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  1. Nick: Stalin Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Member that get a fine: Casey, NoTYouRBabe, TheTIGER.PanteraTaThe amount of the fine: $200,000 Reason: Absence at Activity. Proof (obligated): Meetings and Activities Statistics Topic. Other specifications: Date: 17/10/2021.
  2. Nickname: Stalin Meeting / Activity: Activity Date and hour: 17/10/2021, 20:00 Statistics (Present / Absent members): https://imgur.com/a/bwQFBXD Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: StarLight_ - 150.000$, Urkelbama - 150.000$ Other mentions: -
  3. Nickname: Stalin Meeting / Activity: Activity Date and hour: 10/10/2021, 20:00 Statistics (Present / Absent members): https://imgur.com/a/GOKRV76 Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: imsebb.LLJW - 100.000$ [TUN]Ak7el - 100.000$ TheTIGER.PanteraTa - 100.000$ Other mentions: -
  4. Nick: Stalin Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Member that get a fine: Pandatheturtle, xJhonnysx, bodikeThe amount of the fine: $200,000 Reason: Absence at Activity. Proof (obligated): Meetings and Activities Statistics Topic. Other specifications: Date: 10/10/2021.
  5. • Name: Stalin • Rank: SF Under Boss (6) • Statistics: here • Member with less then 15 hours played: - • Member with less then 8 hours played: - • Proof (Optional): - • Anything Else?: -
  6. Nick: Stalin Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Member that get a fine: Allu, Starp, Zero.ThAtGuY, Casey, RobbeThe amount of the fine: $200,000 Reason: Absence at Activity. Proof (obligated): Meetings and Activities Statistics Topic. Other specifications: -
  7. Hello, Instructors! The results from this weekly mission are here: 1st prize: @COMMANDO. 250.000$ 2`nd prize: @Andy.Andu 150.000$ 3`rd prize: @imsebb 100.000$ Participation in mission prize: @AK7EL 20.000$ Thank you for participating! See you in the next weeks! Have fun!
  8. Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors 06/09/2021 > 12/09/2021. Hello, Instructors! For this weekly mission you will have to complete some mini-tasks, similar to the B-days tasks. There will be a total of 10 tasks: 1. Find a player [/find]. 2. Place a loto ticket. 3. Do a trucker route. 4. Buy a newspaper. 5. Smoke a cigarette. 6. Drive an Infernus [F]. 7. Give 1 license [/givelicense]. (The level doesn't matter). 8. Use [/getgift] 9. Take a screenshot in front of all the 3 bunkers. 10. Catch a fish. Mentions: You have to take 10 screenshots containing clear proofs of completing each task that you can post in one imgur link. The first 3 members who fullfil the mission in time will receive de following prize: 1'st prize: 250.000$ 2'nd prize: 150.000$ 3'rd prize: 100.000$ Participation in mission prize: 20.000$. Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs:Proofs: Have fun!
  9. Hello, Instructors! Those are the results from the last`s week mission! 1`st prize: @COMMANDO. 250.000$ 2`nd prize: @Andy.Andu 150.000$ 3`rd prize: - Thank you both for participating! See you in the next weeks! Have fun!
  10. Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors 30/08/2021 > 05/09/2021 Hello, Instructors! For this weekly mission you will have to take a picture with 5 members of different factions, but you have to do the screenshots in front of the houses that have the same ID`s as the players. For example if X is a member of Hitman Agency and his ID is 131, you will have to take him to the house that has ID 131 and do a picture with him!. The members have to be from the following factions, one member for each faction: Paramedics, LS Taxi, News Reporters, Los Santos Police Department and FBI. The first 3 members to fullfill the mission in time will recieve the following prizes: 1`st prize: 250.000$ 2`nd prize: 150.000$ 3`rd prize: 100.000$ Participation in mission prize: 10.000$ Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs: Have fun!
  11. Nickname: StalinMeeting / Activity: activityDate and hour: 29/08/2021 20.00Statistics (Present / Absent members): https://imgur.com/a/ebHAHN8 Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: Wampire: 250.000$ , Espada: 250.000$Other mentions: thank you for participating!
  12. Winners: 1st prize: @COMMANDO. 250.000$ +the right of wearing the leader skin for 1 week! 2nd prize: @Wampire 150.000$ 3rd prize: - Participation in mission prize: Have fun!
  13. Weekly Mission by SF School instructors (16/08/2021 > 23/08/2021) Hello again, Instructors! For this week you will have to take a picture with as many faction leaders as possible except peaceful factions leaders. (That means that you will have to take a screenshot with every gang, mixt and PD factions leader). The first 3 members that fullfill the mission in time and take a picture with as many leaders as possible will get the following prizes: 1`st place: 250.000$ + the right of wearing the Leader skin for 1 entire week 2`nd place: 150.000$ 3`rd place: 100.000$ Participation in mission prize: 10.000$ Mentions: - The leader has to be online. Not on /sleep or AFK. [/wave] is optional. - In total you should have a maximum of 16 photos that you can post in one imgur link. Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs: Have fun!
  14. • Nick: Stalin • Rank: 5 • Person who you'd like to add (RPG BAR): • Name and level of the player: Peaceful, level 52 • Date of offense: 15/08/2021 • Reason: DM • Evidence: Here • Anything else?: -
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