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Tovarasu fadDy

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Everything posted by Tovarasu fadDy

  1. https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=536 

    Avail discounts from b-zone shop. use this link and be rich!

  2. Name: faddy_GeminiRank:3 Namecover actions: https://postimg.org/gallery/1z18lrjzk/ Number of namecover actions: x1 drugs possession/useOther specifications?: -
  3. nume : FadDy_GEmini Rank: 2 Actiuni namecover: https://postimg.org/gallery/23zpkplpq/ Numarul de actiuni namecover:1x posesie/folosire droguri Alte precizari:good luck
  4. Name: fadDy_GeminiRank: Special Agent (2)Namecover actions: https://postimg.org/gallery/20se3uquy/Number of namecover actions: 1x drugs possession/useOther specifications?: <3
  5. Nume: fadDy_Gemini Rank: 2 Actiuni namecover : https://postimg.org/gallery/1ytj6o0t0/ Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1xPosesie/folosire droguri. Alte precizari: Multimesc!
  6. Name:faddy_gemini Rank:2 Namecover actions: https://postimg.org/gallery/15qvvx1tu/ Number of namecover actions: 1x drugs possession/use . Other specifications?:Thanks
  7. want cool stuff on the occasion of XMAS and New YEAR so Go for it - https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=536

    1. Madalin AM

      Madalin AM



      Nu uitați să vă abonați și să participați la GIVEAWAY-ul de pe RPG3.

    2. Madalin AM

      Madalin AM



      Nu uitați să vă abonați și să participați la GIVEAWAY-ul de pe RPG3.


  9. Want to be rich ? and wanna buy cool things with cheap prices ? what are you waiting for click on link and place your order : http://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=536

  10. wanna buy unique things ? just go ahead : http://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=536

  11. Resigned FBI with great honor , i got great love from there if you are FBI then you are the luckiest ! http://imgur.com/803WPOD

  12. Nick: faddY_gemini Rank: 5 I took test with:meek_mill Date: 9/4/2016 Result of theoretical test:2/3 Result of weapons test0/6 Result of practical test:2/6 Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Accepted Other specifications: Welcome
  13. Nick: fadDy_gemini Rank: 4 I took test with: tobe_petes Result of theoretical test: 0/3 Result of weapons test :0/6 Result of practical test: -0/6 (by teylo) Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Admis! Congra ! Other specifications: good luck in practical test
  14. Nick: fadDy_Gemini Rank: 4 I took test with: [uS]Wizzle Result of theoretical test: 1/3 Result of weapons test 0/3 Result of practical test: - Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): - Other specifications: Bafta !
  15. Nick: fadDy_Gemini Rank: 4 Actiuni namecover: http://imgur.com/a/Ag0Wk Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1x posesie/folosie droguri Alte precizari: Mwaahh! <3
  16. Want to be rich ? and wanna buy cool things with cheap prices ? what are you waiting for click on link and place your order : http://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=536

  17. Nick: faDy_Gemini Rank: 3 [ Supervisory Special Agent] Actiuni namecover: http://imgur.com/a/rhI0I Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1x Posesie/Folosire droguri. Alte precizari: Merry Christmas !
  18. On the event of chirstmas , b-zone offer you big discounts on purchasing anything , so what are you waiting for ! this happens once in a year go go go place an order using this link : http://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=536

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