@, Men shut the fuck up, you are here the TOP Posthunter, and what happens if the Guy make Spawn Kill? It's not his problem, it's you'r problem because you can't take and deffend the HQ Turf. And why you care so much about the posts in Avispa Rifa? You get a post from him and now you are the Good Guy and he a PostHunter? When you gonna learn to play, you don't gonna care what makes the other people from other gangs, or make posts. And yes at the video were you died like a Nab i was who killed you What is here the problem? You don't have accuracy, you think you are Rambo and you can resist? No, and if he (Silviu)get's a kick to make Spawn Kill where the fuck you see some about the cheats? Men u, and you'r friend from 69, learn to play, because that happens all the time, when a Gang get's alot of turfs and play good, all anothers gonna call him "Hackers/Codati". And yes i'm not atm from ELC, but im here to show you who are the Really noobs.
Yes 3-4 Guys have banned, reason: Cheats, but no one gang it's clear. What happens with Nicu_Apetrei? What happens with Toushiro? Ban, so look at you'r gang and leave all anothers alone. It's that the cause because you can get a Turfs, when i was in ELC, i play to win, but you play just tu make Posts, and not to win. And after that you come here with bullshits and posts? GTFO Biaatch, bla bla bla. We win because we are 32 in the Turf, and you just 12, because the rest from you'r gang and you are waiting out from the turf with Bandicam ON, to make posts. So don't cry, if you continue with Bandicam out from the Turf, you never gonna get SF. Good Luck, maybe you learned something "PostHunter"
ELC Powaah.exe