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Everything posted by TrNA

  1. Noapte buna guys Don't forget about tomorrow on 14:00 Server time
  2. Good things never come easy. You know you have something good when it was hard to get.

  3. Good things never come easy. You know you have something good when it was hard to get.

  4. Hello guys I lost top 5 player on war for -2 points Good luck to guys which are in the list Friday I'll go to olympic game for Motor and Bike section pray for me to get good medal for Red Dragon Triad
  5. TrNA

    Guess the car

    Nick in joc: TrNA Nick pe forum: TrNA Level: 42 Factiune: Red dragon Triad Parare despre eveniment: Good Raspuns: Feltzer Alte precizari: nothing
  6. TrNA

    Guess the car

    Nick in joc: TrNA Nick pe forum: TrNA Level: 42 Factiune: Red dragon Triad Parare despre eveniment: Good Raspuns: Sabre Alte precizari: nothing
  7. Tomorrow we will see new southern pimps power Good night guys
  8. Good morning guys We did a robbery with 10 percents of fuel
  9. I try to /rob before sleep If I find robbers Hope [OC]Shooter couldn't defeat us on monday Noapte buna
  10. @, Thank you for replay of my question . Can I ask when I'll be able to change my job in free time ?
  11. Good night guys Welcome [OC]H1gh hope you enjoy the gang I have a question. Do we can change our job in our free time ? (my friend in 69 pier mobs told they can)
  12. Good morning guys Today will be my first war after 9-10 months I counting seconds to raise 13:00
  13. Hello guys good morning This morning had a rob with shopps but it failed now I have to spend 6000 seconds in jail for nothing we had 4-5 meters to checkpoint cops blowed our car
  14. Hello to all guys in gang This is my first post here I wanted to say hope we will have a good time together and be best gang in whole b-zone Thank to those guys who said welcome to me
  15. Nume in joc:TrNA Level:41 Varsta(reala):18 Sex (masculin / feminin) : Male De cat timp jucati pe server? : it's 13 months Factiuni precedente : Cuneo family (rank 1) - Tattaglia family (rank 2) - Taxi cab company (rank 1) - National Guard (rank 2) - Hitman Agency (rank 1) - Police department (rank 2) - Police department (rank 2 ) Two times I was in LSPD Rank-ul ultimei factiuni : LSPD 2 Motivul pentru care ati parasit/ati fost demisi din fosta factiune : I resigned LSPD to join H.A Cel mai mare rank avut in vreo factiune (Specifica factiunea) : Rank 2 De ce doriti sa va alaturati agentiei? : Because furfill contracts in silent and shadows is one of the my favorite jobs in the RPG b-zone Cu ce considerati ca se ocupa aceasta agentie? : Trade human's life for money it's just a business nothing personal ! Sti regulile Hitman Agency si ai citit macar odata Info, orders and Agency skins? : Yes Intelegeti ca suntem o agentie seriosa de asasini si glumele si prostiile nu-si au rostul? : Yes Ai avut antecedente cu unul sau mai multi membrii Hitman Agency?: Yes Ai mai fost membru Hitman : Yes Motivul iesirii / demiterii din Hitman (in caz ca ai mai fost) :My contract left the game I asked to gethit but no one respond That time when anthony. was leader time to wait if no one respond was 10 minutes but I waited 6 minutes by wrong I did gethit and bullz007 was watching me and he took me and reported me to anthony. then I got kick Because it was in my test period Cate ore pe zi acordati acestui joc, fara afk? :If I get in hitman I'll be online 8-9 hours without afk on game per a day Nickname-uri anterioare : --- Considerati ca aveti capacitatea de a indeplini un contract fara probleme? :It's one of my skills so yes Aveti capacitatea de a scrie corect gramatical?Yes Poza cu /stats (civil obligatoriu + sa apara si /time cand e facuta) si skill la detectiv: Click here please Cate warn'uri ai in joc? (precizeaza de ce) :No Ati fost vreodata banat pe vreun motiv anume? (precizeaza si de ce) :Yes once I got banned for Warn threat but I was telling guy don't dm you will get Warn or ban Esti pe BlackList'ul unei factiuni? (precizeaza care) :No Esti dispus sa platesti sa fi scos de pe eventualul BlackList?:Yes Alte precizari? : Good luck
  16. Good evening Co-workers Server is lag I get desnyc as I want start job I think this week I couldn't make +150 points
  17. Bafta in continuare Sorry for my bad romania langauge but good luck with H.A and thank you funny Screen shot but I'm not on it Good luck LSPD Cya tomorrow at training & meeting
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