret 1 1@ :chatline 0BE5: raknet 31@ = get_hook_param PARAM_PACKETID if 31@ == RPC_SCRClientMessage then if 4@ == 1 then 2@ -= 1 end end 0BE0: raknet hook_ret true As vrea sa termin acuma mod-ul si daca ma poti ajuta sa creezi un script legat de test log in .ini am aceste texte: [CANDIDAT] CandidatName= CandidatID= [STOPLESSON] Status=1 [LIMBA] Language=1 Dupa aceste texte as vrea sa fie sectiunile [Regulament Test 1] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Rand3=" " Rand4=" " Rand5=" " cand dai /trule sa se afiseze tot ce ai scris intre " " EN: [Test Rules 1] Row1=" " Row2=" " Row3=" " Row4=" " Row5=" " iar intrebarile sa fie cu /t1 - /t15 [Intrebare1] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " [Question1] Row1=" " Row2=" " Answer=" " [Intrebare2] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " [Question2] Row1=" " Row2=" " Answer=" " [Intrebare3] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " [Question3] Row1=" " Row2=" " Answer=" " [Intrebare4] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " [Question4] Row1=" " Row2=" " Answer=" " [Intrebare5] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " [Question5] Row1=" " Row2=" " Answer=" " [Intrebare6] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " [Question6] Row1=" " Row2=" " Answer=" " [Intrebare7] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " [Question7] Row1=" " Row2=" " Answer=" " [Intrebare8] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " [Question8] Row1=" " Row2=" " Answer=" " [Intrebare9] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " [Question9] Row1=" " Row2=" " Answer=" " [Intrebare10] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " [Question10] Row1=" " Row2=" " Answer=" " [Intrebare11] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " [Question11] Row1=" " Row2=" " Answer=" " [Intrebare12] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " [Question12] Row1=" " Row2=" " Answer=" " [Intrebare13] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " [Question13] Row1=" " Row2=" " Answer=" " [Intrebare14] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " [Question14] Row1=" " Row2=" " Answer=" " [Intrebare15] Rand1=" " Rand2=" " Raspuns=" " Raspuns=" " sau Answer=" " să fie chatmsg vizibil doar pentru cel ce detine modul Respect!
  5. :rep SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) say "/refill" say "/repair" SAMP.CmdRet Cand folosesc /rep, sa detecteze daca am job-ul Mecanic , dar daca nu il am sa se dea /swapjob si după să se dea /refill si /repair. Daca ai putea face un Tabel din 3 rubrici să se deschidă prin comanda /setsi, Los Santos School Instructor Las Venturas School Instructor San Fierro School Instructor Iar daca setezi ex: Los Santos School Instructor cand dau /adsi Să se dea /ad cu factiunea resprectivă care am ales-o că recrutează membrii etc, eu voi completa spatiile cu text-ul sau daca vrei tu :)), /esi sa scrie pe /e factiunea resprectivă care am ales-o că recrutează membrii etc , si pe wt :setsi SAMP.IsCommandTyped(0@) if 8@ == 1 then 0AC6: 17@ = label @SI_altele offset SAMP.ShowDialog(7777, " ", 17@, "{ff0000}EXIT", "", 0) end if 8@ == 2 then 0AC6: 17@ = label @SI_altele_eng end SAMP.ShowDialog(7778, " ", 17@, "{ff0000}EXIT", "", 0) SAMP.CmdRet() daca ai putea face in acest tabel ar fi super! Cand mă loghez si modul e setat in limba romana chatmsg-ul să fie in limba setată wait 1500 chatmsg "{00ff00}[S.I Helper]: {7a9383}Mod de {0066ff}AkenX {7a9383}pentru {00ff00}School Instructor {7a9383}s-a încărcat." -1 chatmsg "{00ff00}[S.I Helper]: {7a9383}Foloseste {0066ff}[/sih]{7a9383}." -1 Iar daca e in limba engleză să fie chatmsg "{00ff00}[S.I Helper]: {7a9383}Mod by {0066ff}AkenX {7a9383}for {00ff00}School Instructor {7a9383}has loaded." -1 chatmsg "{00ff00}[S.I Helper]: {7a9383}Use {0066ff}[/sih]{7a9383}." -1 Inca ceva dacă ai putea face și Anuntul pentru fvr in limba engleză ti-as multumi cu orice if 12@ == 1 then say "/f Dau FVR în 5 secunde." wait 5000 say "/fvr" 12@ = 0 end jump @repeat :afvr 12@ = 1 SAMP.CmdRet() iar daca cinvea scrie pe /f : nu da fvr, asteaptă, diferite mesaje de genu ce să nu dau fvr script-ul pentru fvr să se oprească Daca ma poti ajuta cu toate astea te voi pune in credits , acest cmd v-a ajunge pe mana multor membrii din SI , pe viitor m-as gandi sa ii fac si script pentru test log iar mod-ul va fi cu full options
  6. :lvl50 SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ if 8@ == 1 then say "/f %s (%d) urmează să primească toate licentele. [Nivel 50+]" 1@ 21@ end if 8@ == 2 then say "/f %s (%d) is going to recieve all licenses. [Nivel 50+]" 1@ 21@ end else chatmsg "{00ff00}[S.I Helper] {7a9383}Syntax: {00bfff}[/lvl50 <ID>]" -1 end SAMP.CmdRet() Exemplu: Eu anunt pe /f X la mine pentru toate licentele. [Nivel 50+] - sa anunte asa cum este X la mine pentru licenta de Sailing . [Nivel 50+] - să detecteze ca e doar o licentă si să anunte X urmează să primească licenta. [Nivel 50+] X la mine pentru licenta de Sailing, Flying . [Nivel 50+] - să detecteze ca sunt doua sau mai multe licente si să anunte X urmează să primească licentele. [Nivel 50+] si pentru limba engleza tot sa anunte asa te rog
  7. :ifish1 SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 8@ == 1 then 0AF9: samp say_msg "/cw 1.Cu ce comandă pescuiesti?" end if 8@ == 2 then say "/cw 1.How you can fish?" end chatmsg "{00ff00}[S.I Helper] {00ff00}Prin intermediul comenzii [/fish] poti pescui" SAMP.CmdRet() am nevoie ca chatmsg "{00ff00}[S.I Helper] {00ff00}Prin intermediul comenzii [/fish] poti pescui" sa fie unul separat pentru limba engleză
  8. if 8@ == 1 este limba romană ca sa intelegi, iar if 8@ == 2 este limba engleză, acest reconnect vreau ca chatmsg "{0066ff}Foloseste: {FFFFFF}/reconnect <NumeleTău>" 0x0066ff sa fie si pentru limba engleză dar separat
  9. Nu pot face reconnectarea la server in 2 limbi si nu inteleg dece, la celelalte am putut doar pe final la astea nu pot :reconnect IF SAMP.IsCommandTyped(0@) THEN 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0B39: samp get_current_server_address 1@ port 2@ 0B28: samp disconnect_with_reason 3@ 0B29: samp set_local_name 0@ 0B38: samp connect_to_server 1@ port 2@ 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 1@ ELSE chatmsg "{0066ff}Foloseste: {FFFFFF}/reconnect <YourName>" 0x0066ff END SAMP.CmdRet()
  10. Daca dau licente altor playeri oricum primesc crash cand acestea o accepta
  11. Mai am o problema :ifish1 SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 8@ == 1 then 0AF9: samp say_msg "/cw 1.Cu ce comandă pescuiesti?" end if 8@ == 2 then say "/cw 1.How you can fish?" end SAMP.CmdRet() vreau ca sa fie la if 8@ == 1 , if 8@ == 2 dar nu stiu cum ca tot intampin probleme else chatmsg "{00ff00}[S.I Helper] {00ff00}Prin intermediul comenzii [/fish] poti pescui" end
  12. Mai am o problema la el, acest mod are 2 limbi Fiind: if 8@ == 1 then .... end if 8@ == 2 then .... end Nu pot face aceasta parte sa fie in a doua limbă :autostopc 0AF0: 11@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\S.I. Helper.ini" section "STOPLESSON" key "Status" if 11@ == 1 then chatmsg "{00ff00}[S.I Helper]: {7a9383}Auto-StopLesson a fost {ff0000}oprit!" -1 0AF1: write_int 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\S.I. Helper.ini" section "STOPLESSON" key "Status" else chatmsg "{00ff00}[S.I Helper]: {7a9383}Auto-StopLesson a fost {00e600}pornit!" -1 0AF1: write_int 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\S.I. Helper.ini" section "STOPLESSON" key "Status" end SAMP.CmdRet()
