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TE Kistaska

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Everything posted by TE Kistaska

  1. http://i.imgur.com/gcrm1Eo.jpg how is my new home? :)
    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. TE Kistaska

      TE Kistaska

      monti u gay. its 1998

    3. Monti


      Ye, 100th anniversary of build in 1998.

    4. Gisele


      Looks great. But you suck at taking pics :))

  2. Cant take any more of this disrespectful staff activity. Im sorry about to leave my friends but i wont spend any more time on this server. For all of you good luck and success. For admins who read this good abusing, ignoring, be arrogant like always and make this place even worse than it is already. Good luck
  3. Leaving soon..

    1. Show previous comments  7 more


      :)) your car is complete then
    3. TE Kistaska

      TE Kistaska

      o ye. lol. i just have to get the launch control, install it and im gonna eat everybody ;))))

  4. well done nub. i dont understand even a word but im sure they saying too much good about u XD

  5. Hello LSPD members First of all I would welcome all the new players and wish best of luck for all you. For some of you this is the first Department ad for other its the 2-3-4 etc.. Maybe you dont know it yet but to be a member of LSPD this time is a big chance. You got one of the best Leader and Sub-leader in the history of this server. Infernalguess started in LSPD like you or me. He just kept working hard and she how far is he got. If you keep the good work up, he will be there if you get i trouble and hes gonna help you out. He helped me much already. If you respect him, hes gonna respect you too. Maxtreme is the same. If youre a good guy, hes gonna take you in his swat team even if you get 2 points of 10. What you give to them, you will receive the same. I have to mention a few other LSPD member. I stat the list with Zuga_Zuga as he is a member of LSPD for more than 3 years. Right with that much activity as he does its not too long time but he deserve the respect. He also a good guy. For rules you better to check forum because 3 years or not, he still doesnt know rules.. The list is endless of good members of lspd but i would mention Kinoto, Akki, bogdann and much much more. They will always be there if you need help. Except if they are afk. So actually better to solve your problem on your own than waiting for them... joking.!! This is the 5th time in LSPD and i can say this is one of the best faction ever. So for closing these lines i would like to say a big thanks to the leader, sub-leader for helping me up to this high. I will never forget what i got from all of you. I wish the best for all of you. RESPECT!
  6. I hate those peoples who gets higher and forget where they came from...

  7. Cumpar sultan pana in 950.000$

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CosmarulLuiPunnnct


      :))))) LASA-TE DE SAMP LASA-TE :))


    3. Jester the Executive

      Jester the Executive

      Get a Honda with these money, sultan is too expensive for you.

    4. TE Kistaska

      TE Kistaska

      so the honda is a cheap sh*t? :)

  8. zuga and ivano played the same thing with me. but i sucked it more... they got me relog 4-5 times, reinstalled multiplayer client, 2x router restart )))))))))))
  9. next insult ba kick warn ban nub balfasz )) my mods are great
  10. this font maff? http://www.gtaall.com/gta-san-andreas/mods/44303-c-hud-by-bodie.html
  11. rank 4 LSPD :)))))))))))) I HATE U INFERNAL

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. A K K I

      A K K I

      Give me 2.5kk Infernal ....

    3. TE Kistaska

      TE Kistaska

      omfg XD inf why do u lie? i gave u 10kk not 5kk.... just want to make me looks like a poor nub.... akki u get only cuc XD

    4. A K K I

      A K K I

      Kistaska i need only money take cuc back :D LoL

  12. if u keep ignoring my insults im gonna kick ur ass for sure
  13. bobby u dumb... im gonna miss u nab dont forget us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. kino ure the biggest balfasz ever. go to make resignation nab!;!!! i hate u
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