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AIM raul1275

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Everything posted by AIM raul1275

  1. Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: sisea Motiv: absent wars 1/03 (1/2) Sanctiune: Amenda $30,000+avertisment verbal (2/2) Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: sisea Motiv: Acumulare x2 av Sanctiune: fw
  2. evidenta 1.03.2022 30 secunde ambele av+amenda: sisea
  3. Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: sisea Motiv: absent wars 28.02 (1/2) Sanctiune: Amenda $30,000+avertisment verbal (1/2) Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: buzatu_ Motiv: absent wars 28.02 (1/2) Sanctiune: Amenda $30,000+avertisment verbal (1/2)
  4. evidenta 28.02.2022 30 secunde ambele av+amenda la sisea si buzatu_
  5. Nick: raul1275 Rank: Leader Membrul sanctionat: zodiak Motiv: banat Sanctiune: demitere Nick: raul1275 Rank: Leader Membrul sanctionat: pscDEADHAZE Motiv: banat Sanctiune: demitere
  6. UPDATE la timpul de sanctionare a orelor jucate RO: Membrii ce nu acumulează 15 ore reale lunare vor fi considerați inactivi si sancționați (conform regulamentului). Pentru a nu se ajunge in situații de genul: X a avut prima abatere in 2020 si a doua abatere in 2022, rezultând in rank down, abaterile de acum se reseteaza mereu la 6 luni de la ultima sanctiune acordata pentru lipsa orelor. ENG: Members who don't have 15 monthly real hours played will be considered inactive and will be punished according to the rules. To avoid situations like the following: X was first punished in 2020 and then again in 2022, meaning Rank Down this time, the punishments will now be reset every 6 months from the last punishment for low activity.
  7. Update regulament UPDATE: RO: Membrii ce nu acumulează 15 ore reale lunare vor fi considerați inactivi si sancționați (conform regulamentului). Pentru a nu se ajunge in situații de genul: X a avut prima abatere in 2020 si a doua abatere in 2022, rezultând in rank down, abaterile de acum se reseteaza mereu la 6 luni de la ultima sanctiune acordata pentru lipsa orelor. ENG: Members who don't have 15 monthly real hours played will be considered inactive and will be punished according to the rules. To avoid situations like the following: X was first punished in 2020 and then again in 2022, meaning Rank Down this time, the punishments will now be reset every 6 months from the last punishment for low activity.
  8. Nick: raul1275 Rank: Leader Membrul sanctionat: nacl Motiv: absent wars 4/4 Sanctiune: Faction Warn Nick: raul1275 Rank: Leader Membrul sanctionat: factot Motiv: absent wars 4/4 Sanctiune: Faction Warn Nick: raul1275 Rank: Leader Membrul sanctionat: sisea Motiv: absent wars 4/4 Sanctiune: Faction Warn
  9. evidenta wars 2/25/2022 (2/2) primul war pe 30 iar al doilea 400 fw: nacl, factot, sisea
  10. Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: buzatu_ Motiv: absent wars 2/24/2022 (1/4) Sanctiune: Amenda $15,000 Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: zamolxis Motiv: absent wars 2/24/2022 (2/4) Sanctiune: Avertisment verbal (1/2) Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: reluSIGMAMALE Motiv: absent wars 2/24/2022 (2/4) Sanctiune: Avertisment verbal (1/2)
  11. evidenta 2/24/2022 evidenta pe 30 secunde la toate 4 av: zamolxis si relu amenda: buzatu_
  12. evidenta wars 2/23/2022 (2/2) evidenta pe 400 secunde ambele
  13. evidenta wars (2/2) 2/22/2022 400 secunde ambele
  14. Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: donmofturos Motiv: absent wars 2/21 (1/2) Sanctiune: Amenda $30,000+avertisment verbal (1/2)
  15. evidenta 2/21/2022 400 secunde ambele av+amenda la donmofturos
  16. Nickname: raul1275 Rank: leader Am dat teste cu: .ady Rezultatul probei teoretice (x/3):x Rezultatul probei de arme (x/5): x Rezultatul (admis/respins) admis Alte precizari: New subleader !
  17. Nick: raul1275 Rank: Leader Membrul sanctionat: dontheronN Motiv: banat Sanctiune: Faction war 3/3 Nick: raul1275 Rank: Leader Membrul sanctionat: guccypapichullo Motiv: banat Sanctiune: Faction war 3/3
  18. Nick: raul1275 Rank: Leader Membrul sanctionat: marocanu_nervos Motiv: absent war 1/1 2/16/2022 Sanctiune: Faction Warn
  19. evidenta 2/16/2022 pe 400 secunde fw la marocanu
  20. Evidenta wars (2/2) 2/14/2022 400 secunde ambele
  21. Nick: raul1275 Rank: Leader Membrul sanctionat: andreiOG Motiv: absent wars 4/4 2/11/2022 Sanctiune: Faction Warn
  22. Evidenta 2/11/2022 400 secunde toate 4 fw: andreiog
  23. Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: buzatu_ Motiv: absent war 9/2 (1/2) Sanctiune: Amenda $30,000+avertisment verbal (1/2) Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: andreiog Motiv: absent war 9/2 (1/2) Sanctiune: Amenda $30,000+avertisment verbal (1/2)
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