A fost adaugata o sectiune obligatorie in cadrul Raportului de activitate. Aceasta consta in ajutorul acordat jucatorilor incepatori (level 1-5). Daca acestia au intrebari/nelamuriri voi trebuie sa-i ajutati. Ajutorul vostru va fi rasplatit cu cate 1 punct de jucator ajutat. Dovezile necesare vor fi cuprinse in 2 poze, mai exact explicatie + multumire. Se puncteaza ajutorul informativ si nu cel financiar.
Atentie : Fiind sectiune obligatorie trebuie sa faceti minim 7 puncte. Cine nu face punctajul minim fa fi sanctionat cu FW + raport anulat.
Cine refuza sa ajute in mod intentionat un jucator incepator va fi demis fara discutii, avand si interdictie in departamente.
Jucatorii cu level mai mic de 10 vor fi somati clar si pe nume : "X trage pe dreapta, risti wanted 2 neconformare ordin" "X te predai, risti runner". Acestea sunt exemple, dar fiecare caz va fi tratat individual. Sunteti obligati sa acordati minim 30 secunde timp de raspuns dupa somatii.
Jucatorii cu level 1-5 vor fi somati clar si pe nume dupa modelul anterior, dar:
- NU vor primi wanted mai mare decat 2, orice wanted acordat va fi de +1W (daca au deja wanted 2 + vor ramane cu el, dar isi vor pierde dreptul de predare)
- Daca nu se predau vor primi W1 "runner" dar numai daca au wanted mai mic decat 2, daca au wanted 2 isi vor pierde dreptul de predare.
- Timpul obligatoriu pe care il acordati pentru raspuns la somatii va fi de 1 minut.
- Pe langa somatiile obisnuite sunteti obligati sa acordati si cate o somatie dupa modelul urmator : "Daca nu te predai acum vei sta mai mult timp in inchisoare", "Opreste masina sau vei intra in inchisoare"
- Sunteti obligati sa somati jucatorul de oricate ori este nevoie pentru a vedea clar mesajul politistului si a intelege ca i se adreseaza lui.
Jucatorii AFK on Wanted nu vor mai fi somati si dupa omorati. Se va anunta pe chatul departamentelor [/d] X AFK on Wanted si se va face o poza care sa dovedeasca ca este AFK. Urmatorul politist care vine dupa 5 minute obligatorii si il gaseste tot AFK il va putea omora pe baza dovezilor polistului anterior.
There is a new row in the Activity Report to complete. It is about helping newbies (level 1-5). If they have any questions you must help them. Your help will be rewarded with an extra point for each player you help. You will need 2 images to validate your help, one with the explanation and one with the gratitude. Only helpful information is rewarded, not financial one.
Attention: Because the Activity Report is mandatory you have to get a minimum of 7 points (so 7 helped newbies). Who doesn't complete this task gets a Faction Warn and Activity Report cancellation.
Who refuses to help a newbie will get kicked from LSPD and he won't have permission join any department ever.
Players with level lower than 10 will be summoned clearly and using their name: "X, Pull Over, you risk wanted 2 for not obeying orders", "X, do you surrender? you risk runner". These 2 are some examples but each case will be treated individually. You have to wait at least 30 seconds for the suspect to answer.
Players with level 1-5 will be summoned clearly and using their name like i said above but:
-They won't get wanted higher than 2, any crime they do, they will get +1W (if they already have wanted 2+ they will keep that wanted but they will lose the right to surrender).
-If they don't surrender they will get W1 "runner" but only if they have wanted less than 2. If they have wanted 2 they will only lose their right to surrender.
-You have to wait 1 minute for them to answer to your summons.
-Besides the regular summons, you have to tell them this message: "If you don't surrender now you will spend more time in jail", "Stop the car or you will get jailed".
-You are obliged to summon that player until he sees your message clearly and he understands it.
AFK on Wanted players won't be summoned and killed immediately. After you summon a AFK on Wanted player you must announce on [/d] "X AFK on Wanted" and make a Screenshot proving that the suspect is AFK. The next cop who comes after MINIMUM 5 minutes finds the suspect still AFK can kill the suspect using the proofs from the previous cop.