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About Naor112

  • Birthday 07/15/1998

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  1. - Nume: Naor112 - Ziar scris în data de: 20/7/17 - Ziarul a fost aprobat de către: Kopgee - Ziar (poză): http://imgur.com/a/NJ81K - Alte precizări: he told me to post it
  2. so sorry to tell you, but you dont know how to program a quality code. ok so you will program a vehicle system. and then you will want to change something in the system. a good pragrammer will know how to program that his code will be dynamic. dynamic scripting is one of the most important stuff you look on a code when you judge it. there are more few things to look at, but that is one of them. no my friend, "As long as the code works without issues, the code is good. " you dont know what you are talking about. i programmed alot of SA-MP communities for years, and programmed modes who came up to 90K lines! so because my code was dynamic. as a programmer, it was to me to change things(dynamic) and no, if you look at someone and ask him "ok. do you think you are good? what can you program" to see if he is good, again, you are the newbie, not him.
  3. look thats a simple script, no a big system with development of years. post a little bit of your code so people can see how is your programming and maybe give you tips that can make you a better programmer! thats your choise buddy.
  4. of course you dont want to be judged, because your programming quality is bad af and your attitude as well. do you actualy sell codes, and think somebody gonna pay you for that? LOLLLL
  5. a good scripter never can be judged by a video. post your script on pastebin so people can give you tips and tell you what you need to improve.
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