Nume in joc:TrNA
Sex (masculin / feminin) : Male
De cat timp jucati pe server? : it's 13 months
Factiuni precedente : Cuneo family (rank 1) - Tattaglia family (rank 2) - Taxi cab company (rank 1) - National Guard (rank 2) - Hitman Agency (rank 1) - Police department (rank 2) - Police department (rank 2 ) Two times I was in LSPD
Rank-ul ultimei factiuni : LSPD 2
Motivul pentru care ati parasit/ati fost demisi din fosta factiune : I resigned LSPD to join H.A
Cel mai mare rank avut in vreo factiune (Specifica factiunea) : Rank 2
De ce doriti sa va alaturati agentiei? : Because furfill contracts in silent and shadows is one of the my favorite jobs in the RPG b-zone
Cu ce considerati ca se ocupa aceasta agentie? : Trade human's life for money it's just a business nothing personal !
Sti regulile Hitman Agency si ai citit macar odata Info, orders and Agency skins? : Yes
Intelegeti ca suntem o agentie seriosa de asasini si glumele si prostiile nu-si au rostul? : Yes
Ai avut antecedente cu unul sau mai multi membrii Hitman Agency?: Yes
Ai mai fost membru Hitman : Yes
Motivul iesirii / demiterii din Hitman (in caz ca ai mai fost) :My contract left the game I asked to gethit but no one respond That time when anthony. was leader time to wait if no one respond was 10 minutes but I waited 6 minutes by wrong I did gethit and bullz007 was watching me and he took me and reported me to anthony. then I got kick Because it was in my test period
Cate ore pe zi acordati acestui joc, fara afk? :If I get in hitman I'll be online 8-9 hours without afk on game per a day
Nickname-uri anterioare : ---
Considerati ca aveti capacitatea de a indeplini un contract fara probleme? :It's one of my skills so yes
Aveti capacitatea de a scrie corect gramatical?Yes
Poza cu /stats (civil obligatoriu + sa apara si /time cand e facuta) si skill la detectiv: Click here please
Cate warn'uri ai in joc? (precizeaza de ce) :No
Ati fost vreodata banat pe vreun motiv anume? (precizeaza si de ce) :Yes once I got banned for Warn threat but I was telling guy don't dm you will get Warn or ban
Esti pe BlackList'ul unei factiuni? (precizeaza care) :No
Esti dispus sa platesti sa fi scos de pe eventualul BlackList?:Yes
Alte precizari? : Good luck