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About Day

  • Birthday 05/19/1993

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    Iran - arak

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  1. Nume: Day Rang: 4 Suma depusa: 200.000 $ Motivul depunerii (donatie, amenda, altul): Gift Donate Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/H8Dnhqt Alte detalii: i just helping to my best Friend Ship in news reporter Love you All
  2. Nume: Day Rang: 3 Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 25.05.2019 Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Math Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Andreey., Daniel40, Abrath and FacTOT Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/3VmOnKo Alte precizari:My Last Contest in rank 3 ( Thank you maty and andreey )
  3. Nume: Day Rang: 3 Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 24.05.2019 Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Capitals Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Mihaitaa, Kendrick, Wicked.[x], Blacksword ( canceled ) Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/ZP6A1yh Alte precizari: -
  4. Nume: Day Rang: 3 Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 23.05.2019 Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Opposite Words Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Mihaitaa, Oxigen, Dareme,dLs_tQulia and PresuPusu Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/vpYQyRB Alte precizari: -
  5. Nume: Day Rang: 3 Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 17.05.2019 Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Capitals Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Dudu18, mihaitaa., [HaVaNa], Andy2k and Mrc14 Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/qurU4IL Alte precizari: -
  6. Nume: Day Rang: 3 Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 15.05.2019 Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Opposite Words Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: RightHand, Shlayde and lamaie ( lamaie inactive ) Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/0mcGAZw Alte precizari: -
  7. Nume: Day Rang: 3 Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 13.05.2019 Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Opposite Words Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: RightHand, Freshstyle23, pali1, brumarelu and Sebizusilent Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/GmkO1J0 Alte precizari: -
  8. Nume: Day Rang: 3 Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 12.05.2019 Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Opposite Words Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Baoke, Baoba Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/19hqLmt Alte precizari: -
  9. Nume: Day Rang: 3 Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 11.05.2019 Tipul emisiunii/concursului: capitale Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Morrigan, RaperUK, DerVectron, Laezaria. Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/9sGHcyh Alte precizari: -
  10. - Nume: Day[ToV]  - Ziar scris in data de: 09.04.2019 - Ziarul a fost aprobat de către: [uN]Ailime - Ziar (poza): https://imgur.com/a/RjuPGfE - Alte precizări: My second Paper . Thank you N.R Thank you Ailime
  11. - Nume: Day[ToV]  - Ziar scris in data de: 05.04.2019 - Ziarul a fost aprobat de către: [uN]Ailime - Ziar (poza): https://imgur.com/a/WbtISLt - Alte precizări: My First Paper . Thank you N.R Thank you Ailime
  12. Nick: Day Level: 56 Age(Real): 20 Gender(real): Female How old are you on the Server: About 4 Years RPG profile link: Have you ever Been Mayor: yes in May The reason you want to become a Mayor: #)I think I have gained full experience, this function suits me and I can impose myself in front of the players, I think this is the strength of each mayor. #)What am I going to do for the players:. I'm trying to show the little players of the level the good way, to explain them what is good to do and what not. #)I try to advise them how to earn money, explain the rules, give them concrete evidence of what happens if you break the rules. . #)I try to convince the players that this server is very nice and deserves to stay. . I will help them with money from my own pocket. #) will raise funds for the poor, no one will be bypassed. #) will make nice, fun and interesting events and perhaps a bit of general culture with some awards, for example: (sums of beauties of $, cars,). #)The prizes will be on the table, many surprises will be waiting for you. . New Idea : 1) Tax will be 1$ for the majority. 2) Daily events from my own pocket money or sponsors. 3) I have massive experience with Events and lots of creativity.  4) The new Events system looks very fun and I believe the players will enjoy this. 4) We will stabilize the To many Players B-Zone RPG1 players.  5) Events you can expect will be X/O, Par/Impar, Deagle, LMS, LCS, Trivia, SMS, Who wants to be a millionaire etc. 6) I have friends in the NR industry who will be able to accomodate with features like [/live] 7) With some free time coming I will be coming online more often for June I will make a program and at certain times I will receive the players in the town hall to listen to their biggest problems and help them solve them. .I will try to keep the server at To many Players all the time and make daily events with the players. I will also include many un-noticed Foreigners into the community and help them make new friends. I will make the following events at least every day, prize 50,000$+ What I intend to do for other players.: Keep the tax low at working hours to avoid hidden costs and make sure all players have a great time.
  13. I finally left B-Zone for Ever.was good moments with you guys.Bye All

  14. Nick: Clock[Gold] Rank: 3 (Supervisory Special Agent) Actiuni namecover: http://imgur.com/a/oy52P Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1x Possesion/Use Drugs Alte precizari: -
  15. Nick: Clock Rank: 3 (Supervisory Special Agent) Actiuni namecover: http://imgur.com/a/xLdpk Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1x Possesion/Use Drugs Alte precizari: -
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