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South Farouk

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Everything posted by South Farouk

  1. Welcome to All New Member School Instructors San Firro, Who need any Help or License just Call me Good luck.
  2. Guys, We Have Meeting on This Week ? (every 2 weeks or what?) i don't understand nothing ))))
  3. Hello CannBis, You start Your New Activity raport ?
  4. Nick: Bolbol2 / farouk.exe Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo): Logo Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnatura): One good one you want like (Natur on cristmas etc..), but please need it good Tema (In caz ca nu exista o imagine): You know your work about this. Text: Farouk.exe / bolbol2 Dimensiuni: - Alte precizari : Thanks for your work, i hope disigner help me for that work.
  5. Good job to all San Firro School Instructors Members for rank up and Happy New year For all Good bye 2014 Welcome 2015 Good luck.
  6. La multi ani 2015 , Good luck all National Guard members.
  7. Happy New Year To all b-zone player and My friends :)):*

  8. Hello National Guard, Today i join this Department im a new member )..!
  9. @, loool Dh the player want a surprise and direct you give him it )))))))..!
  10. @, Thank You ..! @@WaLa PaRiSaNo, Thank you bro . @, gg you got the rank 2 good luck on The future.
  11. Green Street Bloods va ureaza un Craciun Fericit alaturi de cei dragi !
  12. Green Street Bloods va ureaza un Craciun Fericit alaturi de cei dragi !
  13. Green Street Bloods va ureaza un Craciun Fericit alaturi de cei dragi !
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