  13. Am un mod pentru School Instructor iar in acesta am Auto-StopLicense, iar daca acesta e activat, cand vreau sa imi dau mie licentele primesc crash, cum as putea rezolva asta? :autostop 0BE5: raknet 31@ = get_hook_param PARAM_PACKETID if 31@ == RPC_ScrClientMessage then 0C11: memset destination 29@ value 0 size 256 0BE5: raknet 31@ = get_hook_param PARAM_BITSTREAM 0BE7: raknet 30@ = bit_stream_read 31@ type BS_TYPE_INT //color 0BE7: raknet 30@ = bit_stream_read 31@ type BS_TYPE_INT //lenght 0BE8: raknet bit_stream 31@ read_array 29@ size 30@ //string 0C0D: struct 29@ offset 30@ size 1 = 0 if or 0C29: $NUL_STIRNG = stristr string1 29@ string2 "* You gave a Fishing License to" 0C29: $NUL_STIRNG = stristr string1 29@ string2 "* You gave a Sailing License to" 0C29: $NUL_STIRNG = stristr string1 29@ string2 "* You gave a Flying License to" 0C29: $NUL_STIRNG = stristr string1 29@ string2 "* You gave a Materials License to" 0C29: $NUL_STIRNG = stristr string1 29@ string2 "* You gave a Weapons License to" then 0AF0: 11@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\S.I. Helper.ini" section "STOPLESSON" key "Status" if 11@ == 1 then 0AC8: 32@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AF0: 32@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\S.I. Helper.ini" section "CANDIDAT" key "CandidatID" say "/stoplesson %d" 32@ 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 32@ end end if or 0C29: $NUL_STIRNG = stristr string1 29@ string2 "* I-ai acordat Licenta de navigatie lui" 0C29: $NUL_STIRNG = stristr string1 29@ string2 "* I-ai acordat Licenta de pescar lui" 0C29: $NUL_STIRNG = stristr string1 29@ string2 "* I-ai acordat Licenta de materiale lui" 0C29: $NUL_STIRNG = stristr string1 29@ string2 "* I-ai acordat Licenta de pilot lui" 0C29: $NUL_STIRNG = stristr string1 29@ string2 "* I-ai acordat Permisul de port-arma lui" then 0AF0: 11@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\S.I. Helper.ini" section "STOPLESSON" key "Status" if 11@ == 1 then 0AC8: 32@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AF0: 32@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\S.I. Helper.ini" section "CANDIDAT" key "CandidatID" say "/stoplesson %d" 32@ 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 32@ end end end 0BE0: raknet hook_ret true
  14. Nick: AkenX Rank: 2 Vreau sa ma invoiesc de la: war. Motivul absentei: Nu sunt acasa. Data activitatii: 31.05.2022 Numarul de invoiri facute in aceasta saptamana: 2/2 Alte precizari: Succes la war!.
  15. Nick: AkenX Rank: 2 Vreau sa ma invoiesc de la: war Motivul absentei: Nu sunt acasa. Data activitatii: 30.05.2022 Numarul de invoiri facute in aceasta saptamana: 1/2 Alte precizari: Succes la war!.
  16. Nick: AkenX Rank: 2 Vreau sa ma invoiesc de la: war Motivul absentei: sunt plecat si nu pot ajunge la war Data activitatii: 27.05.2022 Numarul de invoiri facute in aceasta saptamana: 1/2 Alte precizari: Sper sa câstigati si fara mn.
  17. Nick: AkenX Rank: 1 Vreau sa ma invoiesc de la: war Motivul absentei: sunt plecat Data activitatii: 20.05.2022 Numarul de invoiri facute in aceasta saptamana: 1/2 Alte precizari: Bafta!
  18. Nick: AkenX Rank: 1 Vreau sa ma invoiesc de la: war Motivul absentei: sunt plecat Data activitatii: 13.05.2022 Numarul de invoiri facute in aceasta saptamana: 1/2 Alte precizari: Bafta!
  19. ms mult, Tupi imi poti da discord-ul tau trg?, ca mai am nevoie de ceva si trebuie sa iti dau poze.
