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South Alright

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Everything posted by South Alright

  1. Nume in joc: Alright Contract: http://i.imgur.com/lO3WLJd.jpg
  2. party in biz 114 at 17:00 server time (BE THERE)

  3. Hitman Agency Rank 3 :>

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. South Madalinescu
    3. ExplayerZaiD


      Congrats brooo

    4. L o o d y

      L o o d y

      JoJo Rank 0 in HA is better than Rank 6 in SI =]]]]

      Kidding ofc x)

    1. South WaeL BeLhaJ

      South WaeL BeLhaJ

      Lmao you're talking like a russian guy that recently learned english xD i like dat accent

    2. South Alright

      South Alright

      check part 1 before you judge :)))

    3. RobertRN


      GG Nab :)) I don't forget to check your video! xD

  4. “Help someone, you earn a friend. Help someone too much, you make an enemy.” ― Erol Ozan

  5. Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.

    1. Numinex


      Wise Words

    2. L o o d y

      L o o d y

      and what did you decide?

  6. “What happens when people open their hearts?" "They get better.”

  7. say my name and they will respect you,mention my history and they will be terrified,become my friend and everyone will fear you.

    1. South Soufyen

      South Soufyen

      with humbleness :)))))))))))))

    2. Aziz nWo
  8. :))))))
    1. Bob LCN

      Bob LCN


    2. S4F Necomercial

      S4F Necomercial

      I will find you and i will kill you for this BAD JOKE

    3. Numinex


      Idk why I wasted my time watching that shit

  9. With deep sorrow inform you the sad demise of rami on 31 March 2017 at 6:15 pm with a heart attack also knowing as Alright in this game community,i have been instructed to do this based on his wish if anything happens to him so he doesn't die unknown,more informations will be announced later on,he wanted to show you who he was as a real person not a player.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. L o o d y

      L o o d y

      He left too soon, no chance to say goodbye :'(

      I loved him like forever ...

    3. Dave nWo

      Dave nWo

      Damn... I have no words. He was such a great guy. Kind, loyal, helpfull... I am sure he's in a better place right now. Rest in peace my brother.

    4. S4F Necomercial

      S4F Necomercial

      This is a bad joke...

  10. make your friend's rich and your enemy's rich and figure out which is which!

  11. Nume in joc: Alright Contract: http://i.imgur.com/bYR5xyr.jpg
  12. /
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Aziz nWo

      Aziz nWo

      LAAAAAAAAAAAAA :( My eyes some one delete dis plzzzzzz

    3. L o o d y

      L o o d y

      You only woke up when Alright called upon you! Awe how sweet <3

    4. South GroMo

      South GroMo

      fine , you got me this time my bad.

  13. “...some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. they can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. some men just want to watch the world burn.” ― Michael Caine

  14. Nume in joc: Alright Contract: http://i.imgur.com/a6JX9Rd.jpg
  15. Nume in joc: Alright Contract: http://i.imgur.com/u26Zg8t.jpg
  16. Name: Alright - RPG Bar: - Type of Interview topic, and amount of players: double interview,2 players - RPG Bar for ALL other participants: - I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: Yes. - Anything else: Thank's.
  17. Please be advise, i only play in RPG1 server i don't play in RPG4 and i never had.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. South Alright

      South Alright

      i will take you with me.

    3. CiprianGRZ


      ok bro, let`s buy some tickets :)) hahahhaa

    4. South Alright

      South Alright

      i already bought 2 tickets for you and my self :))) we will be in the first seats :)))) VIP hahahah

  18. Name: Alright - RPG Bar: - Type of Interview topic, and amount of players: double interview,2 players - RPG Bar for ALL other participants: - I agree that I have read the rules on the top of the page: Yes. - Anything else: Thank's.
  19. I define perfection,and it defines me http://i.imgur.com/BGSkNQJ.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Argent


      Nice bro, hahaha i wish i could join Hitman Agency too :) <3

    3. PresidenT AnaS
    4. South WaeL BeLhaJ

      South WaeL BeLhaJ

      Hmm, and in less than 15seconds. Awesomeness

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