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Rayan Joe

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About Rayan Joe

  • Birthday 08/08/2000

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    ,Don't be the same, be better!
    Many want to change the world, but few want to change themselves.
    The future is an undiscovered past.
    Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.
    Winners hate to lose and losers just hate.
    Just be yourself!

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    Louay Joe

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Rayan Joe's Achievements


Contribuitor (4/14)



  1. Nick :[MwP]M.Spacetime Rank :1 Motivul invoirii:Plec in oras. Data sedintei la care nu poti veni :07/08/2014 Alte precizari : I Will Go To The Beach
  2. Nickname [MwP]HITMAN1 Rank: 1 Level: 14 Motivul pentru care nu pot ajunge la sedinta/activitate: Sedinta Data sedintei/activitatii: 27.07.2014 Alte precizari: I am out from my City
  3. Raportul de activitate intocmit de ( Officer [MwP]Joe.), echipa ROADS. Numarul raportului: 2 Numar de licente suspendate: 26 Numar de amenzi acordate: 35 Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): Numar de wanted-uri "neconformare ordin" acordate: 6 Jucatori ajutati: - Punctaj TOTAL: (26*2) + 35+ 6 = 93 Alte mentionari: Doamne Ajuta! Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 16.06.2014 - 21.06.2014
  4. Really , With Blackthief , u can't Leave LVPD ( Best Leader )

  5. Raportul de activitate intocmit de Officer [MwP]Joe., echipa ROADS. Numarul raportului: 1 Numar de licente suspendate:18 Cofiscate Numar de amenzi acordate: 57 Ticket Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): - Numar de wanted-uri "neconformare ordin" acordate: 7-Wanted Jucatori ajutati: - Punctaj TOTAL: (18x2)+57+7= 100 Alte mentionari: - Un raport mai bun. Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 11.06.2014 - 14.06.2014
  6. Life **___** COP

  7. • Nickname: Chahouba • Previous nicknames: - • Since when are ypu playing SA-MP on B-Zone ?: 7 months • Level: 25+ • Real age: 15 • (Real) Gender: Male • Number of ingame warnings and the reason you got them: 1/3 (amenintari cu ban ) • Were you ever banned? If yes, why?: No • Previous factions and the rank you had in them (in order): Taxi Cab Compay - - > Rank : 1 (Rank2) - (Rank1) - Lider Vinnie • Why did you leave the last two factions and the dates you left them in?: Bad Team! I leaved last faction in 10.09.2013 14:42 • Resignation link to the last two factions you have been in (if any): http://www.b-zone.ro/rpg/faction-logs.php?f=12&ac=562533 • Have you been a member of any department? If yes, why did you leave it?: No, • Are you active on the forum?: Yes • Do you understand that the Police Department is a very serious department and you need to have a very good attitude and language?: Yes, Of course • Do you understand that if you don’t stay for at least two weeks in PD you will be kicked out with 60 Faction Punish?: Yes • Did you read the Police Department Rules and the other important threads and do you agree to be punished for breaking these rules?: Yes, Sure • Why do you want to join the Police Department?: I like this job and i like cops in real too , and it has good leader ! • Are you capable of teamwork ? Yes, of course • A screenshot with /stats, detective skill and /time (obligatory): http://postimg.org/image/pvqtqeajb/ • How many hours do you play daily withouth being AFK?: 9-10+ hours ! • You are on the BlackList at a faction?: No • If yes, you agree to pay to be removed from it?: Yes • A short characterisation of yourself: I am chahouba From tunisia my favorit Game is samp i like this game and make all time to play samp
  8. Nick: [50]Joe. Screen-Shoot cu scorul de la war:http://i.imgur.com/cr5VgWG.jpg Numarul de war-uri la care am participat: Toate Alte precizari: NEW Team
  9. me and my friend having fun
  10. × Nickname: X Level: X Why do you want to get in Tow Car Company? -because i need to have a faction X You know the rules Tow Car Company? -yes × You agree that you must stay in Tow Car Company for at least 2 weeks? -yes no problem × You will meet the leader and members with higher rank of Tow Car Company? -maybe X What skill of the mechanic job?: -speed smart × You agree if you ask to receive uninvite rank with factionpunish 60/60?: -yes X How many hours a day playing?: -5 hours × real age?: × Why were you dismissed from previous faction?: - its my first faction × What's NameNick past you had? nothink X Other explanations? -i tray to get this faction because taxi faction is not avable naw
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