• Nickname: Chahouba
• Previous nicknames: -
• Since when are ypu playing SA-MP on B-Zone ?: 7 months
• Level: 25+
• Real age: 15
• (Real) Gender: Male
• Number of ingame warnings and the reason you got them: 1/3 (amenintari cu ban )
• Were you ever banned? If yes, why?: No
• Previous factions and the rank you had in them (in order): Taxi Cab Compay - - > Rank : 1
(Rank2) -
(Rank1) - Lider Vinnie
• Why did you leave the last two factions and the dates you left them in?: Bad Team! I leaved last faction in 10.09.2013 14:42
• Resignation link to the last two factions you have been in (if any): http://www.b-zone.ro/rpg/faction-logs.php?f=12&ac=562533
• Have you been a member of any department? If yes, why did you leave it?: No,
• Are you active on the forum?: Yes
• Do you understand that the Police Department is a very serious department and you need to have a very good attitude and language?: Yes, Of course
• Do you understand that if you don’t stay for at least two weeks in PD you will be kicked out with 60 Faction Punish?: Yes
• Did you read the Police Department Rules and the other important threads and do you agree to be punished for breaking these rules?: Yes, Sure
• Why do you want to join the Police Department?: I like this job and i like cops in real too , and it has good leader !
• Are you capable of teamwork ? Yes, of course
• A screenshot with /stats, detective skill and /time (obligatory): http://postimg.org/image/pvqtqeajb/
• How many hours do you play daily withouth being AFK?: 9-10+ hours !
• You are on the BlackList at a faction?: No
• If yes, you agree to pay to be removed from it?: Yes
• A short characterisation of yourself: I am chahouba From tunisia my favorit Game is samp i like this game and make all time to play samp