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  1. San Fierro School Instructors Weekly mission! 19/08/2024 - 25/08/2024 Instructors for this week the task you have to have to do is: 1. Visit Catalin in Grove Street neighborhood. 2. Take a picture of you while smoking. 3. Get a heal from a Paramedic. 4. Roll the dice until you get the number 3. 5. Recreate this PICTURE The chat can appear (f10) The proof must contain the usual HUD Make sure that it includes your name, server name, date, and the time. The prizes for this weekly mission are: First prize: $200,000 Second prize: $150,000 Third prize: $100,000 Bonus (The first one to post will have the chance to choose the prize) Halved Activity Report Permission to wear Leader Skin $50,000 POSTING MODEL: Nickname: Rank: Proofs: Bonus Prize Chosen: PS: We'll announce Winners for the weekly mission at the end of the week. * For mistakes & modifications > PM the leader/Weekly mission Organizer. Enjoy! *If you have any proposals and suggestions for the weekly mission, Contact us on Discord/In-game. SFSI Discord: https://discord.gg/CeBCxS2D
  2. *anulat*- Nume: Mest - Linkul catre profilul de website / RPG bar: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/Mest - Tipul de interviu dorit: simplu - Numele celorlalți participanți (dacă există): - - Linkul catre profilul de website al participanților / RPG bar: - - Am luat la cunoștință regulile prezentate pe prima pagină: Da! - Alte precizări: Doamne ajuta!
  3. Nickname: Mest Rank: 5 (SF Manager) Proofs: https://imgur.com/a/LZ9O2hL Bonus Prize Chosen: Leader skin
  4. Nickname: Mest Rank: 5 (SF Manager) Proofs: click here Bonus Prize Chosen: 50.000$
  5. Nickname: Mest Rank: 5 (SF Manager) Proofs: click here Bonus Prize Chosen: $50,000
  6. Nickname: Mest Rank: 5 (SF Manager) Proofs: click here Bonus Prize Chosen: $50,000
  7. Nickname: Mest Rank: 5 (SF Manager) Proofs: https://imgur.com/a/Xw9PvCe Bonus Prize Chosen: $50000
  8. Posting model: Nickname: Mest Rank: 4 (Supervisor) Proofs: >Click here< Bonus Prize Chosen: $50000
  9. Nickname: Mest Rank: 4 (Supervisor) Proofs: https://imgur.com/a/nfCAnUG Bonus Prize Chosen: $50.000
  10. Nickname: Mest Rank: 4 (Supervisor) Proofs: https://imgur.com/a/nzrzIaH Bonus Prize Chosen: $50.000
  11. Nickname: Mest Rank: 3 (Senior Instructor) Proofs: https://imgur.com/a/FaabYSh Bonus Prize Chosen: Permission to Wear Leader Skin
  12. - Name: Mest - Link to the website profile / RPG bar: - The type of interview you want: Normal - Name of other participants (if any): - - Link to the website profile of the participants / RPG bar: - - I was aware of the rules presented on the first page: Da. - Other specifications: EDIT: Nu mai este nevoie, multumesc.
  13. Nickname: Mest Rank: 3 Senior Instructor Proofs: https://imgur.com/a/9ImsYrT Bonus Prize Chosen: Half activity report
  14. Nickname: Mest Rank: 2 (SF Instructor) Proofs: https://imgur.com/a/STtSAGm Bonus Prize Chosen: $50000
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