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Everything posted by Horiaa

  1. Nick: Stalin Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Member that get a fine: Casey, NoTYouRBabe, TheTIGER.PanteraTaThe amount of the fine: $200,000 Reason: Absence at Activity. Proof (obligated): Meetings and Activities Statistics Topic. Other specifications: Date: 17/10/2021.
  2. Nickname: Stalin Meeting / Activity: Activity Date and hour: 17/10/2021, 20:00 Statistics (Present / Absent members): https://imgur.com/a/bwQFBXD Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: StarLight_ - 150.000$, Urkelbama - 150.000$ Other mentions: -
  3. Nickname: Stalin Meeting / Activity: Activity Date and hour: 10/10/2021, 20:00 Statistics (Present / Absent members): https://imgur.com/a/GOKRV76 Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: imsebb.LLJW - 100.000$ [TUN]Ak7el - 100.000$ TheTIGER.PanteraTa - 100.000$ Other mentions: -
  4. Nick: Stalin Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Member that get a fine: Pandatheturtle, xJhonnysx, bodikeThe amount of the fine: $200,000 Reason: Absence at Activity. Proof (obligated): Meetings and Activities Statistics Topic. Other specifications: Date: 10/10/2021.
  5. • Name: Stalin • Rank: SF Under Boss (6) • Statistics: here • Member with less then 15 hours played: - • Member with less then 8 hours played: - • Proof (Optional): - • Anything Else?: -
  6. Nick: Stalin Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Member that get a fine: Allu, Starp, Zero.ThAtGuY, Casey, RobbeThe amount of the fine: $200,000 Reason: Absence at Activity. Proof (obligated): Meetings and Activities Statistics Topic. Other specifications: -
  7. Hello, Instructors! The results from this weekly mission are here: 1st prize: @COMMANDO. 250.000$ 2`nd prize: @Andy.Andu 150.000$ 3`rd prize: @imsebb 100.000$ Participation in mission prize: @AK7EL 20.000$ Thank you for participating! See you in the next weeks! Have fun!
  8. Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors 06/09/2021 > 12/09/2021. Hello, Instructors! For this weekly mission you will have to complete some mini-tasks, similar to the B-days tasks. There will be a total of 10 tasks: 1. Find a player [/find]. 2. Place a loto ticket. 3. Do a trucker route. 4. Buy a newspaper. 5. Smoke a cigarette. 6. Drive an Infernus [F]. 7. Give 1 license [/givelicense]. (The level doesn't matter). 8. Use [/getgift] 9. Take a screenshot in front of all the 3 bunkers. 10. Catch a fish. Mentions: You have to take 10 screenshots containing clear proofs of completing each task that you can post in one imgur link. The first 3 members who fullfil the mission in time will receive de following prize: 1'st prize: 250.000$ 2'nd prize: 150.000$ 3'rd prize: 100.000$ Participation in mission prize: 20.000$. Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs:Proofs: Have fun!
  9. Hello, Instructors! Those are the results from the last`s week mission! 1`st prize: @COMMANDO. 250.000$ 2`nd prize: @Andy.Andu 150.000$ 3`rd prize: - Thank you both for participating! See you in the next weeks! Have fun!
  10. Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors 30/08/2021 > 05/09/2021 Hello, Instructors! For this weekly mission you will have to take a picture with 5 members of different factions, but you have to do the screenshots in front of the houses that have the same ID`s as the players. For example if X is a member of Hitman Agency and his ID is 131, you will have to take him to the house that has ID 131 and do a picture with him!. The members have to be from the following factions, one member for each faction: Paramedics, LS Taxi, News Reporters, Los Santos Police Department and FBI. The first 3 members to fullfill the mission in time will recieve the following prizes: 1`st prize: 250.000$ 2`nd prize: 150.000$ 3`rd prize: 100.000$ Participation in mission prize: 10.000$ Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs: Have fun!
  11. Nickname: StalinMeeting / Activity: activityDate and hour: 29/08/2021 20.00Statistics (Present / Absent members): https://imgur.com/a/ebHAHN8 Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: Wampire: 250.000$ , Espada: 250.000$Other mentions: thank you for participating!
  12. Winners: 1st prize: @COMMANDO. 250.000$ +the right of wearing the leader skin for 1 week! 2nd prize: @Wampire 150.000$ 3rd prize: - Participation in mission prize: Have fun!
  13. Weekly Mission by SF School instructors (16/08/2021 > 23/08/2021) Hello again, Instructors! For this week you will have to take a picture with as many faction leaders as possible except peaceful factions leaders. (That means that you will have to take a screenshot with every gang, mixt and PD factions leader). The first 3 members that fullfill the mission in time and take a picture with as many leaders as possible will get the following prizes: 1`st place: 250.000$ + the right of wearing the Leader skin for 1 entire week 2`nd place: 150.000$ 3`rd place: 100.000$ Participation in mission prize: 10.000$ Mentions: - The leader has to be online. Not on /sleep or AFK. [/wave] is optional. - In total you should have a maximum of 16 photos that you can post in one imgur link. Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs: Have fun!
  14. • Nick: Stalin • Rank: 5 • Person who you'd like to add (RPG BAR): • Name and level of the player: Peaceful, level 52 • Date of offense: 15/08/2021 • Reason: DM • Evidence: Here • Anything else?: -
  15. Nice to meet you too! I hope you will have a great time here
  16. First Place: @KINYO. 250.000$ Second Place: @MNOp 150.000$ Third Place: - Congratulations to both of you! I hope to see you all more active next weeks! Have fun!
  17. Weekly Mission by SF School Instructors. Hello, Instructors! For this weekly mission you have to complete all the tasks from Catalin 5 times this week. The first 3 members to fullfill the mission in time will recieve the following prize: 1st Prize: 250.000$ 2nd Prize: 150.000$ 3rd Prize: 100.000$ Participation in mission: 10.000$ Mentions: - you have to start doing the mission only from Monday 02/08/2021, 05:00 AM server time. -you have to take a screenshot when there will appear the notification with the prize you got for finishing all the tasks. So in total there should be 5 screenshots that you can post in one imgur link. Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs: Have fun!
  18. The summer is almost as hot as you are! It`s going pretty good! How about yours?
  19. Nickname: Stalin Rank: SF Manager (5) Proofs: Chart: http://imgur.com/a/xDfPvz3 photos: http://imgur.com/a/9mJiOFa
  20. -Name: Stalin - Rank: SF Manager - Date of the test: 10/07/2021 - Candidate: ItsRamin - Results (x/3): 1/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers): _
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