  20. Nu stiu cum se face, lasa-mi te rog codul.
  21. Nu stiu cum sa ii pun la mod ca tabelul sa se deschida prin comanda /acmd nu cand scriu la tastatura acmd. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: acmd 0b34: "teleport" @teleport 0b34: "auto" @auto 0b34: "speed" @speed 0b34: "limbajsv" @limbajsv 0b34: "reclama" @reclama 0b34: "abuz " @abuz 0b34: "other" @other 0b34: "fly" @fly 0b34: "necooperare" @necooperare 0b34: "troll" @troll 0b34: "aimbot" @aimbot 0b34: "afaceti" @afaceri 0b34: "insultare" @insultare 0b34: "inselatorie" @inselatorie 0b34: "multiproces" @multiproces 0b34: "car" @car 0b34: "route" @route 0b34: "teamviwer" @teamviwer 0b34: "supremo" @supremo 0b34: "sup" @sup 0b34: "tw" @tw 0b34: "moduri" @moduri 0b34: "desync" @desync 0b34: "multiplu" @multiplu 0b34: "deranjare" @deranjare 0b34: "relog" @relog 0b34: "deranjares" @deranjares 0b34: "adk" @adk 0b34: "cbug" @cbug 0b34: "fast" @fast 0b34: "bug" @bug 0b34: "limbajw" @limbajw 0b34: "limbajm" @limbajm 0b34: "limbajcom" @limbajcom 0b34: "spam" @spam 0b34: "sl" @sl 0b34: "get" @get 0b34: "go" @go 0b34: "sk" @sk 0b34: "hm" @hm 0b34: "hm2" @hm2 0b34: "am" @am 0b34: "off" @off REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "acmd" // PRESS KEYS - acmd THEN 0AC6: 1@ = label @UNU_DIALOG_TEXT offset 0B3B: samp show_dialog id 1000 caption "{0000ff}Admin CMD BY AkenX" text 1@ button_1 "{ff0000}CLOSE" button_2 "{00ff00}NEXT 1/6" style 2 END IF // UNU DIALOG 0B3C: samp is_dialog_responded id 1000 button 2@ list_item 3@ input_text 0 THEN IF 2@ == 1 // 0 = NEXT , 1 = CLOSE THEN PRINTF "~W~ Admin CMD BY AkenX" 1337 END IF 2@ == 0 // 0 = NEXT , 1 = CLOSE THEN 0AC6: 10@ = label @DOI_DIALOG_TEXT offset 0B3B: samp show_dialog id 1001 caption "{0000ff}Admin CMD BY AkenX" text 10@ button_1 "{ff0000}CLOSE" button_2 "{00ff00}NEXT 2/6" style 2 END END IF // DOI DIALOG 0B3C: samp is_dialog_responded id 1001 button 2@ list_item 3@ input_text 0 THEN IF 2@ == 0 // 0 = NEXT , 1 = CLOSE THEN PRINTF "~W~ Admin CMD BY AkenX" 1337 END IF 2@ == 0 // 0 = NEXT , 1 = CLOSE THEN 0AC6: 10@ = label @TREI_DIALOG_TEXT offset 0B3B: samp show_dialog id 1002 caption "{0000ff}Admin CMD BY AkenX" text 10@ button_1 "{ff0000}CLOSE" button_2 "{00ff00}NEXT 3/6" style 2 END END IF // TREI DIALOG 0B3C: samp is_dialog_responded id 1002 button 2@ list_item 3@ input_text 0 THEN IF 2@ == 0 // 0 = NEXT , 1 = CLOSE THEN PRINTF "~W~ Admin CMD BY AkenX" 1337 END IF 2@ == 0 // 0 = NEXT , 1 = CLOSE THEN 0AC6: 10@ = label @PATRU_DIALOG_TEXT offset 0B3B: samp show_dialog id 1003 caption "{0000ff}Admin CMD BY AkenX" text 10@ button_1 "{ff0000}CLOSE" button_2 "{00ff00}NEXT 4/6" style 2 END END IF // PATRU DIALOG 0B3C: samp is_dialog_responded id 1003 button 2@ list_item 3@ input_text 0 THEN IF 2@ == 0 // 0 = NEXT , 1 = CLOSE THEN PRINTF "~W~ Admin CMD BY AkenX" 1337 END IF 2@ == 0 // 0 = NEXT , 1 = CLOSE THEN 0AC6: 10@ = label @CINCI_DIALOG_TEXT offset 0B3B: samp show_dialog id 1004 caption "{0000ff}Admin CMD BY AkenX" text 10@ button_1 "{ff0000}CLOSE" button_2 "{00ff00}NEXT 5/6" style 2 END END IF // CINCI DIALOG 0B3C: samp is_dialog_responded id 1004 button 2@ list_item 3@ input_text 0 THEN IF 2@ == 0 // 0 = NEXT , 1 = CLOSE THEN PRINTF "~W~ Admin CMD BY AkenX" 1337 END IF 2@ == 0 // 0 = NEXT , 1 = CLOSE THEN 0AC6: 10@ = label @SASE_DIALOG_TEXT offset 0B3B: samp show_dialog id 1004 caption "{0000ff}Admin CMD BY AkenX" text 10@ button_1 "{ff0000}CLOSE" button_2 "{00ff00}NEXT 6/6" style 2 END END IF // SASE DIALOG 0B3C: samp is_dialog_responded id 1004 button 2@ list_item 3@ input_text 0 THEN IF 2@ == 0 // 0 = NEXT , 1 = CLOSE THEN PRINTF "~W~ Admin CMD BY AkenX" 1337 END END END :teleport SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 30 Cheats(Teleport)" 21@ else print "~y~/teleport + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :auto SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 30 Auto-Clicker" 21@ else print "~y~/auto + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :limbajsv SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 14 Limbaj Vulgar fata de server" 21@ else print "~y~/limbajsv + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :reclama SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 90 Reclama" 21@ else print "~y~/reclama + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :speed SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 30 Cheats(Speed-Hack)" 21@ else print "~y~/speed + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :other SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 30 Cheats(Others)" 21@ else print "~y~/other + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :fly SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 30 Cheats(Fly-Hack)" 21@ else print "~y~/fly + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :necooperare SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 14 Necooperare Admin(TW)" 21@ else print "~y~/necooperare + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :troll SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 30 Cheats(Troll-Hack)" 21@ else print "~y~/troll + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :aimbot SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 30 Cheats(Aimbot)" 21@ else print "~y~/aimbot + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :abuz SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 0 Abuz de Functie" 21@ else print "~y~/abuz + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :afaceri SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 0 Afaceri ilegale" 21@ else print "~y~/afaceri + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :insultare SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 14 Insultare staff" 21@ else print "~y~/insultare + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :inselatorie SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 30 Inselatorie" 21@ else print "~y~/inselatorie + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :multiproces SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 0 MultiProces" 21@ else print "~y~/multiproces + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :car SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 30 Cheats(Car-Hack)" 21@ else print "~y~/car + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :route SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 30 Cheats(Route-Recording)" 21@ else print "~y~/route + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :supremo SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 30 Cheats(Supremo)" 21@ else print "~y~/supremo + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :teamviwer SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 30 Cheats(TW)" 21@ else print "~y~/teamviwer + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :moduri SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/ban %d 3 Moduri ilegale" 21@ else print "~y~/moduri + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :desync SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/kick %d Desync" 21@ else print "~y~/desync + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :multiplu SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/multiplu %d Cont Multiplu" 21@ else print "~y~/multiplu + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :deranjare SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/kick %d Deranjare-Raport" 21@ else print "~y~/deranjare + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :relog SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/kick %d Relog" 21@ else print "~y~/relog + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :deranjares SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/kick %d Deranjare-Staff" 21@ else print "~y~/deranjares + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :adk SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/kick %d ad aiurea" 21@ else print "~y~/adk + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :cbug SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/warn %d c-bug" 21@ else print "~y~/cbug + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :fast SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/warn %d fast c-bug" 21@ else print "~y~/fast + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :bug SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/warn %d Bug-abuse" 21@ else print "~y~/bug + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :limbajw SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/warn %d Limbaj Vulgar" 21@ else print "~y~/limbajw + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :limbajm SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/mute %d 10 Limbaj Vulgar" 21@ else print "~y~/limbajm + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :limbajcom SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/mute %d 10 Limbaj Vulgar in complain" 21@ else print "~y~/limbajcom + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :spam SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/mute %d 10 Spam" 21@ else print "~y~/spam + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :sup SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/slap %d" 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/gethere %d" 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/freeze %d" 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "Salut, ai fost adus aici deoarece esti suspect de cheats. Daca refuzi sau te deconectezi, sau iti []" 0AF9: samp say_msg "[] dai crash, o sa fii banat 14 zile. Ai la dispozitie 10 minute sa imi dai datele Supremo." else print "~y~/supremo + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :tw SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/slap %d" 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/gethere %d" 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/freeze %d" 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "Salut, ai fost adus aici deoarece esti suspect de cheats. Daca refuzi sau te deconectezi, sau iti []" 0AF9: samp say_msg "[] dai crash, o sa fii banat 14 zile. Ai la dispozitie 10 minute sa imi dai datele Teamviwer." else print "~y~/tw + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :sl SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/slap %d" 21@ else print "~y~/sl + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :get SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/gethere %d" 21@ else print "~y~/get + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :go SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/goto %d" 21@ else print "~y~/go + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :sk SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/skick %d" 21@ else print "~y~/sk + <id jucatorului>" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :hm SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/o Daca ai nevoie de ajutor nu ezita sa folosesti comanda [/n]" 21@ else print "~y~/hm" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :hm2 SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/o Daca ai nelamuriri legate de server nu ezita sa folosesti comanda [/n]" 21@ else print "~y~/hm2" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :am SAMP.IsCommandTyped(20@) if 0AD4: 20@ = scan_string 20@ format "%d" 21@ then 0B36: samp 1@ = get_player_nickname 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/o Daca esti blocat sau daca ai vazut un hacker nu ezita[]" 21@ 0AF9: samp say_msg "/o []sa tastezi comanda [/report]" 21@ else print "~y~/am" 2000 end SAMP.CmdRet() :UNU_DIALOG_TEXT hex "{0000ff}Ban List" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/teleport id] Baneaza acel jucator pe 30 de zile cu motivul: Cheats(Teleport)" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/limbaj id] Baneaza acel jucator pe 14 zile cu motivul: Limbaj Vulgar fata de server" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/auto id] Baneaza acel jucator pe 30 zile cu motivul: Auto-Clicker" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/reclama id] Baneaza acel jucator pe 90 de zile cu motivul: Reclama" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/speed id] Baneaza acel jucator pe 30 de zile cu motivul: Cheats(Speed-Hack)" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/other id] Baneaza acel jucator pe 30 de zile cu motivul: Cheats(Others)" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/fly id] Baneaza acel jucator pe 30 de zile cu motivul: Cheats(Fly-Hack)" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/necooperare id] Baneaza acel jucator pe 14 de zile cu motivul: Necooperare Admin(TW)" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/troll id] Baneaza acel jucator pe 30 de zile cu motivul: Cheats(Troll-Hack)" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/aimbot id] Baneaza acel jucator pe 30 de zile cu motivul: Cheats(Aimbot)" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/abuz id] Baneaza acel jucator permanent cu motivul: Abuz De Functie" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/afaceri id] Baneaza acel jucator permanent cu motivul: Afaceri ilegale" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/insultare id] Baneaza acel jucator pe 14 zile cu motivul: Insultare staff" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/inselatorie id] Baneaza acel jucator pe 30 de zile cu motivul: Inselatorie" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/multiproces id] Baneaza acel jucator permanent cu notivul: MultiProces" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/car id] Baneaza acel player pe 30 de zile cu motivul: Cheats(Car-Hack)" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/route id] Baneaza acel player pe 30 de zile cu motivul: Cheats(Route-Recording)" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/moduri id] Baneaza acel player pe 3 de zile cu motivul: Moduri ilegale" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/supremo id] Baneaza acel player pe 30 de zile cu motivul: Cheats(Supremo)" A "{0000ff}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/teamviwer id] Baneaza acel player pe 30 de zile cu motivul: Cheats(TW)" 00 end :DOI_DIALOG_TEXT hex "{ffff00}Kick List" A "{ffff00}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}[/desync id] Ii da kick acelui player pe motiv: Desync" A "{ffff00}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}[/multiplu id] Ii da kick acelui player pe motiv: Cont Multiplu" A "{ffff00}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}[/deranjare id] Ii da kick acelui player pe motiv: Deranjare-Raport" A "{ffff00}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}[/relog id] Ii da kick acelui player pe motiv: Relog" A "{ffff00}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}[/deranjares id] Ii da kick acelui player pe motiv: Deranjare-Staff" A "{ffff00}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}[/adk id] Ii da kick acelui player pe motiv: ad aiurea" 00 end :TREI_DIALOG_TEXT hex "{ff0000}Warn List" A "{ff0000}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ff0000}[/cbug id] Ii acorzi un warn acelui player pe motiv: c-bug" A "{ff0000}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ff0000}[/fast id] Ii acorzi un warn acelui player pe motiv: fast c-bug" A "{ff0000}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ff0000}[/bug id] Ii acorzi un warn acelui player pe motiv: Bug-Abuse" A "{ff0000}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ff0000}[/limbajw id] Ii acorzi un warn acelui player pe motiv: Limbaj