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Everything posted by TrNA

  1. Sick of crying , tired of trying , yeah I'm smiling but inside , I'm dying...

    1. Criminal xD

      Criminal xD

      Its a game dude :| WTF!

    2. Jester the Executive

      Jester the Executive

      Don't be disappointed, if you fail the test 3-4 times in a row means that you aren't ready for there... And yes it's only a game

    3. F4L BogdiBmx
  2. Now I know a magical power blocked my way to join H.A I mean what it could be expect it after 6 times tonight at this moment sadly I'm thinking about leaving ...

  3. Nume in joc: TrNA Level: 47 Varsta(reala): 19 Sex (masculin / feminin) : masculin De cat timp jucati pe server? : 14 months Factiuni precedente : Vietnamese boys , Verdant family , LV taxi , National guard , Hitman agency , 2 times LSPD , Red Dragon Triad & The Tsar Bratva Rank-ul ultimei factiuni : Rank 1 (Byki) Motivul pentru care ati parasit/ati fost demisi din fosta factiune : Resign to join H.A Cel mai mare rank avut in vreo factiune (Specifica factiunea) : Rank 2 Vedrant family , National guard , 2 times LSPD , Red Dragon Triad De ce doriti sa va alaturati agentiei? : Performing silent contracts is my skill and I want to do it as perfect way and being patience to pull trigger to make silent contracts Cu ce considerati ca se ocupa aceasta agentie? : Trades human life for the money Sti regulile Hitman Agency si ai citit macar odata Info, orders and Agency skins? : Yes Intelegeti ca suntem o agentie seriosa de asasini si glumele si prostiile nu-si au rostul? : Yes Ai avut antecedente cu unul sau mai multi membrii Hitman Agency?: Yes Ai mai fost membru Hitman : Yes Motivul iesirii / demiterii din Hitman (in caz ca ai mai fost) : Kicked with Faction punish for Abuse contracts (I had to wait 10 minutes I waited 6 minutes on anthony.'s leader time) Cate ore pe zi acordati acestui joc, fara afk? : 4-6 Hours per a day Nickname-uri anterioare : --- Considerati ca aveti capacitatea de a indeplini un contract fara probleme? : Yes Aveti capacitatea de a scrie corect gramatical? Yes Poza cu /stats (civil obligatoriu + sa apara si /time cand e facuta) si skill la detectiv: Click please Cate warn'uri ai in joc? (precizeaza de ce) : 0/3 Ati fost vreodata banat pe vreun motiv anume? (precizeaza si de ce) : Yes once for warn threat Esti pe BlackList'ul unei factiuni? (precizeaza care) : No Esti dispus sa platesti sa fi scos de pe eventualul BlackList?: Yes Alte precizari? : Nothing
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