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Tovarasu fadDy

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Everything posted by Tovarasu fadDy

  1. Today Successfully , i have completed my 2 weeks in the family ..... Ro:Astăzi succes, am terminat meu de 2 saptamani in familie .....
  2. wanna have some cool cars ? just check it and order http://clienti.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=536

    1. Krish


      Kyu paisa paisa karti hai, tu paise pe kyu marti hai?



    2. F4L Flow

      F4L Flow

      paisa paisa

  3. Nick:fadDy_gemini ScreenShoot-urile cu scorurile de la war-uri: Numarul war-urilor la care am participat: 7 Alte precizari:-
  4. wanna have some cool cars ? just check it and order http://clienti.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=536

  5. Please Anyone help me , To buy a Premium , i have only 1 euro... :/

  6. Wana buy some cool sports cars or bikes ? CLICK HERE : http://clienti.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=536

  7. Hey ,Good Morning ...... best of luck for the wars ... and now we get the new skins...
  8. Homies Family , Green Street Bloods (GSB)'s FAT Guy , Big Smoke !

  9. Name the game:fadDy_Gemini Level:27 Age (real):17 Sex (male / female):Male How long play on the server? :I have been playing for 1.8 years. Previous factions: Taxi cab company Tow Truck Company Corleone Family Cuneo Family Police Department National Guards School Instructor Rank last factor: Taxi cab company rank -1 The reason you left / were sacked former factors:Resign. The highest rank was in a faction (specific faction):Rank-1 in all previous factions. Why you want to join the agency? :I want to join Agency , because i love to kill people silently and i have the guts to kill people easily with the help of sneaking and i love to fulfill my contract on the shortest time period and i want to stay along in the agency.I am trying to join the agency since i am level 1,I love the agency. With this deal you consider the agency? :Hitmen Agency Deals with completing contracts on people for money. You know you read the rules Hitman Agency and at least once Info, orders and Agency skins? :Yes. You understand that we are an agency of assassins seriousness and jokes and crap and they do not use? :Yes. Did you have a history of one or more members of Hitman Agency?:No. Have you ever been a member Hitman:No. Reason for exit / dismissal of Hitman (in case you've been): - How many hours per day granted this game without afk? :I play 5-6 hours / day , but i was busy for few days, now i am back with all my soul. Previous nicknames: - Do you think you have the ability to perform the contract without any problems? :Yes. You have the ability to write grammatically correct?:Yes. Picture with / stats (civil + binding to occur and / time when it's done) and detective skills to:http://i.imgur.com/ZtAE2mS.png Cate warn'uri you in the game? (specify why):0/3 Have you ever been banned from any particular reason? (states and why):Never. You're BlackList'ul a faction? (specify which):I am not on any blacklist. Are you willing to pay to be removed from the eventual BlackList?:If i am i will pay to be removed. Other specifications? :Thanks,I hope to be accepted,Best of luck!
  10. Brb 1- 3 Days !

    1. RW Dion Ibe

      RW Dion Ibe

      post an inactivity request nab

  11. Most Wanted Professionals!

  12. Nickname:FadDy_Gemini Level: 27 Factiune: Civil Numarul ales: 252 Alte precizari:Best Of luck to all participants !
  13. Gas Station Mastertrap21 / Fcr / I need Money For Sultan :)

  14. ~You Want To Get Unbanned/Premium/Sultan/Infernus/Nrg-500 etc.Just Go And Place Your Order And Get It with in 1 day.Click On the Link: http://clienti.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=536

  15. P'n"S Mastertrap21 / Fcr-900 / Slot Empty For Sultan... :)

    1. Trip.


      what price is for sultan ? $

    2. Adolfe ze king

      Adolfe ze king

      1.350.000$ for sultan

  16. Wana buy some cool sports cars or bikes ? Just click here http://clienti.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=536

  17. ~You Want To Get Unbanned/Premium/Sultan/Infernus/Nrg-500 etc.Just Go And Place Your Order And Get It with in 1 day.Click On the Link: http://clienti.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=536

  18. wanna have some cool cars ? just check it and order http://clienti.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=536

  19. I am Back, EXAMS OVER!!!!!!FREEDOM

    1. MwP Maxell

      MwP Maxell

      Wow Faddy! awesome, like old times... i hope i can play freely like you.. i still on school and i need to "study" and staff.. see you around friend!

    2. Tovarasu fadDy

      Tovarasu fadDy

      I wish , i will be with you, i hope you will be back soon :)

    3. MwP Maxell

      MwP Maxell

      :) see you then dude!
  20. rpg 1 sv down?

    1. Schnecker


      Yes, and rpg 2

    2. Edward Stefann
    3. Zipper cu punct

      Zipper cu punct

      rpg4 still works , join rpg4.b-zone.ro

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