Vulgar" 00 end :PATRU_DIALOG_TEXT hex "{0000ff}Mute list" A "{0000ff}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/limbajm id] Ii acorzi acelui player mute pe 10 minute pe motiv: Limbaj Vulgar" A "{0000ff}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/limbajcom id] Ii acorzi acelui player mute pe 10 minute pe motiv: Limbaj Vulgar in complain" A "{0000ff}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{0000ff}[/spam id] Ii acorzi acelui player mute pe 10 minute pe motiv: Spam" 00 end :CINCI_DIALOG_TEXT hex "{ffff00}Gun List" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Brass Knuckles (id 1)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Golf Club (id 2)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Knife (id 4)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Baseball Bat (id 5)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Shovel (id 6)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Pool Cue (id 7)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Katana (id 8)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Chainsaw (id 9)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Purple Dildo (id 10)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Short vibrator (id 11)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Long vibrator (id 12)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}White dildo (id 13)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Flowers (id 14)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Cane (15)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Grenades (16)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}tear gas (17)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Molotov cocktail (18)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Vehicle missile (19)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Hydra flare (20)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Jetpack (21)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Pistol (22)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Silenced pistol (23)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Desert eagle (24)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Shotgun (25)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Sawn-off shotgun (26)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Combat shotgun (27)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Micro Uzi (Mac 10) (28)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Mp5 (29)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Ak47 (30)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}M4 (31)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Tec 9 (32)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Sniper rifle (34)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Rpg (35)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Heat seeking rocket (36)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Flame-thrower (37)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Mini gun (38)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Satchel charges (39)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Detonator (40)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Spray can (41)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Fire extinguisher (42)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Camera (43)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Night vision (44)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Thermal goggles (45)" A "{ffff00}------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ffff00}Parachute (46)" 00 end :SASE_DIALOG_TEXT hex "{ff0000}Comenzi prescurtate" A "{ff0000}-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ff0000}[/sup id] Il iei la teste tw, mai exact ii dai /slap, /gethere, /freeze + text" A "{ff0000}-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ff0000}[/tw id] Il iei la teste tw, mai exact ii dai /slap, /gethere, /freeze + text" A "{ff0000}-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ff0000}[/sl id] Ii dai /slap acelui player" A "{ff0000}-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ff0000}[/get id] Ii dai /gethere acelui player" A "{ff0000}-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ff0000}[/go id] Te teleportezi la acel player" A "{ff0000}-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ff0000}[/sk id] Ii dai skick acelui player" A "{ff0000}-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ff0000}[/hm] Se da mesaj pe /o mesajul: Daca ai nevoie de ajutor nu ezita sa folosesti comanda [/n]" A "{ff0000}-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ff0000}[/hm2] Se da mesaj pe /o mesajul: Daca ai nelamuriri legate de server nu ezita sa folosesti comanda [/n]" A "{ff0000}-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" A "{ff0000}[/am] Se da mesaj pe /o mesajul: Daca esti blocat sau daca ai vazut un hacker nu ezita[]" A "{ff0000}[]sa tastezi comanda [/report]" 00 end :off 0A93: end_custom_thread chatmsg "{5eff00}Modul a fost {ff0000}oprit." -1 chatmsg "{5eff00}Pentru repornirea modului trebuie sa reintri pe Server." -1 samp.CmdRet
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