RO: O noua regula a fost adaugata
18. Daca un suspect fara drept de predare se afla in masina unui alt player si il ajuta sa fuga, soferul primeste wanted 6 pentru complice fara somatii.
-- ATENTIE ! Sa fie dovezi care arata ca suspectul este transportat, nu doar o poza amarata cu suspectul pe G !!! Soferul trebuie sa aiba level 15+ pentru a primi wanted.
EN: New rule was added
18. If a suspect without right to surrender is on a player car and he's helping him to run, the driver gets wanted 6 accomplice withouut summons.
--Atenttion ! You need to have serios proofs when the suspect is transported on G, not just a single foto with the suspect on G !!! The driver need to have level 15+.