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Everything posted by Rack

  1. Nick: RackeTzZz Rank: 1 Pachet numarul (1, 2, 3 sau 4): 4 Serviciul a fost oferit playerului: GigGs11[Legend] Anuntul dat: Clanul neoficial "The Legends" recruteaza jucatori cu minim level 8, detalii pe forum sau [/sms 877-8505]. Durata in care am dat anunturile: 25-29.04.2014 Dovada evidentei: http://imgur.com/a/LOiah Dovada ON/OFF: OFF - nu mai gasesc ss. Alte precizari: --
  2. http://youtu.be/tXO2QtjixaM
  3. Rack

    [MUSIC] - Reggae

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