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About Orangixou

  • Birthday 04/17/1997

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Orangixou's Achievements


Explorer (5/14)



  1. Nick: Orangix ScreenShoot-urile cu scorurile de la war-uri: http://postimg.org/gallery/1zpvg43m/bfa194fb/ Numarul war-urilor la care am participat: 7 Alte precizari: -
  2. I discovered a secret Underwater meeting http://i.imgur.com/M6h4D2k.png
  3. Nick: Orangix ScreenShoot-urile cu scorurile de la war-uri: http://postimg.org/gallery/23idd9e0/29e360ea/ Numarul war-urilor la care am participat: 10 Alte precizari: -
  4. Nume : Orangix Factiune : Green Street Bloods Level : 26 Alte precizari : Nice event !
  5. Nick: Orangix ScreenShoot-urile cu scorurile de la war-uri: http://postimg.org/gallery/8yiufeas/52bcb6aa/ Numarul war-urilor la care am participat: 10 Alte precizari: -
  6. Nickname: Orangix Level: 26 Factiune: Green Street Bloods Numarul ales: 47 Alte precizari: Nice event !
  7. Nick: Orangix Level: 26 Ai înțeles regulamentul?: Yes În ce zi doriți să se desfășoare evenimentul: In weekend
  8. Thanks alot RoBBBy =) Moderator You can close the topic
  9. Thank you for your effort , i wait Some other creations then i choose
  10. Thanks for the effort , I still wait for other Creations
  11. Nick: Orangixou I want(avatar/signature/userbar/logo etc.): Avatar Picture(optional): http://i.imgur.com/1nGW5gN.jpg Theme(in case you didn't posted a picture): - Text: Orangix Size: You know better Other details: I really appreciate your creations
  12. Nume: Orangix Level: 23 Factiune: LSPD Fotografia aleasa: Alte precizari: Nice event !
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