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CBN Toriino

Social Media Manager
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Everything posted by CBN Toriino

  1. @,Baa esti nebun tu sau ce? manele esti viata mea Nabele! intreba cine e toriino daca nu stie! @@RazvyBestX, merci
  2. @@Carn,Okz My boss ! Yoyo honey singh!! lulii!! Salut all , whatsupp?
  3. @@Delia86,Bine ai venit, si mult sucess cu factiuna. Noapte buna tutuor
  4. Merci, but if u can make it .gift ex moving Like this one: http://i.imgur.com/EvzsKRb.gif
  5. SaLuT , sunt noul vostu Coleg pe LV taxi cu nume Makaveli. ce mai facetii voi? @@rikos, ThankS for test Bro.
  6. RPG2 Admin Level 1, 2nd foreign admin.

  7. Nick:Toriino[CBN] Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo):Aavatar Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnatura): http://i.imgur.com/L8O7rd0.jpg Tema (In caz ca nu exista o imagine) Text: Toriino Dimensiuni: u have the choise Alte precizari:ThankS.
  8. WAR LA HQ !! Nick CHOP si Toriino SEF MDC: http://i.imgur.com/Xuf0u06.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KRPA0IV.jpg
  9. Nick: [Toriino[CBN] I want(avatar/signature/userbar/logo etc.): Logo Picture(optional) Theme(in case you didn't posted a picture):you have the choise Text: Toriino B-Zone Staff. Size: u have the choise Other details: Thx.
  10. RPG 2 Admin SAMP Merci Kelton/Marik SEF/Bobo si tot staff RPG2

  11. RPG2 Admin SAMP merci Kelton /bobo si toate staff.

  12. Whatsupp!?

    1. South aNas


      Look at this: W: +2 ( 2 ): Reason: vorbit urat fata de poli. ( /su wanted =)) ).

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