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pH eLite

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About pH eLite

  • Birthday 10/14/1996

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  • Hobbies
    SA:MP & Entertainment

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pH eLite's Achievements


Explorer (5/14)



  1. Nick: Iz[Z]zy. Screen-Shoot cu scorul de la war: http://postimg.org/i...ge/44vr6usu1/ 0-0 / 0-1 http://postimg.org/i...ge/x12eb7khv/ 1-1 / 0-0 http://postimg.org/i.../ky1o1dytf/ 2-4 / 1 -2 http://postimg.org/image/l1sev3ezt/ 0-0 http://postimg.org/image/pi004yyth/ 1 -6 http://postimg.org/image/lmzxav441/ 0-1 http://postimg.org/image/g1djufvfb/ 1-4 Alte precizari: -
  2. Nick: Iz[Z]zy. Screen-Shoot cu scorul de la war: http://postimg.org/image/ihnczlh35/ 0-0 / 2-3 http://postimg.org/image/ig5f8oudh/ 1-1 / 0/0 http://postimg.org/image/6fcpqu97l/ 0-0 http://postimg.org/image/dgm67jbvl/ 0-2 / 0-0 http://postimg.org/image/szsdun0hh/ 1-5 / 0-0 http://postimg.org/image/c020mvdvz/ 1-4 Alte precizari: -
  3. Bravo baieti, asa va vreau pana vineri luam tot LS-u GG. Anca uite pozele ca le asteptai de mult click
  4. Salut Vietnamese boys, acum am venit si eu de la scoala. Ne vedem in game mai tarziu
  5. Noapte buna fratii mei, noapte buna taticule (KiNNNder.) Ne vedem maine la war sper sa fim cat mai multi. V-am pupat
  6. Salut baieti. Acum am venit si eu de afara, ce faceti? Welcome sccoci
  7. Nickname-ul tau: Iz[Z]zy. Rank: 2 Nickname-ul celui reclamat: Cristina_GL Level-ul celui reclamat: 6 Motivul: Dm aiurea Descrierea situatiei: Ma duceam la materials get cand cristina intra in mine pe contra sens, si dupa ma omoara. Dovada (Screenshot): http://postimg.org/gallery/bucjqjdc/
  8. Welcome back ask si noapte buna colegi eu am plecat la somn Ne auzim maine
  9. Nick: Iz[Z]zy. Screen-Shoot cu scorul de la war: http://postimg.org/gallery/8xliilcg/ Ate precizari: -
  10. Nickname-ul tau: Iz[Z]zy. Rank: 2 Nickname-ul celui reclamat: Alex4GamiNG Level-ul celui reclamat: 6 Motivul: Dm aiurea Descrierea situatiei: Ma plimbam cu bmx cand acest player imi fura bmx-u si dupa incepe sa traga in mine. Dovada (Screenshot): http://postimg.org/image/oktw521u3/
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